Diana Orgain. Bundle of Trouble (Maternal Instincts Mysteries — 1)

“Anyone who’s been a mother or had one

will welcome the arrival of this entertaining new sleuth.”

— Gillian Roberts, author of the Amanda Pepper series


From my front window, I watched the PI squish into his compact car. Where would he go next? Maybe he could lead me to George.

I contemplated following Galigani.

Yeah, right. With a newborn? Like I’d ever be able to get out of the house in time.

I heard Laurie’s wake-up call. I went to my bedroom and picked her up from the bassinet. Cold. Wet. Hungry.

A mother’s job is never done. I changed her, swaddled her tight, then settled down on our sofa to nurse her. I absently looked out the front window again. Galigani’s gray Honda was still there. What was he doing hovering outside my house?

Was I being staked out?

This book is dedicated to

Tom, Carmen, Tommy, Jr.,

and Robert, who complete me.


I’m most grateful to my loving and supportive husband, Tom Orgain. He is my right-hand man, always ready to provide me with the precise words for my prose, help with babysitting, or just plain make me laugh. Without him this book simply would not have been possible.

Thanks to my dear friend Seana Patankar for her endless faith and optimism. I also appreciate the many writers, friends, and family who offered feedback and encouragement-especially my mother, Maria Carmen Noa.

Special thanks to my critique group: Bette and J. J. Lamb, Margaret Lucke, Shelly Singer, Nicola Trwst, Mary Walker, and Judith Yamamoto.

Finally, thanks to my wonderful editor, Michelle Vega, and to Lucienne Diver, agent extraordinaire.
