The climb up the vertical did not take long. The ascent had been practiced many times on a mockup at a facility in rural Maryland. And now, for real, the trip was measured and swift.
They made only one stop.
At the fourth floor.
It took a few minutes to cut the opening in the wall there, and then they were on their way again. Better to have cut the hole now. When they were fleeing from here they would not want to waste time doing it.
As the four of them climbed, Chase gave final instructions. They would not have long after it was done to make their escape.
The shaft was well insulated from the outside as the building had been constructed around it. Still, Chase did not want to make any unnecessary sounds. The timing would be tight. They had lost precious minutes when the power had gone out in the bank. But he had built in a contingency because things never went exactly according to plan.
He checked his watch as they climbed. It would be okay, he thought. They would make it. They had better make it.
They reached the top floor and Chase motioned to the person directly below him. Everyone stopped. Chase eyed the drywall in front of him and checked the construction plans for this part of the building that he’d downloaded onto his phone, confirming the location. He pointed to the wall and the person directly below him rose up beside him while holding on to one of the girders. Both men withdrew cutting blades from their belt holders and began to carefully slice away.
It would not take long now.
Robie, Stone, and Harry peered inside the hole revealing the shaft.
“Pretty dark in there,” said Harry. “And stale air.”
Robie said, “And the higher we go the darker and staler.”
Harry opened his duffel bag. “I only have two pairs of night optics.”
Robie held out his hand. “I’ll take one.”
Harry glanced at Stone and said, “I’ll take the other.”
Stone considered this. It was obvious from his face that he too wanted to go up the shaft. Finally, he deferred to their youth. “Keep me posted.” Then he whispered to Harry, “And watch my lobbyist friend.”
Harry nodded and said, “If they get by us, don’t let them get by you.”
Stone gripped the pistol Harry had given him. “They won’t. But keep in mind that what goes up doesn’t necessarily come down. Or at least all the way down.”
As the two men prepared to go inside the shaft, Stone took out his phone and punched in the number. He spoke for one minute. When he clicked off he said, “Good luck.”
Annabelle looked desperately around the room after her call from Stone. He had filled her in on recent developments, which had only heightened her anxiety in having still not located Alex Ford.
She felt a hand on her arm and almost screamed.
It was Bob, the man she had come with.
“Been looking for you. Have someone I want to introduce you to.”
Annabelle caught her breath and said, “I really hope it’s the VP. Been dying to meet him.”
Bob smiled. “Then it’s your lucky day, Annabelle. Just don’t use the ‘dying’ word around him. Gets the Secret Service in a tizzy.”
She looked at him. “This is so exciting.” But she was thinking, You really have no idea how exciting.
“Hey, stick with me, I’ll take you places.” He gripped her by the elbow and propelled her forward.
They turned the corner and there was the VP.
And on his right-hand side was Alex Ford.
When Alex’s gaze caught on her, his lips parted and his eyes widened. Her panicked look immediately drew his suspicion.
But Bob stepped forward. “Mr. Vice President, I would like you to meet my new best friend, Annabelle Conroy.”
The nation’s second in command held out his hand, his smile wide and inviting. “Ms. Conroy, let me just warn you about this guy. Watch yourself around him.”
Bob laughed. Annabelle managed a titter. She glanced at Alex. He was staring directly at her.
She said, “I know this is silly, sir, but can I take a picture? I have my phone. I can take it myself. I know this is a fund-raiser and I’m probably supposed to be charged for a photo, but it really would mean the world to me.”
The vice president smiled more broadly. “I think we can make an exception.”
Annabelle slid out her phone, stood next to the vice president, held up the phone, and took a shot.
She stepped back and quickly hit some keys. “I’m just sending it to my mom. She’ll never believe this.” But she was actually typing a text. She hit send.
A few moments later Alex’s phone buzzed. Annabelle stared directly at him and then her gaze dropped to his pocket where his phone was buzzing. He slid it out. On the screen he saw multiple missed calls from Annabelle. But the text was what drew his immediate attention.
Assassination attempt coming. Up abandoned shaft from bank. Oliver there. Go!