
My gratitude and thanks to the extraordinary Alex Wheatle; top corner stone, literary co-conspirator and friend, thanks for believing in me during hard times and offering invaluable support. To my lovely agent, the inimitable Elise Dillsworth, thank you so much for being passionate about the work, steering me wisely, all the things an agent does quietly, cups of tea and phonecalls! Big thanks to the dedicated Jacaranda team, Valerie Brandes and Jazzmine Breary for taking a risk on a plucky outsider and all your hard work. Once again thanks to my editor Valerie Brandes for sharp eyes and brilliant guidance and thank you to Rukhsana Yasmin. To Julian Brown for the years and encouragement. Maggie Gee for reading that second draft. The wonderful Yvvette Edwards for support, advice and lots of laughter. Malaika Adero for championing me Stateside. PR extraordinaire Sue Amaradivakara for excitement and belief in the project. My first and unforgettable mentor Donna Daley-Clarke for wit, patience and understanding. Spread The Word for the Flight programme and their continued support, Words of Colour and Black Book Swap for providing platforms for writers. And Jenneba Sie-Jalloh for seeing something in my writing years ago, thank you, I’ll never forget.
