I would like to thank my friends with expertise in diverse areas: Meg Ruley, a great agent who took a chance on me and believed in this book from the beginning.
George Jackson, retired ATF agent and former member of NEST, for his insights on nuclear weapons.
Lieutenant Colonel Ray Hinst, USAFR (Ret.), for his help on information about bases in Panama and other military details.
To the PBA for its support. John Kazanjian is a champ.
My very good friends at the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, West Palm Beach Field Office, for their support and inspiration. ATF is a great outfit, and I hope my books reflect this.
Karen Martin, FDLE forensic scientist, for her info on DNA and lab work.
Nevin Smith, FDLE port security chief, for his info on ports and for making me attend training that really helped.
Neil Nyren, a great editor who always has time for his writers.
Brendan Duffy, who has made me believe that Colgate is one great school.
Michael Barson, not only for his PR abilities for Putnam but for his support from the very first novel.
Caroline Sun, another Colgate grad, for her upbeat take on everything related to Putnam books.