Toby stopped the Honda fast in the driveway and ran into the house. His father and brother were in front of the TV in the living room.
“What happened?” Toby demanded. “The radio said someone broke into the place and ripped his leg off!”
John Barrish sat hunched forward on the edge of his chair, muscles tensed, nostrils flaring with each hot breath.
“That’s what happened,” Stanley confirmed. The TV now was cutting between news crews trying to get information on the happening. They would not be the only ones. “Dad, we’ve got to get out of here.”
“He’s right, Pop,” Toby agreed. He pulled the .38 from his waistband. “They could find us.”
Who? Who had blown it? Who screwed up? WHO RUINED MY PLAN?
“Pop,” Toby pleaded. “Come on. We’ve gotta get out of here.”
John looked to his sons. They were right. They would have to leave, would have to run to fight again. He picked up the Beretta resting on the end table and stood. “Stanley, get your mother. She’s in the bedroom. Toby, throw some food and ammo in the car. Now!”
The FBI and Park Service helicopters landed on State Route 259 near Chimney Rock, two miles from the house to which the blacked-out VSP air unit, flying high and using its FLIR (forward looking infrared), had carefully followed the Honda. A trooper familiar with the area briefed the team on the lay of the land, then all involved piled into vehicles, some commandeered, and headed toward Fulks Run.
“Get the food, Louise,” John commanded. His wife looked at him with dead eyes and dropped canned vegetables into a paper sack.
“Pop, Stan’s grabbing some clothes for us,” Toby said as he popped his head into the kitchen. “I’m putting the guns and stuff in the car now.”
“I want to be on the road in five minutes,” John said.
“You got it,” Toby assured him, then headed out the front. The lights of the Honda were still on. Not good for the battery, but it had only been a few minutes. Toby walked toward the rear of the car, arms full of ammo boxes and extra weapons, his pace slowing as light glinted in several spots from the dark forest. He looked behind. The car’s high beams were reflecting off the large front window and into the trees, illuminating… what?
Toby dropped the load in his arms and drew the revolver from his waist. He was just bringing it up when a volley of fire came at him. He felt a fire in his belly, fell backward, and crawled toward the open front door, gun in hand. Ten feet was all he could manage before he passed out and died.
“What…” John’s eyes flared. He spun toward the front room. His youngest son ran by the opening toward the front door, Louise following. The leader of the Aryan Victory Organization knew those to be foolish acts. He looked left. A second later he was through the back door and running into the woods lining Fawley Hollow.
“What’s going on?” Jones asked the HRT leader as gunfire erupted up the road that was the only access to the house.
The black-clad agent listened to the radio chatter in his earpiece briefly. “They spotted us coming in. We had to drop one.”
“Is a perimeter up?” Jones asked. Art was listening intently to this question. “Not yet.”
“Dammit!” Jones swore. “Get the helicopter overhead. Now. Jeferso—” He looked past the HRT leader. Art was moving up the road, gun drawn, at a dead run. “Jefferson!”
“Toby!” Stanley yelled at the sight of his brother lying facedown on the cement driveway. A circle of darkness was expanding from beneath his stomach.
“Toby!” Louise screamed as she tried to push past her youngest boy. He saw beyond his brother, small flashes of intense red light — laser aiming devices! — coming from the trees. His left hand shoved his mother to the ground inside the house as he stepped out, aiming at the lights with his weapon, and squeezing off shots. More came back to him.
“STANLEY!” Louise screamed as her baby boy fell back into the house, bullets tearing into the walls. She reached for him and pulled his limp body out of the doorway. “Stanley?” She brushed his hair, and laid a caring hand on his chest. It was damp, warm, and still. “Stanley? STANLEY! NO!!!”
John Barrish is weak. Art thought this as he trotted off the road and into the trees, making a wide sweep to the right of the advancing HRT line. John Barrish is a small man. A coward who uses others to do what he is afraid to do. John Barrish will not stand and fight. John Barrish will run. No. John Barrish will slink away.
Art had dealt with bigger men, but not with bigger dangers. For John Barrish was the keeper of a virus.
Trees flashed by as Art moved through them toward the woods to the rear of the house. The ground to his right sloped downward, and he heard the sound of water gently running. He heard something else to his front.
The virus.
Art slowed and crouched. He realized his white shirt, even though soiled, was standing out in the darkness of the forest. He pulled it and the T-shirt beneath it off, barely noticing the chill. Twenty yards ahead he saw movement crossing his path left to right. The form was lighter than the darkness.
You almost killed the woman I love. You could have destroyed my country. Art stepped easily right, finding footing on the slope as the form ahead slowed and took cover behind a tree. Sounds off to the left announced the arrival of the HRT at the rear of the house. Art eased forward, using the trees as a screen, inching closer, foot by foot, yard by yard, until he could see the virus from behind. It was lying on the ground twenty feet away staring back upon the route it had taken.
Covering your rear? Art thought. Wrong rear. He leveled his weapon at the prone form of John Barrish. There was a twig at his feet. He could step on it, make a sound, force John Barrish to move threateningly at him. Then he could kill John Barrish. Then he could kill the virus. He could do that, and no one would ever know. No one would ever know. He wouldn’t even care.
But someone would. And Art Jefferson knew he could not hide a darkness such as that from her.
John twitched at the sound from behind.
The gun was in his hand. He would just have to roll, aim, fire.
That voice. John knew it. But from… He looked behind, moving only his head. Light from the rear of the house illuminated the bare-chested African’s face, and his stainless-steel gun.
John heard the command, but the tones said Don’t. I want to kill you. Make me kill you.
Art maintained his partial cover behind a tree and watched John Barrish roll slowly on his side, hands empty, compliant.
“Show me your hands!” Art commanded.
Barrish did, as footsteps came from the direction of the house. HRT agents approached and lit up the area with their weapon-mounted lights. Red dots danced on John Barrish’s body. Art lifted his weapon clear as two agents moved in and cuffed the man, then lifted him to his feet after searching him. They walked him to where Art stood.
“You want him?” an agent asked.
Art answered by grabbing Barrish by the elbow and leading him through the trees to the front of the house, HRT agents following. Director Gordon Jones and Bud DiContino were waiting in the driveway by a VSP cruiser.
“Good catch, Jefferson,” Jones said. His expression said Stupid move, Jefferson. But it was the words that counted.
“Sir, this is John Barrish.” Art gripped the elbow a bit tighter and lifted the man.
“Did you Mirandize him?”
“HRT did when they cuffed him,” Art reported.
Bud studied the man for a moment. Small. So small. Size said so much in this instance.
“So it’s a crime to run when men start shooting at your house without warning?” Barrish asked defiantly.
Art spun him so they were face to face. “No, it’s a crime to murder eighteen hundred people.” And how many more? Art wondered.
Barrish smiled. “You have no proof of that.”
“Yes they do.”
Barrish turned to the voice. It was Louise, standing just a foot or so away, hands cuffed behind, blood soaking her clothing. Her face was tear streaked, but she was no longer crying.
“You killed my sons! You killed them!”
Art held Barrish steady, making him face his most damaging accuser.
“And you killed the others, John. I know that, and I will tell everyone who wants to hear exactly what you did. Everything, you goddamn bastard!”
Barrish glared at her, wishing he could get his hands free for just a moment. She was weak. The doubter had become a challenger.
“And one other thing,” Louise said to her husband’s face. As he stared across at her she stepped forward and brought her knee up, full force, into his groin before the HRT agents could pull her back.
“Get up,” Art said, lifting the doubled-over racist to his feet. He was moaning in pain and gasping for breath. Two agents from the HRT came up and took Barrish from him, leading him to a VSP cruiser separate from his wife. Art watched as they were both driven away.
Bud DiContino reached out and offered his hand to Art Jefferson. “Thank you.”
Art shook the NSA’s hand with some puzzlement. “For what?”
“For stopping this.”
Art shook his head. He might have smiled, but could not manage that expression at the moment. “I didn’t stop anything.” He looked at the bloody corpses of the two Barrish boys lying where the HRT had laid them in the driveway. “There’ll always be another like John Barrish. Animals reproduce, remember?”
“Right,” Bud DiContino agreed. This would never be over.