Chapter Four

“If you don’t get out of my face in the next two seconds, I’m going to rip your claws out one by one,” Quince snarled at Leonard Silas, a whiny, ungrateful sycophant wanting more than his share. As usual.

Leonard took an immediate leap back, then turned and raced from the room, muttering under his breath as he did.

“Ah, Quince? Maybe not the best approach,” Jace cautioned.

“Fuck that. The asshole is still trying to steal from the pride. Bad enough when he was sucking up to Lex. He doesn’t bring in what everyone else does, he doesn’t get more than his fair share.” The little creep wanted the new apartment complex in South Beach. Like Quince didn’t know the asshole would take kickbacks and skim rent off the top.

“Sure, right.” Ellis and Jace exchanged a glance.

Oliver, a CPA with a brain like a calculator, took a step inside the office, took a good look at Quince, then turned around and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

“What?” Quince growled. “Who’s next?” He normally disliked the open office time on Wednesday afternoons, when the pride could bring him their concerns and requests for assistance. But lately it seemed no one wanted their due, just more than they needed. How the hell could he get the pride back to running smoothly if the same selfish dickheads wasted his time on trivial matters? “And why the hell aren’t you two dealing with this shit instead of me?” he asked Ellis and Jace, who continued to stare at him in concern.

“See, we’re thinking you need a break,” Jace said.

“I need to get us back on track. Where’s Dana with the spreadsheets? I need to see how our real estate assets are sitting. Is Rain out there?”

Ellis shook his head and spoke calmly, slowly. “Rain is probably in his office handling the stuff you gave him to work on last night. And Dana and Willow are with Joy, remember?”

He glared at Ellis. “I’m not senile. I just forgot.” Not that it should be any great surprise Joy wasn’t around.

Jace snorted.

“You have something to say?” he asked, more than ready to tear someone apart. Quince wanted to hunt something down and kill it. For the past week, he’d seen Joy sparingly while she watched him from a distance. She’d spent time with his lieutenants and Dana and Willow touring the pride, seeing it from the inside out, gauging the politics and dithering that normally soaked up all his free time.

So much for the grand seduction he’d had planned. The woman continued to steer clear of him, even sitting ten feet away at last night’s dinner in the estate commons where he and his council took meals.

“Joy has been asking questions and listening to everything we tell her,” Ellis said.

“Yeah. And?”

“And I get the impression she’s still not too sure of you,” Jace answered. “I thought you had this handled.”

By handled, Jace meant securing the woman’s attention. The pride leader was expected to take a mate. Michael’s had died years ago during his tenure as leader, so he’d been excused. Now that Quince had returned and the pride seemed in order, there’d been noise about having a more stable influence in charge. Namely, a pride leader with a female by his side.

On the one hand, not having a mate would solve his problems. He didn’t want to be in charge. But not having a suitable replacement nixed that idea. He’d step down in a heartbeat if a better candidate appeared. Instead, he had Lex’s groupies and sniveling idiots like Leonard who wanted the position. And none of his lieutenants had asked for the job. No, all the smart ones knew how thankless and time-consuming being pride leader actually was.

Yet, needing a mate gave Quince the perfect opportunity to approach Joy. He’d intended for her to realize how wrong she’d been about him and Lex. See how stellar a job he was doing, then be seduced by his manly prowess in bed. He knew he could thrill her body, but the stubborn woman had eluded him to such an extent he wondered if she even remembered their lovemaking. Or had it just been incredible in his mind?

He snarled, experiencing a deep need to turn feline and rake the palm trees in the courtyard once more, as he’d done last night.

“Easy there, oh great pride leader.” Trust Jace not to back down when he should. “I’m just saying maybe you need to step it up a notch. You need a mate, and the one you apparently want isn’t around enough to get things started.”

“I thought you’d nailed it.” Ellis’s eyes grew large when Quince stood from behind the desk and advanced on him. “Nailed it. Nailed it, Quince, not her.”

Jace laughed until Quince swung a vicious glance his way.

“I caught your scent on her when I picked you guys up from the airport,” Ellis explained. “She had the mating scent on her. But it’s faded. Are you keeping her or what?”

Quince dragged his hand through his hair. “The woman is running me ragged. I told her I wanted her to be an important part of the pride, and she’s taking this new position of Female Liaison to heart. I can’t get her to stop moving long enough to mate her.”

Jace shook his head. His blue eyes looked sad. “Dude. Come on, Quince. Use your head. Trick her into some alone time. Take her out to the House.”

The pride’s meeting place in the Glades was a hidden gem. A huge house off the grid, solar-powered and large enough to accommodate all the pride at once, the wooden structure had enough niceties that close to a hundred cats could mill around and laze to their hearts’ content. Just forty minutes away, but once out in the pine forest, it felt like another world entirely. The pines, salt marshes, canals and flat land all around were resplendent with wildlife and vegetation. God, he needed to run.

“Take her out to the House?” he asked on a huff. “When? Every five seconds around here someone has a new problem. Then the Rochert deal went bust, and I spent two days patching that.”

“Which is holding, by the way.” Ellis gave him a thumbs up. “So Jace and I think you should take Joy away. The House is a perfect escape. We’ll put the word out to everyone to steer clear of it for a few days for maintenance issues. Between Jace, Dana, Willow, Rain, Oliver and I, we’ll hold down the fort. You go work your magic.” Ellis wiggled his brows.

Quince sighed. “I get within scent of her, and she’s gone. I don’t know how she does it, but she’s fast.”

Jace shook his head. “What dumbass meant but didn’t say—”


“—was that she’s a Bermin. Joy’s too smart to fall for ‘nice’. Tie her up, kidnap her, whatever it takes. But you need to do something about fixing your unmated status pronto or you stand to lose the pride.”

“Shit. I know that. But I don’t want…”


He didn’t want to mate Joy to grab the pride. He wanted the woman to come to him because she couldn’t do without him. Except she wouldn’t let herself talk to him, let alone make love to him again. It just figured she’d be a pain in the ass about everything.

He groaned. “Damn. Fine. Just watch things for me tomorrow. Joy and I will be busy as of tonight. But not a word, I’m telling you. The woman hears and sees all. It’s a little scary.”

“Yeah, she’s a sharp one.” Ellis nodded. “Come on, Jace. Let’s get his schedule to Willow so she can reroute meetings.”

“Okay. And I’ll take the northern run. Got a few felines I need to double-check.”

“Right. I’ll grab the immediate coast. We’ll put Oliver and Rain on as leads.”

They left discussing pride business, and he knew they’d take care of things in his absence. Quince loved the guys. After Miles had immersed himself in work, Ellis, Jace, Rain and he had found common ground working for Michael. Watching over the pride, fixing problems, reporting any and all issues. They’d grown tight, so when Michael had gone missing, they’d known something was wrong.

While Quince had gone undercover acting like Lex’s trusted lieutenant, the guys had publicly snubbed him while secretly keeping him in the loop about goings-on in the pride. They’d helped protect the weaker members while he did his best to smother Lex’s efforts when it came to those who fought back against him.

Because they’d had his back and supported him taking over the pride, many of the others had accepted his return. Then too, with Dana, Willow and Oliver’s help spreading the word about what had really happened with Lex—as well as recovering nearly fifty million dollars in pride funds—he’d found himself welcomed back wholeheartedly…except for Lex’s friends.

Ayers, Watson and a handful of others continued to raise discontent. He had to stop fucking around and take a mate. As distasteful as he found the notion of running the pride forever, he believed in sacrificing his wants for the good of the many. Besides, he wanted Joy like he needed his next breath. Time to stop letting her lead him by his nose and show her who was in charge.

Hell, what did he have to lose? He’d told her the truth about the past and thought she believed him. But maybe she didn’t realize how serious he was about dating—claiming—her. They’d had sex only once. He needed to reaffirm how much he desired her, and no time like the present.

Quince waited to pounce until later that night. He drove to Joy’s house, a nice place in Pinecrest. Quiet, suburban and upscale enough that she didn’t need to worry about an onslaught of break-ins. He parked in her driveway and walked to the front door as if he belonged there.

Before he had a chance to knock, she opened the door and peeked her head out, frowning. “Quince?”

“Good. You remember my name,” he drawled, wishing the woman would smile at him once in a while.

“What are you doing here? Slumming?” She smirked.

Considering he’d taken over Michael’s five-million-dollar spread in Palmetto Bay, her neighborhood could technically be considered a step down. But the house he resided in currently housed a dozen cats. The property was on a private compound nearly six acres large, offering plenty of room for cats to roam under secluded trees and behind a secured gate. Yet it had never felt less like a home without Michael…or someone special to share it with.

Keeping to the plan, he lowered his voice. “I need to pull the SUV into your garage. There’s something I need to show you.”

“What?” She pushed open the door and stood with crossed arms over her unbound breasts. Which made him take a good hard look at what she was—or wasn’t—wearing. Talk about good timing. He’d caught her ready for bed in a pair of thin cotton boy shorts and a light blue tank. Even better, she smelled like soap, all clean and fresh. Ripe for the plucking.

He swallowed and willed his dick to behave. “Look. This is pride business, and I can’t chance anyone seeing. This is important.” And it was. He needed her like crazy.

She stared at him, and he prayed she couldn’t read the lie in his eyes. His cat chuckled at his female trying to out-think him, pleased she liked to keep him on his toes. But this time his prey was within reach, and he had no intention of letting her go tonight. Not until he made himself clear.

“Well, okay.” She turned and headed toward the kitchen. “I’ll meet you in the garage.”

He hurried back to his vehicle. The garage door opened and he pulled into the deep garage, next to her sleek coupe. The car fit Joy. Fast, tight and beautiful. He let himself out of the SUV and then closed the garage door. In one hand he held the restraints he knew he’d need to make this happen. He shoved them in his back pocket just as she entered, now unfortunately wearing a short robe.

“It’s in the back,” he murmured.

She looked from him to the SUV, her curiosity roused. As he’d hoped.

She moved behind the SUV and opened the back hatch. As she rose on tiptoe to look in, Quince made his move. He jerked her arms behind her and put the slip tie around her wrists. Then he knelt and did the same to her ankles while she kicked and swore.

Trussed up good and tight, she wouldn’t be able to shift and break free once he gave her a good taste of her own medicine.

“You son of a—”

He rose and gagged her before she could finish and tied the scarf behind her head. “Uh, uh. No talking. And relax. You know I’m not going to hurt you.” He pushed the robe aside to bare her left breast clad in thin cotton.

Alarm widened her eyes.

“That’s right. Time for a reminder of where you belong. Time to stop avoiding me.” He lifted her tank and sighed at her beautiful body. Then he kissed her breast, sucking on the nipple with a gentle hunger.

When she moaned, he smiled and let her go. He pulled her tank back down and covered her up with her robe. Then he moved her aside to fully open the back door of the SUV. He gently positioned her on the blanket on the floor, curling her knees to her chest to make her fit. She didn’t fight him, but he was more than aware of the rage in her eyes.

Then he withdrew another treat from his pocket. “See this? It’s the same dart you tagged me with in Montana. I had a friend give me a light sedative that won’t hurt you, but it will make you groggy for a few hours.”

She tried to yell at him behind the gag and managed to flail in place. But when he just stood there staring down at her, waiting, she ceased.

“Yeah. This isn’t the fun part. Well, it is for me. I mean, I was dying to get you back for what you did to me a week ago. Sorry. This might sting.” He inserted the tranq quickly, not wanting to hurt her. If the woman hadn’t been so stubborn, he might have cajoled her into accompanying him into the forest. But she seemed to want nothing to do with him, and he was tired of it.

Her eyes started to droop, and he leaned down to kiss her cheek. “I’ll take care of you, baby. It’s time we had a real heart-to-heart anyway. Don’t worry. When you wake up, you’ll be free to claw and yell at me. But we’ll be away from everyone, just the two of us.”

Then he straightened and moved with real purpose. After grabbing her garage remote from her car, he made sure to lock up her house. Then he opened the garage door, pulled the SUV out and down the driveway, and closed her garage again.

He turned up the music and grinned as he shot out of the driveway. Part one accomplished. Now time to seduce a yes out of his mate, the fun way.

Joy wanted to punch him. He’d let her avoid him for an entire week, making no real move to come after her. Apparently he’d wanted a fuck, had gotten it and no longer had any interest. He didn’t ask about Miles or her sisters, so she didn’t think he wanted an in with her family, at least. His moves must have been to bring her back home to help with the pride. Those brief references to dating or mating—bullshit. Even worse, according to rumor, Alissa Roberto was the leading contender to being Mrs. Castille. Sure. Why take Joy when he could have Stacey’s stand-in? Alissa was beautiful, rich and scheming. Perfect for a man who apparently wanted the best the pride’s females had to offer, now that Stacey, Amy and Melissa were unavailable.

What the hell did he think this kidnapping would prove? Fuming, because she’d known he shouldn’t be trusted, she gave in to the drug and fell into a deep sleep. When she woke, she found no trace of a headache. A little dry mouth, but when she moved, no other aches or pains.

He’d removed her restraints, as well as her clothing, and watched her sleeping from a lazy pose on the floor. Once again fully cat, his glossy black fur shone under the spill of moonlight filtering through a skylight in a bedroom.

She immediately recognized her surroundings. The pride’s central meeting area in the Everglades—what they called the House—was like a cabin gone horribly huge. Full of smaller rooms for privacy, the place had an expansive, open main area complete with a full kitchen, fireplace and entertainment area large enough to satisfy the pride.

And speaking of the pride… A short moment of silence alerted her to the fact they were alone. No scents or sounds of anyone nearby.

Good. When she tore him apart with her bare claws, there’d be no witnesses.

She sat up and deliberately ignored the way he stared at her breasts. Ac-taw were casual about nudity. She never minded, unless it was Quince doing the looking.

She drew in a deep breath, then exploded. “What the hell do you mean by kidnapping me? Isn’t it enough I came back to handle the female problems you stupid males started with the pride?”

He grinned at her, showcasing sharp teeth.

“Oh no. Don’t even try charming me.” She ignored his loud purr. “And quit staring at my breasts,” she snapped.

To which he grinned wider and chirped his amusement.

“I don’t think Alissa is going to appreciate you ogling me.”

He cocked his head. “Alissa?”

“You know, your fiancée? Alissa Roberto?” she said nastily, wishing the woman’s hair would fall out. She was a bitchy woman who’d done her best to create tension in the pride from the time she’d hit puberty. It didn’t help that Alissa’s beauty rivaled her ego.

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

“You know. Your future ‘mate’. The one you need to secure your position as pride leader.” With Alissa by his side, no one would think to question him. Not even Lex’s supporters. Her family money nearly matched Bermin money for sheer power.

He groaned and lowered his head to the floor, covering his nose with his paws. She hated that he looked so cute in his misery. A predatory cat she wanted to pet and hug and…hit hard. She told her inner cat to back off and let her handle this mess.

“Yeah. Her. So if Alissa isn’t your new squeeze, did you bring me back here to mate, so that you can stem the doubters wondering about your ability to financially manage the pride? Or am I just back to fix the female problems you asshats created in the first place with all that, ‘Mine is bigger than yours’ posturing? Which is it?”

He dropped his paws to the ground, rose and roared at her with such violence she took a step back, then scowled because she’d let him intimidate her.

His tailed whipped back and forth. His whiskers twitched, and he glared at her. “You are the most difficult, annoying, aggravating woman I know.”

“Aggravating and annoying mean the same thing.”

“Fuck. I know that!” He snarled and scratched at the nearby wooden bedpost, gouging the wood with his lethal claws. “I’ve been trying to get you to spend time with me. To see I’m more than a dickhead who once helped Lex. But anytime I get close, you run away.”

“Bull.” Okay, he had a point. She’d needed distance from the sexy male to build her resistance to his lethal charm. Her poor history with men wanting to use her had soured her on relationships. Especially considering her one-time crush on Quince had returned full-force since they’d had sex, when he’d looked at her with affection that made her think—hope—he might feel something more. So foolish to hope. You know he’s just playing you. She swallowed hard. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

“Yeah, because I drugged you.” He hissed his irritation.

“I meant in Miami. I came with you because I wanted to help the pride.”

“But what about me?” He shifted back to six feet four inches of man, throwing her for a real loop. Quince was huge, angry and sporting a mouthwatering erection. “Why couldn’t you be here for me?”

“Right back at you,” she yelled, more than irritated because she wanted to jump into bed with him all over again. Stupid, and Joy prided herself on her intelligence. “Why can’t you be here for me?”

He closed the distance between them but stopped when she held up a hand. “What the fuck does that mean?”

All her frustration with her position in her family, the pride, Alissa, Quince and men in general came rushing out. And it felt righteous. “It means where were you thirteen years ago? Why did it take you this long to realize you want me? Because I’m convenient?”

“Convenient?” He snorted. “Please.”

She talked over him. “Why did you never once ask me out before my family left the pride that first time? You show up, Lex’s right hand man, talking about how you want to save us. Well, where the hell were you when I was right here not even a year ago? I don’t remember you knocking on my door then.” She planted her hands on her hips, furious with him. “No, you were dating Linda. Then sleeping with Gloria. Or was it Karen?”

He blinked. “I wasn’t—”

“Save it. You want me to believe you all of a sudden want to date me? Hell, mate me? Do you love me?” she asked boldly.

When he goggled at her, she hissed and stepped forward so she could smack him on the chest. “Of course you don’t. You just want another fuck. Couldn’t get Stacey or my sisters, so you chose me. I mean, I have the Bermin fortune at my back. That will surely help with the pride’s resources.”

“Hell no. Don’t even think of accusing me of using—”

“Miles hates you. You think dating me might soften him up? I hate to break it to you, but it won’t. And for you to think fucking me while you’re doing every other woman in heat is going to work, no matter how big that cock is, you’re out of your—”

He dragged her into his arms and kissed the mad right out of her. Anger transformed to desire in a heartbeat, and she couldn’t think as he sucked the breath from her.

The kiss turned hotter. His hands were everywhere. Over her breasts, pinching her nipples. Down her belly and between her legs. Rough and fierce and hot. Then he was backing her against the wall, lifting her up and over him. He speared her in one deep thrust, and she screamed her pleasure as he fucked her. His kiss returned, and as he hammered into her, he stabbed into her mouth with his tongue.

She didn’t need any more stimulation than his huge cock and pelvis grazing her clit with every push. She stiffened as her body seized in an earth-shattering climax, more than satisfied when he pulled his mouth away and shouted while he slammed home one final time and came hard.

After several moments of embarrassing panting, she squeezed around him and had the gratification of hearing him moan her name. He moved again, sliding easily in their shared passion.

Shit. He’d come inside her again. Just what she’d been trying to avoid. But when he started to layer his scent over her, to renew that blasted mating call, she pulled her animal spirit back. Her cat hissed and spat its displeasure, but she wasn’t ready for anything more from the big fat liar, no matter how good he felt inside her.

“Not again,” she complained as she tried to move away from him. Oh God, he’s still hard. She bit her lip, not wanting to move and stir her body into another ripple of pleasure.

“Yeah, and again and again. What are you going to do to stop me? I want you, I’ll have you.” Quince had the audacity to grip her ass and squeeze as he rocked into her again. “You’re so easy.”

Like that, he tripped her rage switch. But before she could do him serious harm, he withdrew, danced back from her, and shifted into his panther form. “You want a piece of me? Try and catch me.” He snorted. “Lightweight.” Then he darted out of the room with a scornful laugh.

“Lightweight? Lightweight?” She shifted into her cat without thinking and yowled her fury. Time to hunt down a man needing gelding.

She spotted the restraints he’d used on her and scooped them into her mouth. It was so on.
