I realized that the South of France was ideal for vacation late in the Summer and after checking with our travel agent, I booked a suite at the Hotel du Cap in Cap d'Antibes for the week around Labor Day.
Ann, as I anticipated was quite thrilled with the notion of "our" vacation. In the week before we were scheduled to go, Ann told me that she was going to go out to Vanities to pick up some items to round up her wardrobe for the trip. I decided to go along for the show. In the car ride out, I asked Ann whether she was sure that no one else at the store, knew about my viewing room. Ann reminded me that the only entrance was from the rea r of the store and that those who worked in the shop only came in from the front entrance. Ann asked me if I wanted to go shopping with her, I told her that I would try and enjoy a few hours watching the goings on at Van ities. Ann dropped me in the back of the store and I made my way to my perch.
I was not expecting too much activity, because it was the end of the summer so I thought that most of our swimsuit business was over. In fact the first one in to the dressing room was Ann. I watched as she tried on two bikinis and two one-piece suits. One was particularly sexy as its side were cut away from the side and the fullness of her breasts were exposed. Ann made her selections and my attention turned to two of the other rooms which were now occupied. In one of them was a familiar face. One of the local network affiliate newscasters was in trying on a one piece bathing suit. In the process, I was given a view of her really outstanding body . At one point she stuck her head out of the door and evidently invited a companion in to express an opinion. Her companion also had picked out some items to try on and so the two spent a few minutes in that crowded roo m taking off and putting on different items. Soon enough, Ann let herself in to the room and we decided to get a bite to eat, see a movie and then head back to the city.
On the evening of our departure we took a limousine to the Pan Am terminal at Kennedy for our non-stop flight to Nice, France. It was a typical hot and humid late summer day and we were both dressed casually. Ann was w earing light slacks with a man's undershirt (not the T-shirt type) covered by a light nylon shell. We had a little time to kill so we browsed the magazine racks and then had a drink in the first-class lounge. Finally, o ur departure was Announced and we made our way on to the plane. There was a shriek. "Ann!" "Debbie!" Losing all composure, one of the flight attendants and Ann were embracing, jumping up and down and greeting each othe r as if they were long, lost friends, which was exactly the case.
Ann and Debbie it turned out had been roommates in college and then slowly fell out of touch. Debbie and Ann spent a few minutes hurriedly catching up, I was introduced, and then Debbie had to busy herself getting every one seated and the plane ready for take-off. It wasn't until two hours later, after the meal service had been completed that Debbie and Ann were able to spend a few minutes together, reliving past adventures and catching up on what happened to this one or that and what was new in each other's lives. Debbie was going to be laying over in Nice for two days and I invited Debbie to spend her free time with us at our hotel. She was happy to accept.
At that point the cabin lights were dimmed so that a movie could be shown. I decided to make a point with Ann. I leaned over to Ann and told her to take a blanket from the overhead bin and after she arranged it over he r, to take off her nylon jacket. Without her jacket, Ann would be an exceptional sight. The scooped out armholes of the T-shirt bared a great abundance of her breasts-and the material of the shirt was so thin that what ever wasn't bare was effectively so.
At first I had Ann keep the blanket pulled up snug around her neck. I then whispered to her: "Ann, I want you to pretend you're asleep. I will then have the blanket fall away and everyone else will have a view." "If that's what you want" was her reply. After about ten minutes, Ann sort of moved in her seat and I surreptitiously tugged at her blanket and it fell away just slightly from one side. Anyone looking would have seen the la teral swell of one breast. A few minutes later, I caused it to fall a bit further away. Then, more of her breast was exposed. I saw people pretending not to notice, but noticing anyway.
A little bit later, I told Ann to go the restroom and leave the blanket and jacket behind. Ann did not hesitate for a second. Heads turned as she bounced her way to the lavatory. When she emerged, there was an audibl e gasp as passengers saw Ann return to her seat. For all intents and purposes she could have been totally topless. Ann resumed her seat and Debbie, who saw all of this from the rear of the cabin, came over to her and as ked out loud for the benefit of those who were wondering what she was going to say, if anything, "Can I get you anything?" Debbie then leaned over Ann and I heard her whisper "Same old Ann" and then I saw Debbie flick h er tongue in Ann's ear-just for a second. At that moment I was extra glad that I had invited Debbie to spend some time with us.
I decided to play with the rest of the passengers for just a bit longer. I told Ann to pull the blanket over her again, and reaching under the blanket, I pulled her left breast completely to the side and out of the fab ric of her undershirt. As Ann pseudo-slept, I gently rearranged the blanket so that her breast was exposed from mid-nipple outward. The passengers who were within our line of sight simply stared. One of the women on th e plane, however, seemed a little put off by what was going on and rather than foment a scene, I covered Ann up. Later, I had Ann put on her jacket and we finished the flight conventionally.
Nice was about 45 minutes from our hotel, and by the time we cleared customs, and collected our luggage and then drove to the hotel it was about 1:00p.m. Hotel du Cap had lovely rooms, beautiful private grounds with lus h lawns and tropical vegetation. We settled in to our suite, took showers, ordered a bite from room service, and then decided to head over to the pool, which was set in a bluff just above the Mediterranean. The attendan t at the pool arranged two lounge chairs for us along the perimeter and we lay down to soak in the sun and catch up on the sleep we did not get on our flight over. About half the women were sunbathing topless, but Ann le ft her one-piece on and I did not suggest otherwise.
About five o'clock, the group around the pool started to thin out. We decided to take a walk in Antibes and to have a light dinner and then get to bed early, to try and force ourselves to overcome the effects of jet lag
I emerged from that bit of retrospection to the present as I saw Gerry still fingering her blouse. I gave her the nod of encouragement that she had been seeking and she quickly unbuttoned her blouse, shrugged off her br a and stepped out of her skirt. She was wearing sheer to the waist pantyhose. Gerry stepped to the side of my desk, kneeled at my feet, and opened my pants. I sat back and did absolutely nothing else, but exchange lock ed stares with her, as she brought me off in her mouth. Gerry looked at me and said: "I hope that makes sure you know there are no others I like."
"But don't worry, for you I'll make sure Tony has a good time tonight."
"All I'm asking you to do is have dinner with him" I said.
"I understand" she answered as she ran her tongue along my shrinking member.
When she was finished, Gerry stood, got dressed, smiled and went back to work.
I next spoke to Gerry about 7:10 when we headed out to my house. We met Tony in the lobby of the building as we arrived there coincidently. Gerry greeted Tony warmly and took his arm as we rode up in the elevator toget her.
Ann answered the door looking radiant. She had a sprig of flowers tucked in her hair which was up in a bun. She was wearing a white dress of sheer material that fastened around her neck over a full slip whose lace trim was readily discernible. As we made our way to the living room where there was a waiter standing and expecting to bring drinks, I noticed how the dining room table had been set. I saw an opportunity to make a point wit h Ann. Ann was in a chatty mood and I recognized that she must have been going a litttle stir crazy waiting around in our apartment all day by herself attending to the various domestic chores.
"Ann, come here" I said.
"Yes" she said as she joined me in the hall
"Why is the table set for four?"
"You, me, Gerry and Tony."
"No, Ann" I said. You are to serve dinner.
I saw the dawn of realization and disappointment expressed on Ann's face. I realized I was on the right track. "And you ought to be dressed more in keeping with your role tonight." I looked her over and realized what adjustment need be made. "Just take off the slip."
I was not done with my instructions. "Now go and reset the table and tell the waiters you hired that they may help you, but they are not to come out of the kitchen. You are to be our servant."
Ann was not happy, but she did not hesitate. She reappeared in the living room about ten minutes later carrying a tray with three drinks on it which she passed out to Tony, Gerry and me. She had taken off her slip and the consequence of that act was immediately noticeable to us all. What once seemed like a fashionable outfit was now totally provocative. Where the fabric of her dress lay in a single layer against her skin, it was as i f she were wearing nothing at all. Where the fabric bunched or folded, it obscured what was underneath.
After a short while we sat down for our dinner. It was at that point that Gerry and Tony realized that Ann was having a special role that evening. They had assumed that she was busy with her preparations before which i s why she was not spending time with us in the living room, but seeing only three place settings, they realized that Ann was "working" that evening.
Ann served us smoked trout to start. I saw Tony react as her barely covered right breast brushed aganst his shoulder when she removed his plate.
Our conversation over our next course was pretty normal, but each time Ann appeared to bring something in or out, I watched as Tony's eyes followed each movement she made. At one point, while Ann was removing a salad pl ate from Gerry, Tony reached for something on the table and knocked over his wine glass. Ann reached for a napkin to blot up the wine and I saw another opportunity. Grabbing the hem of Ann's dress, I used it to create a
"dam" on the table and soak up what had been spilled. Then, with a firm sudden movement, I ripped Ann's dress off and bunched it up and used it to complete the tidying process. Ann stood there unflinching and Tony made no effort to conceal his admiration for her body. Ann's immense breasts rested on her ribcage and, although not saggy, by virtue of their size and weight, extended actually on to her upper belly. As always she was neat ly and completely shaved, without the slightest trace of stubble. After allowing herself to be visually inspected, she turned her attention to cleaning up the mess and resetting the table. She performed these tasks with energy and speed, never once stopping to put something on as she marched in and out of the dining room. We finished our meal with good appetites and I invited Tony and Gerry to join me in the library for coffee.
"You have her trained well" Tony said. "I admire the way she takes what you give in stride."
"She is special" I agreed.
"Would you take direction like that?" Tony directed his remark to Gerry.
"From certain people, without any hesitation" Gerry answered Tony but looking directly at me.
I did not miss that opening. "Gerry, go see if you and Ann can figure out some entertaiment for us" I said.
"Certainly" she answered as she got up to leave.
I offered Tony a brandy while we waited to see what Gerry and Ann would arrange.
Gerry appeared about twenty minutes later wrapped in a large terry robe. She invited Tony and I in to the master bath. We followed Gerry in and watched as she took off her robe. Ann directed her to sit astride the edg e of the tub, with one leg resting on a towel bar and the other on a tiled shelf behind the tub. The effect was for her legs to be spread apart completely. Ann arranged her apparatus before her. Using a scissors, she t rimmed closely Gerry's theretofore luxuriant pubic hair. Then, she used warm washcloths to soap and massage and soften the now trimmed area. Finally and carefully she shaved Gerry entirely, from the hairs which curled a round her bottom to those few strays which headed up towards her belly button. The whole process took at least twenty minutes. After rinsing the remnants of the soap off and rubbing the area with some sort of alcohol ba sed astringent which caused Gerry to gasp and which pinkened her vaginal lips, Ann led Gerry back, of all places, to our dining room. There Ann directed Gerry to lay back on the table. Ann disappeared into the kitchen a nd returned with a cart filled with different pints of ice cream, syrups, and other toppings. Ann said she was planning on "make your own" sundaes as the dessert and thought that there was no reason not to adhere to that plan.
"Let me show you how" she said. Ann took a spoonful of ice cream, a dollop of whipped cream and placed them on Gerry's lower belly, just above her sex. Gerry squealed with pleasure, no doubt from the soothing effect of these cold confections. Ann then proceeded to lap up this mini-sundae. She turned then to Tony and asked what flavors and toppings he liked. She followed his instructions and assembled a butterscotch sundae (vanilla ic e cream) with whipped cream, nuts and a cherry. All these ingredients were nestled in the juncture of Gerry's legs.
"Do you want a spoon?" Ann asked, "or would you simply want to take off your shirt and dive right in?"
Tony took off his tie and then his shirt and proceeded to enjoy his desert.
"How about you?" Ann said to me.
"Chocolate ice cream and marshmallow sauce" I answered.
Ann scooted on to the table and after getting the ingredients ready, leaned back and arranged herself just as Gerry. Not unlike Tony, I opened my shirt collar and started to eat. The first few mouthfuls were entirely d esert; thereafter Ann's skin and her taste started to mix in. I glanced over at Gerry and Tony. There was no trace left of Tony's sundae, but he was "licking the plate clean." Ann for her part was responding to my atte ntion. We continued this for a while, with each of Ann and Gerry seeming to draw great pleasure from our efforts. When we finished, Tony and Gerry announced that they were going to leave. Gerry went in to the bedroom t o get dressed and I told Ann that she should stay with me while Gerry got ready to go.
We went in to the living room and while Tony waited for Gerry, Ann-totally nude-and I sat on the couch and necked like teenagers. Ann, it seems, realized again that I cared for her.
Six Months Later
It had become my custom, in the summer, to invite the office staff to my farm in Sharon, Connecticut for a weekend of relaxation. This particular August weekend had been picked a few months earlier and I could not have chosen better. It was warm, but uncharacteristically, not too humid and the forecast was for much of the same weather the rest of the weekend. Ann, Clara, Sara and I had gone up to the farm the Thursday evening before everyone else was scheduled to arrive. I had arranged for a stretch limo to bring everyone else up the next day.
At about 12:30, the limousine pulled in to the driveway, and Gerry, Marie, Sharon, Maria and Lisa all clambered out. Lisa had been hired a two months earlier as Jodi's replacement. Ann and Clara showed everyone to their rooms, while Sara set out a buffet lunch. Mid-way through lunch Gerry announced that everyone had a surprise for me and that after lunch, I should go out to the pool and await my surprise.
I had just about dozed off in my lounge chair, when I heard a rustle of noise and looked up to see my surprise. What I saw was a parade of each of my "girls" marching in a straight line and then arraying themselves in a little semi-circle around me. They were all attired identically. They were wearing white tops over identical gold bikini bottoms. Their bottoms were not fitting snuggly, and to an extent they fell away from each of their lower bellys. Those of the girls who shaved did not look as undressed as did those who did not, as their pubic hair certainly was visible.
At a cue which Gerry gave, they all took off their tops, and they stood in front of me for my inspection, each with big smiles and each noticing that my erection had snuck out of the leg of my shorts.
This was a first-all of the women in my empire were standing there together having so carefully arrayed themselves in an enticing manner. Gerry then gave another signal, and in practiced unison, each girl reached for a clasp on there left hip and they unhooked one leg of their bikini bottoms which each then released. The bottoms puddled at each of the girls feet and, as they all stood before me, absolutely naked and smiling and giggling. I felt richer and more in possession of a domain than I think I ever had before.
I was wondering how my state of arousal would be resolved and Gerry, again taking the lead, asked me how I wanted to take care of "that" she said as she pointed. I had a quick answer. I skinned off my shorts and took a dollop of tanning lotion in my palm. I started to stroke myself and I told all the girls to sit near me and to follow my lead. Within five minutes we were all engaged in self- stimulation with different extents of whimpers and moans.
I could see each of the girls stimulating themselves according to each of their habits; Ann for example was simply making circular motions with her index finger on her clit; both Clara and Sara were plunging their digits in and out of their pussys. Sharon was kneading her breasts with one hand while fingering herself with the other. Maria had pushed her breasts together and was licking and sucking her nipples. Marie was on her knees, with her bottom stuck high in the air and with one hand reaching behind to play with herself from behind. This whole scene was extremely arousing for me and I felt myself getting ready to explode, as the pulse and pace quickened, and as I started to audibilize my situation, Gerry scooted over to me and positioned her face between my legs and extended her tongue in a very specific invitation to receive my cum. I accepted that invitation.
After taking a moment to catch my breath, I slipped into the pool to let the cool water cleanse and refresh me. As each of the girls reached their limit, they also made their way into the swimming pool. Plainly, this was to be a successful weekend. It was.
I was at my desk on a Monday when Ann came in to remind me that she was to meet her younger sister at the airport that afternoon. I had not met Justine before as she had spent the previous four years enrolled in medical school in Belgium. After earning her degree from the school at Louvain, she had enrolled for an additional two years of training at U.C.L.A. in order to receive a degree from that school as well and ease her way into practice in this country. Ann had described for me that Justine was about to start a three month rotation at NYU in its obstetrics and gynecology service as part of her clinical training the following week and Ann had asked if it was alright if she would be living with us for that time. I agreed and we anticipated that we would moderate our behavior at home in deference to Justine's presence.
That evening we all had dinner together. Justine was enthusiastic about her upcoming stint at NYU and she told us how medical education differs between the U.S. and Europe, with the greater emphasis on clinical education here. Over the course of the meal, Justine mentioned that she was invited out to a friend's house in the Hampton's the following weekend, and that she needed to do a little shopping as she had only brought one bathing suit with her, and could use some additional sport clothes. Ann brightened and offered to take Justine out to our shop, Vanities, and assured her that she would have a good supply of items to choose from.
"That's good Ann. It is tough to find something to fit me properly. You probably have the same problem even worse than I do."
"That's why I make sure that Vanities always has an adequate selection for people like us."
Now Justine was not quite as busty as Ann, but she clearly was well- endowed, although I could not tell quite the extent because of the blousy nature of the dress she was wearing.
"If you are going out to Vanities tomorow" I said, "I'll drive you both out there." Ann shot me a dark look, as she must have realized what I had in mind.
I pulled up in front of the apartment about noon the next day in order to drive Ann and Justine out to Vanities. Ann had not said anything to me about what I would be doing during her and Justine's trip to Vanities. The two of them hopped in to my car and both seemed to be in an upbeat mood. They had spent the morning catching up and visiting with each other. Ann asked me what was new in the office and I told her there was a lot of work piling up on our desks, but at least for the moment, no emergencies.
I dropped the two in front of the store and told them I would be back in about an hour or so and that I would take everyone out to a late lunch. Ann gave me a big smile, which I took as a blessing from her for what I was about to do. I pulled in behind the store and using my key, entered the "viewing" room.
Business wasn't bad, I judged, by the amount of activity that was going on. Several people were trying on different items and one asian girl caught my eye. She had a terrific, lithe figure. After about twenty minutes, Justine entered one of the try-on rooms with an armful of bathing suits. She hung them up one by one on a rack opposite the mirror and seemed to take some time to decide what she would put on first. Almost absentmindedly, she unbuttoned her blouse and stepped out of her slacks. Reaching behind her, she unhooked her bra and turned to face the mirror. Justine had an impressive figure. Her breasts were large and seemed more assertive, less pendulous than Ann's and certainly not as big. Like Ann, she had a thin waist, but it was evident from the dark area at the front of her panties that she did not share Ann's shaving habit. I watched with interest as Justine tried on all the different outfits that she had selected. One that particularly appealed to me was a shocking pink T-back number which did little to cover her rear and which only had two wide vertical bands that were strategically placed to cover her nipples, but which left the sides of each breast free to catch the sun.
Shortly after I realized that Ann and Justine had finished their selections, I ducked out the back and drove the car to the front of the store to pick them up. We had a nice lunch and then headed back to the city. Ann did not ask me where I had gone while the two were shopping and I did not raise the subject either.
The next day Ann and Justine were left to their own devices to spend their time. Over dinner, they filled me in on their day touring some of Manhattan's interesting locales including the shops on Madison Avenue and lunc h in Chinatown. Ann told Justine that she would be on her own the next day as she had to get back to our office.
"I'd love to see where you work. Why don't I come up, you can show me around and I'll take you to lunch."
Justine's request unnerved Ann. We both realized the next day was Thursday-a day when we have our special dress code and when we don't ordinarily schedule visitors.
"I have just so much to do, there's no way I could go to lunch. Maybe Friday?" Ann ventured.
"I can't. I have an orientation session at NYU on Friday." Turning to me Justine asked "It'll be o.k. if I see my big sister for a while tomorrow won't it.?"
"Sure" I answered, not knowing myself how things would play out.
Later that evening, when we were alone Ann raised the subject of how we would be the next day. By then I had decided how I wanted things to go. "No exceptions, Ann. I guess Justine will just see how we work on Thursday's."
I had expected more of a protest from Ann than she offered. She did not seem as upset as I thought she might and had she really seemed distressed, I was prepared to alter our normal Thursday routine. Something else, however, was going on.
On Thursday, business started off as usual with everyone doffing their tops and some their bottoms as well, with Marie keeping her sweater at the ready for unexpected visitors. From my open office door I could see that Gerry was wearing only thigh high stockings and black panties, and Ann had chosen today to wear grey stockings and a matching garter belt. I was surprised that she was not wearing a skirt or any other sort of body coveri ng.
Exactly at noon, Marie came into the back, a little flustered. She had her sweater on and in an urgent tone told Ann: "Your sister Justine is out front."
"Bring her back here, please" was Ann's instruction to Marie.
Moments later I watched as Marie opened the door to our inner office space and brought Justine in. Justine saw Ann and Gerry immediately and looked at both with a totally shocked expression.
"Ann! What's going on?" she finally mustered. The sound of a strange and excited voice prompted some of the others to come around to see what the commotion was all about. Maria and Sharon came within view and Justine quickly realized that she was witnessing something she had never anticipated.
"Come on in to my office" I invited Justine. "I guess Ann better explain to you what this is all about."
Justine went in to my office quietly and took a seat on the couch. Ann came inside as well and closed the door behind her. She sat opposite to Justine in an armchair with her legs slightly spread-it seemed to me delib erately so-with her nakedness completely apparent. She made no move to cover up.
Ann explained that everyone who worked in my office was doing so voluntarily and that all were very well paid, even exorbitantly well paid. She said that I was well-liked by the staff and that she thought that at least two others in addition to herself were in love with me.
That was the first time that the word "love" was ever used in connection with our relationship and I realized part of the reason why Ann did not prevent this encounter with Justine.
Ann went on to explain how I was turned on by the visual and how everyone tried to figure out ways to appeal to me in this manner. To illustrate this point, and to make another, Ann described how she had designed and co nfigured Vanities to permit me to monitor the dressing rooms. It took about ten seconds for Justine to make the connection and realize that she had been there but two days previous. She seemed to blush, but there was al so what I thought was a faint grin curling the ends of her mouth as she looked in my direction.
Ann continued with her account of how we all came to the work arrangements that we had. She then startled me a bit further by describing our Tuesday and Thursday post-lunch activities, including what happens when the girls draw different color marbles.
Justine interrupted to ask Ann if the reason she was shaved was another part of my requirements. "No, but I know Bob likes that" she answered.
There was silence for a moment and then Justine spoke. "Well I saw the buffet lunch set up outside and Ann you told me what the routine is here on Thursdays, and seeing how Bob already was watching me the other day, I guess there's no good reason why I should inhibit you all from what you would normally do." As she spoke those words, Justine pulled the cotton top she was wearing over her head and without hesitating for a second, removed her bra too.
I did not know what to expect so I announced that I was going to get some lunch. Justine bounced up and said she was hungry too and followed me to where the buffet was set up. The rest of the office was already helping themselves and we all took our plates and gathered around the conference table where we ate our lunch.
When the time came to go draw the red or blue marbles, Gerry retrieved the jar and started to pass around the table so that everyone could pick. Lisa announced that since she was not feeling that well, she was having her period, she'd staff the reception area for the next hour or so. Gerry gave Ann the chance to draw a marble, she picked a red one, and then asked Justine if she wanted to select a marble. I started to say that would not be necessary but Justine reached in and held up a red one as well. With the selection of the two red marbles, the draw was ended and we all went in to the room where the cushions were arrayed on the floor.
Gerry and Marie were particularly anxious to get things underway and no sooner did they walk into the room than they arranged themselves side by side starting to kiss each other and shortly each was fingering the other as well. Sharon and Maria took positions near each other and seemed to be principally engaged in solitary activities although from time to time they leaned over to each other and kissed. Ann and Justine were a little awk ward. Ann started to kiss me and told Justine to undress me as well as herself. Justine quickly took off her skirt and panties and then unbuckled my slacks and drew them off me along with my shorts. Justine, probably f or lack of what else to do, started to take me in her mouth, but then turned her attention to nipping and biting my thighs. I motioned for Ann to pay some attention to my cock and she bent over and took me in her mouth.
At one point she held me and offered Justine the opportunity to suck me as well. I interrupted that move and drew Justine to me. I wanted to feel her breasts and kiss her. Her mouth opened to receive my tongue and I l ifted one of her breasts to get a sense of its weight. It seemed firmer, denser than her sisters', but not as large. After a bit, I encouraged Ann and Justine to trade assignments and as Ann thrust her tongue in my mout h I reached down and felt how considerably wet she was.
I then leaned back, in effect signalling Ann that I wanted her to tend to my cock in whatever manner she selected. I watched wide-eyed as she joined her sister licking and sucking my cock. As Ann swept her tongue up, d own and around me, I saw Justine mimic those movements and I noticed, more than once, that their tongues would meet as they enveloped me. At first I thought that was inadvertent until I noticed that Justine's free hand h ad parted Ann's lips and that she was working her fingers in and out of Ann. Ann also seemed to be reciprocating that attention by rolling one of Justine's nipples between her thumb and forefinger. The realization that Ann and Justine were relating to each other even as they were tending to me was an overwhelming stimulation. Almost immediately I reached my climax and painted each of their faces and chests with my ejaculation.
As I leaned back against the pillows in relaxation, Ann and Justine both tended to me and joined in cleaning me with the fresh washcloths that were set out for that purpose. At one point Ann reached up to kiss me and wh ile I was kissing Ann on the mouth, I reached for Justine and pulled her up towards me as well. At that point, I took Justine by the nape of her neck, and Ann by hers, and drew their mouths towards mine. After being in a position to taste both their tongues at the same time, I withdrew from the fray, leaving both Justine and Ann twirling their tongues around each others. I then took Justine's hand and placed it on Ann's breast. Neith er sister needed any more encouragement.
Using me no more than a prop to support Justine, Ann began to bathe Justine with her tongue while Justine writhed with excitement. Initially Ann knelt between Justine's legs and licked her slowly and gently, but Justine twisted so that she had like access to Ann. Justine placed two fingers inside Ann and twisted them about as she was nibbling and licking her. Everyone else in the room was completely captivated by the evident passion w hich these sisters were demonstrating and as I looked around I saw every pair of eyes glued to Justine and Ann while everyone, except for me, was almost absent-mindedly touching and stroking themselves.
Ultimately and finally Ann and Justine became more and more energetic in their activities and their grunts and whimpers which lead to very intense and simultaneous orgasms for each of them. As they finished they each lay against me, nestled one in each arm. I turned to kiss each and as I did I tasted on each, the other.
I had gotten bored. I had closed down my operation effective as of December 31, 1987 and after paying everyone a nice bonus we all parted amidst tears and hugs and on to new lives. Gerry and Ann stayed with me. Gerry simply to be my secretary in my new office and Ann to be with me.
I had purchased a townhouse in the East 60's in Manhattan and used a professional suite that a doctor had previously occupied to carry on my business. Ann and Gerry had offices there as did I. Ann had become quite wealthy as a result of the interest she had in the investments we had made. I had given her a check for $2.3 million when we liquidated the majority of our investment partnerships. For my part, I knew that my net worth now exceeded $400 million. I managed to keep that a secret from Forbes.
In July 1988 I had travelled to Los Angeles on business by myself. Ann was visiting her mother, and Gerry who would have accompanied me in her stead was feeling a little under the weather. I stayed at the Hotel Belair which was my favorite in West L.A. and for the first few days my schedule was pretty well booked. One Thursday, however, I found that I had nothing scheduled that evening and I was flipping through the paper thinking that I might take in a movie, when an ad caught my eye. One of the local clubs, Carroway's, advertised Foxy Mud Wrestling.
I decided to attend the program which it touted and arrived as the doors opened at 8 p.m. After being seated at a small round table around a ring lined with a blue vinyl tarp, I ordered a drink and nursed it and its successor along until the show started at 9 p.m. The show consisted of a series of staged matches between very pretty girls who were wearing skimpy outfits. Before each match, the combatants did a semi-strip down to minute bikinis and then sold kisses for dollar bills. I bought a few. The next to the last "match" was called a challenge match where one of the few girls in the audience volunteered to enter the ring against one of the troup e.
The fellow sitting next to me told me that these are the most interesting because the "amateur" sometimes really got enthusiastic and displayed more energy than the "professionals." I ventured the opinion that these are probably ringers, but no, I was assured that these were bona fide amateurs.
When the challenge match time arrived, a boisterous group decided to egg one of their female members on. The girl in question was none too anxious to get involved, but she did ultimately agree to participate. Stoked on no doubt by a few beers she was ushered to the backroom and later emerged, having been supplied with an outfit that was pretty skimpy consisting of a pair of shorts and a white t- shirt with a the beginning of a few tears. As the bout got underway, i saw that it was the experienced girl's job to exploit these few tears and enlarge them. No corresponding headstart was available to the poor challenger. To the audience's pleasure, the challenger soon was struggling with efforts to preserve her modesty (such as it was) and at the same time engage in mild combat.
The final bout of the evening was an auction where one of the men got to pick which of the previous girls he wanted to contend with. I was not interested in this so I left and went back to my hotel.
A few weeks late found me back in New York and sort of rattling around looking for things to do. I asked Ann if whe would come with me to L.A. for a few days. Ann asked me what we would do while we were there and I tol d her that we would figure things out and that I would show her some of the places that I had been to the previous month. On this trip to L.A. we checked in to the Beverly Wilshire hotel. The first couple of days were not expecially busy. Ann did a little shopping and we went to a few meetings together.
Over lunch that Thursday I informed Ann that we were going to go to go to Carroway's that night.
"What type of restaurant is that?" Ann asked.
"It's not a restaurant, it's sort of a night club." I answered.
"Oh, what type of entertainment do they have?" Ann asked.
"They have a floorshow, you'll see."
"Should I dress up, is it a fancy place?"
"Actually, it is very casual. You should wear something comfortable and sexy."
We had an early dinner that night in our suite courtesy of room service. About 7:15 p.m. as the food cart and table was being removed, Ann started picking through her closet to figure out what she would wear. She aske d me whether I had a preference and together we selected the outfit. She wore a tight and short black skirt that I had not seen before over sheer to the waist pantyhose. As she put it on, and there was nothing else unde rneath, I could not imagine how she was going to be able to sit, get in and out of cars, or do anything else and maintain any sense of modesty.
Apparently her strategy for dealing with that dillema was one of diversion, because she chose to wear a linen top that was filled to its limit with her breasts and which was essentially translucent bordering on transparent depending on how the light caught it.
"Is this sexy enough?" she asked. No answer was necessary, but I took her hand and guided it to a part of me which had reacted in suitably unambiguous response to her query.
We arrived at Carroway's and Ann immediately noticed the marquee touting the evening's entertainment. As we made our way to be seated, Ann looked around and I saw it register on her that there were very few women in att endance. We were shown to a small cabaret table at "ringside" and we ordered drinks. Ann struggled to find a way to sit at the table without exposing herself inordinately to the people sitting opposite us.
Ann and I watched the first two bouts. The routine was much as I had remembered it from my previous evening at Carroway's. I noticed however that many of the attendees were as intent on watching Ann as they were on th e show. Ann had difficulty keeping herself "arranged" so that she did not steal any more than was inevitable everyone else's attention.
At the start of the third match the soon to be combatants came out to do their almost strip to their fighting outfits and, as usual, they sold kisses for dollar tips. Ann held up a dollar for me and one very attractive blonde gave me a swift, chaste kiss. One of the people who was seated behind us, however, decided to have a little fun and held up a dollar over Ann. The blonde came back and without any hesitation leaned over to give A nn the kiss that the dollar bought. I watched Ann as she took all of this in good stride and good spirit.
The time came for the challenge match. The m.c. introduced the girl who was to fight the challenge match. She had some absurd stage name like Titanic Tina, and that she was. She was one of the few girls I ever encountered who was fully as big as Ann, perhaps even bigger. Her breasts were carried in a bra visible through her purple lace dress which had a little flex to it so that as she walked around, there was a reverberating bounce.
She drew a lot of attention as she removed her dress and walked around the club in bra and panties selling her kisses for dollars. When she finished her introduction and went back to change into her fighting outfit, th e m.c. took the microphone to try and auction off the right to meet Tina in the ring. There was a little more interest in the opportuntiy to enter the ring than there had been the laste time that I came to the club. Abo ut three people were bidding at $20 increments and the total reached $160 just as the there seemed only to be one bidder left. At that point I raised my hand and bid $300. There was an audible hush and as the m.c. annou nced that I had won, I said no, it's not me who won, it's the lady I was with.
Everybody seemed quite excited with the idea that Ann was to be the combatant. There were a bunch of whoops and hollers as the m.c. asked Ann to join him in the front of the ring where the match was to be held. As she walked to the front all in the club saw her large, braless breasts bounce and jiggle under the sheer material of her blouse. Ann was then escorted to the dressing room where she was given an outfit to wear in the fight s he was going to have with Tina. After about ten minutes, Ann reappeared. She was wearing a blue and white spandex outfit that had to be at least three sizes to small. The material molded itself to her skin as tightly a s if it were sprayed on. Absolutely nothing was left to the imagination. The crowd's reaction to Ann alternated between shocked and silent amazement and spluttering whoops and catcalls. Ann was given a chance to "dance" around the area for dollars and she elicited a terrific, enthusiastic reaction. More than one guy tried to rest his hand on Ann or draw her close enough to him that he would have significant contact with her breasts.
Tina and Ann took their positions in the ring and waited for the bell. Tina traded on her experience and as soon as the signal to begin was heard she managed to pull Ann's legs out from under her and jumped astride her back and tried to pin Ann's shoulders to the ground. After a bit, Ann managed to arch her back and pulled Tina off her and both girls sprang to their feet. Once again, Tina knocked Ann off her feet and this time Ann lan ded smack on her face and I saw that she had a bloodied nose. The referee stopped the bout and gave Ann a clean towel to staunch the flow of blood. After a five minute hiatus, Ann declined the opportunity to withdraw an d insisted that she wanted to continue. I could tell that she was taking it all seriously.
There were about twenty seconds left in the first of the three rounds and once again Tina got the advantage which she retained until the bell. The crowd, however, it was clear was behind Ann.
The second round lacked the excitement of the first. Both girls seemed to be conserving their strength as they pawed at each other for most of the round. Towards the end, Tina sat astride Ann's stomach and seemed to ma ul Ann's breasts roughly through the material of Ann's outfit. Between the second and third rounds, I managed to get a few word of whisper to Ann. My concern was that she wasn't hurt and she said she was o.k.
The third round was unforgettable. Ann exploded out of her crouch when the bell rang and bowled Tina over with a ferocious rush. In a flash she was smothering Tina and was pinning her shoulders to the mat. Tina was no t used to this type of resistance and I saw her pinch Ann's left breast at the nipple. Ann yelped in pain and drew back from Tina. Tina took advantage of this trick to throw Ann off her and soon the girls were both back on their feet. There was no hiding that Ann was furious. This time as the girls grappled, Tina just grabbed Ann's leotard at the neck and tugged. The material ripped and split right from the neck all the way to below Ann's waist. In a flash, both of Ann's breasts flopped free. Paying no heed, Ann jumped on Tina and once again sat astride her and used her legs to help pin Tina. Ann also decided that she would not be the only fighter exposed to the crowd, and with several yanks, freed Tina's breasts from their containment. At that point the bell signalling the end of the fight rang. Both girls got to their feet and neither made any attempt to cover up.
Those in attendance gave the combatants a standing ovation. Even the girls who had previously fought were applauding the sincere and formidable efforts that Ann and Tina had made. Both girls stood drawing in great gulps of air as their chest heaved as a result of their exertion. The m.c. huddled with the promoter while they figured out who would be declared the winner.
Finally, the m.c. took Ann and Tina each by the arm and moved toward the center of the ring. "We have a draw!" he announced. The crowd reacted loudly to that announcement and quickly the chant "rematch, rematch" started up. At that point one of the promoters of this troupe came over to confer with the two girls. Ann motioned for me to join them. The promoter, Mike, introduced himself to me and I gave him my first name.
I had gotten bored. I had closed down my operation effective as of December 31, 1987 and after paying everyone a nice bonus we all parted amidst tears and hugs and on to new lives. Gerry and Ann stayed with me. Gerry simply to be my secretary in my new office and Ann to be with me.
I had purchased a townhouse in the East 60's in Manhattan and used a professional suite that a doctor had previously occupied to carry on my business. Ann and Gerry had offices there as did I. Ann had become quite weal thy as a result of the interest she had in the investments we had made. I had given her a check for $2.3 million when we liquidated the majority of our investment partnerships. For my part, I knew that my net worth now exceeded $400 million. I managed to keep that a secret from Forbes.
In July 1988 I had travelled to Los Angeles on business by myself. Ann was visiting her mother, and Gerry who would have accompanied me in her stead was feeling a little under the weather. I stayed at the Hotel Belair which was my favorite in West L.A. and for the first few days my schedule was pretty well booked. One Thursday, however, I found that I had nothing scheduled that evening and I was flipping through the paper thinking tha t I might take in a movie, when an ad caught my eye. One of the local clubs, Carroway's, advertised Foxy Mud Wrestling.
I decided to attend the program which it touted and arrived as the doors opened at 8 p.m. After being seated at a small round table around a ring lined with a blue vinyl tarp, I ordered a drink and nursed it and its suc cessor along until the show started at 9 p.m. The show consisted of a series of staged matches between very pretty girls who were wearing skimpy outfits. Before each match, the combatants did a semi-strip down to minut e bikinis and then sold kisses for dollar bills. I bought a few. The next to the last "match" was called a challenge match where one of the few girls in the audience volunteered to enter the ring against one of the troup e.
The fellow sitting next to me told me that these are the most interesting because the "amateur" sometimes really got enthusiastic and displayed more energy than the "professionals." I ventured the opinion that these are probably ringers, but no, I was assured that these were bona fide amateurs.
When the challenge match time arrived, a boisterous group decided to egg one of their female members on. The girl in question was none too anxious to get involved, but she did ultimately agree to participate. Stoked on no doubt by a few beers she was ushered to the backroom and later emerged, having been supplied with an outfit that was pretty skimpy consisting of a pair of shorts and a white t- shirt with a the beginning of a few tear s. As the bout got underway, i saw that it was the experienced girl's job to exploit these few tears and enlarge them. No corresponding headstart was available to the poor challenger. To the audience's pleasure, the ch allenger soon was struggling with efforts to preserve her modesty (such as it was) and at the same time engage in mild combat.
The final bout of the evening was an auction where one of the men got to pick which of the previous girls he wanted to contend with. I was not interested in this so I left and went back to my hotel.
A few weeks late found me back in New York and sort of rattling around looking for things to do. I asked Ann if whe would come with me to L.A. for a few days. Ann asked me what we would do while we were there and I tol d her that we would figure things out and that I would show her some of the places that I had been to the previous month. On this trip to L.A. we checked in to the Beverly Wilshire hotel. The first couple of days were not expecially busy. Ann did a little shopping and we went to a few meetings together.
Over lunch that Thursday I informed Ann that we were going to go to go to Carroway's that night.
"What type of restaurant is that?" Ann asked.
"It's not a restaurant, it's sort of a night club." I answered.
"Oh, what type of entertainment do they have?" Ann asked.
"They have a floorshow, you'll see."
"Should I dress up, is it a fancy place?"
"Actually, it is very casual. You should wear something comfortable and sexy."
We had an early dinner that night in our suite courtesy of room service. About 7:15 p.m. as the food cart and table was being removed, Ann started picking through her closet to figure out what she would wear. She aske d me whether I had a preference and together we selected the outfit. She wore a tight and short black skirt that I had not seen before over sheer to the waist pantyhose. As she put it on, and there was nothing else unde rneath, I could not imagine how she was going to be able to sit, get in and out of cars, or do anything else and maintain any sense of modesty. Apparently her strategy for dealing with that dillema was one of diversion, because she chose to wear a linen top that was filled to its limit with her breasts and which was essentially translucent bordering on transparent depending on how the light caught it.
"Is this sexy enough?" she asked. No answer was necessary, but I took her hand and guided it to a part of me which had reacted in suitably unambiguous response to her query.
We arrived at Carroway's and Ann immediately noticed the marquee touting the evening's entertainment. As we made our way to be seated, Ann looked around and I saw it register on her that there were very few women in att endance. We were shown to a small cabaret table at "ringside" and we ordered drinks. Ann struggled to find a way to sit at the table without exposing herself inordinately to the people sitting opposite us.
Ann and I watched the first two bouts. The routine was much as I had remembered it from my previous evening at Carroway's. I noticed however that many of the attendees were as intent on watching Ann as they were on th e show. Ann had difficulty keeping herself "arranged" so that she did not steal any more than was inevitable everyone else's attention.
At the start of the third match the soon to be combatants came out to do their almost strip to their fighting outfits and, as usual, they sold kisses for dollar tips. Ann held up a dollar for me and one very attractive blonde gave me a swift, chaste kiss. One of the people who was seated behind us, however, decided to have a little fun and held up a dollar over Ann. The blonde came back and without any hesitation leaned over to give A nn the kiss that the dollar bought. I watched Ann as she took all of this in good stride and good spirit.
The time came for the challenge match. The m.c. introduced the girl who was to fight the challenge match. She had some absurd stage name like Titanic Tina, and that she was. She was one of the few girls I ever encount ered who was fully as big as Ann, perhaps even bigger. Her breasts were carried in a bra visible through her purple lace dress which had a little flex to it so that as she walked around, there was a reverberating bounce.
She drew a lot of attention as she removed her dress and walked around the club in bra and panties selling her kisses for dollars. When she finished her introduction and went back to change into her fighting outfit, th e m.c. took the microphone to try and auction off the right to meet Tina in the ring. There was a little more interest in the opportuntiy to enter the ring than there had been the laste time that I came to the club. Abo ut three people were bidding at $20 increments and the total reached $160 just as the there seemed only to be one bidder left. At that point I raised my hand and bid $300. There was an audible hush and as the m.c. annou nced that I had won, I said no, it's not me who won, it's the lady I was with.
Everybody seemed quite excited with the idea that Ann was to be the combatant. There were a bunch of whoops and hollers as the m.c. asked Ann to join him in the front of the ring where the match was to be held. As she walked to the front all in the club saw her large, braless breasts bounce and jiggle under the sheer material of her blouse. Ann was then escorted to the dressing room where she was given an outfit to wear in the fight s he was going to have with Tina. After about ten minutes, Ann reappeared. She was wearing a blue and white spandex outfit that had to be at least three sizes to small. The material molded itself to her skin as tightly a s if it were sprayed on. Absolutely nothing was left to the imagination. The crowd's reaction to Ann alternated between shocked and silent amazement and spluttering whoops and catcalls. Ann was given a chance to "dance " around the area for dollars and she elicited a terrific, enthusiastic reaction. More than one guy tried to rest his hand on Ann or draw her close enough to him that he would have significant contact with her breasts.
Tina and Ann took their positions in the ring and waited for the bell. Tina traded on her experience and as soon as the signal to begin was heard she managed to pull Ann's legs out from under her and jumped astride her back and tried to pin Ann's shoulders to the ground. After a bit, Ann managed to arch her back and pulled Tina off her and both girls sprang to their feet. Once again, Tina knocked Ann off her feet and this time Ann lan ded smack on her face and I saw that she had a bloodied nose. The referee stopped the bout and gave Ann a clean towel to staunch the flow of blood. After a five minute hiatus, Ann declined the opportunity to withdraw an d insisted that she wanted to continue. I could tell that she was taking it all seriously.
There were about twenty seconds left in the first of the three rounds and once again Tina got the advantage which she retained until the bell. The crowd, however, it was clear was behind Ann.
The second round lacked the excitement of the first. Both girls seemed to be conserving their strength as they pawed at each other for most of the round. Towards the end, Tina sat astride Ann's stomach and seemed to ma ul Ann's breasts roughly through the material of Ann's outfit. Between the second and third rounds, I managed to get a few word of whisper to Ann. My concern was that she wasn't hurt and she said she was o.k.
The third round was unforgettable. Ann exploded out of her crouch when the bell rang and bowled Tina over with a ferocious rush. In a flash she was smothering Tina and was pinning her shoulders to the mat. Tina was no t used to this type of resistance and I saw her pinch Ann's left breast at the nipple. Ann yelped in pain and drew back from Tina. Tina took advantage of this trick to throw Ann off her and soon the girls were both back on their feet. There was no hiding that Ann was furious. This time as the girls grappled, Tina just grabbed Ann's leotard at the neck and tugged. The material ripped and split right from the neck all the way to below Ann's waist. In a flash, both of Ann's breasts flopped free. Paying no heed, Ann jumped on Tina and once again sat astride her and used her legs to help pin Tina. Ann also decided that she would not be the only fighter exposed to the crowd, and with several yanks, freed Tina's breasts from their containment. At that point the bell signalling the end of the fight rang. Both girls got to their feet and neither made any attempt to cover up.
Those in attendance gave the combatants a standing ovation. Even the girls who had previously fought were applauding the sincere and formidable efforts that Ann and Tina had made. Both girls stood drawing in great gulp s of air as their chest heaved as a result of their exertion. The m.c. huddled with the promoter while they figured out who would be declared the winner.
Finally, the m.c. took Ann and Tina each by the arm and moved toward the center of the ring. "We have a draw!" he announced. The crowd reacted loudly to that announcement and quickly the chant "rematch, rematch" start ed up. At that point one of the promoters of this troupe came over to confer with the two girls. Ann motioned for me to join them. The promoter, Mike, introduced himself to me and I gave him my first name.
We drove back towards our hotel and headed up Wilshire Boulevard. As we passed the Beverly Wilshire hotel, I asked Ann if she wanted to stop off at the hotel for a few drinks. We were both a little wired and Ann agreed that it would be a good idea.
The cocktail lounge was not crowded at all and Ann and I sat in a booth and ordered our drinks. The lounge was dark and we were off in a corner. One other couple was seated in a booth opposite ours. They seemed engros sed in their own discussion. It was not until our drinks arrived that Ann and I talked about her "combat" that evening.
"How's your nose?" I asked. "Does it still hurt?"
"No, it's fine. I am not even sore."
"You were some sight. I had almost forgotten how much I enjoy having other people watching you."
"I like it too," Ann answered, "and you know that it especially pleases me that it is a turn on for you."
I put my arm around Ann and pulled her close to me to kiss her. As I did so, I noticed that the couple seated across the way was looking at us. The fact that they were looking at us did nothing to diminish my attention to Ann. In fact, as Ann leaned closer and closer in to me she pivoted in her seat somewhat so that I realized her skirt was hiking up ever higher. As I looked past the couple opposite us I could make out our reflectio ns in the mirrored wall that was on the far side of the lounge which all in all was about fifteen feet away. I also realized that what I saw in the mirror was the same perspective that the couple in the booth opposite us had. I could tell that Ann's skirt had climbed so that the bottom of the skirt was only barely covering her bottom and that the back of her nylon-clad legs were in full view. I decided to add a little spice to what was happening and so I pulled slightly on the back of the skirt so that about the bottom third of Ann's bottom was now uncovered. I could tell that the couple opposite us was paying close attention. After about thirty seco nds, I released Ann from my grasp and we returned to our side by side, seated posture.
I whispered to Ann that our neighbors in the booth across the way had been watching us closely. Ann and I both then turned and looked at that couple. The man was in his 30's and was wearing a suit. The girl was asian, with a slim build and seemed to be in her mid 20's. Their gaze caught ours and they smiled. They turned towards each other and exchanged a few whispers and seemed to giggle. Then, the man, mimicking what I had done be fore, drew his girlfriend toward him and they started to kiss. Like Ann, the girl shifted in her seat so that she was facing her boyfriend with her back to us, and, as I had, he reached down and bunched up his girlfriend 's skirt and raised it so that she was exposed to us. The asian girl was wearing black stockings which were supported by a black garter belt. Her panties had only a narrow strip of fabric running down between her buttoc ks and they gleamed creamy white in the subdued lighting of the bar. After a few moments, the sight of the waitress approaching to freshen our drinks prompted them to rearrange their clothing and positions. I raised my drink in a silent toast to them and asked our waitress to bring them a round of drinks on our tab.
After the drinks had been served, I decided to take things one more step. Reaching over to Ann, I unbuttoned her the top several buttons on her blouse and then, in a manner that was obvious to our "friends" across the w ay, reached inside her blouse with my left hand and lifted and supported her right breast in my hand.
After a few moments, I withdrew my hand and leaned back to look across at the couple in the booth across the way. The man shifted in his seat so his back was to the mirrored wall and drew the asian girl towards him so t hat she was resting her back against his. As he nuzzled her neck, he slipped his hand under the pullover blouse that the girl was wearing and quite conspicuously, but under the sweater massaged and kneaded her breast. T hen, knowing that Ann and I were watching them closely, he lifted her sweater higher and higher so that as one hand cupped and squeezed the asian girl's right breast, her left was fully exposed. This continued for only a few moments, when clothing was rearranged to restore a modest sense of decorum.
The couple across the way motioned for us to join them in their booth and I told Ann that we should join them. Ann, however did not want to accept that invitation: "Bob, I'm tired, let's go back to the hotel" she pleaded. I was not happy with this response of Ann's and I knew that corrective measures would have to be taken.
I beat Ann to the office on Tuesday by about five minutes. Ann showed up at work in a cream colored blouse over a red skirt. She told me that she expected to spend the day interviewing prospective receptionists and that she had invited an office space broker to visit her at 2:30 p.m. and that she thought it would be useful if I sat in on that meeting. That was fine with me. I retreated to my office expecting that I would spend the day watching Ann at work. Ann busied herself at her desk and to my chagrin she remained fully clothed. I realized why pretty quickly when the door to the suite opened and the first of the candidate receptionists arrived.
For probably the umpteenth time in the past day or so I tried to take stock of what was going on. I had set out to start my business and somehow got hooked up with this person who I was wildly overpaying to handle day to day administrative matters. Ann seemed perfectly competent in that respect but she had the out of left field and remarkable penchant for mesmerizing me through the brazen display of her breasts. Where were we going and why wasn't I talking to her in explicit terms about what was going on? Obviously Ann had struck a responsive chord tapping into a voyeuristic streak I had. For the moment I continued to think that I would play along t o see where things were headed.
That day Ann interviewed about four or so candidates for the receptionist's job. When I asked her how things were going she said that she hadn't yet met anyone who seemed quite right for the job, but if she did she would bring the person in to meet with me too. We also met with the real estate broker and described the space we were looking for. We thought that about 4,000 square feet would do and described the layout we had in mind. Ann was quite emphatic that we were looking for space that we would could remodel to suit our needs and that we needed to have the flexibility to do tear down and rebuild walls to get things in order. We had not discussed this and I assumed that Ann had something particular in mind. I did not press her on the point however.
Ann left at about 5:30. I thought we had a relatively "normal" day and that did not bother me.
At the time I was living in a two bedroom apartment in a highrise on Central Park South. I had sweeping views of the park to the North.
Initially my habit was to have dinner out with friends, catch a movie or a ball game or go to a club or a bar and wind up home (generally alone but sometimes not) at about midnight or 1:00 a.m. I had arranged through the superintendent of the building for someone to come in three days a week to keep the apartment clean and to tend to details like dropping off and picking up my laundry.
I had started to give thought to buying a new apartment and to changing my domestic arrangements. I wanted an apartment with more space and I fancied the elegant pre-war apartments along Manhattan's Park and Fifth Avenues. I also thought that I would like a live-in house staff who would keep my residence in order and who would prepare meals so that I could eat and entertain more readily at home. I decided that I would give that project to Ann to supervise.
Sharon appeared at out offices precisely at 10:00 a.m. Allie directed her to Ann's desk just outside my door. Ann greeted her brusquely and brought Sharon in to my office.
"This is that bitch who we caught stealing at Vanities" Ann said as if introduction were necessary. I motioned for Sharon to sit down. She was clearly nervous. She was breathing rapidly. Ann spoke: "I've told this person that for the moment we won't press any charges but she is to spend the week working here as a lesson to her."
Sharon said that she was grateful that we were not ruining her life and that she'd help out in the office. Evidently she had not anticipated all that Ann had in mind.
Ann reached into her bag and produced the two bikini sets that Sharon had tried to steal. Ann handed the green set to Sharon and told her to go into the restroom in my office and put those on. Sharon looked shocked.
"I can't, I won't do that."
"Your choice" said Ann "we'll just have to report what you did and then you'll see what happens to your career."
"Well maybe tomorrow."
"No, it's to be today, right now, and you better get to it this instant."
Sharon recognized her plight and went in and changed. When she emerged she clutched the clothes she had been wearing in front of her. "Put those down" Ann decreed. As Sharon obeyed, I knew one reason for her reticence. As I had noticed when she first tried the suit on, the front was cut narrowly, and Sharon's pubic hair was so full, there was no way that the small strip of fabric could contain the lush bush.
"Sit" Ann directed, still showing absolutely no compassion for Sharon. "This is what you can expect. For the rest of the week you will do work around here. You will start work every morning at 8:30 and finish at 6:00.
All the other people here are your bosses and you are to do what any of us say. We won't touch you without your free invitation or consent, and you won't be hurt physically, but believe me you will be punished."
Sharon was stunned and plainly shocked.
"Now get up and go introduce yourself to the rest of the staff and explain to each of them why you're here and the rules that I have just explained."
Sharon couldn't or wouldn't move. I heard Ann speak with a firmness I never had heard from her before. "Do it, you piece of shit!"
Sharon got up and went to tell her story to those in the office. Later Ann gave Sharon some cloth and Sharon spent the day dusting the office more thoroughly than it had ever been.
Riding to the office Tuesday, it first registered with me that Sharon would be present during our special Tuesday regimen. I asked Ann who was in the car with me whether she thought it prudent for Sharon to witness our Tuesday/Thursday activities and dress mode. Ann said that she thought that was exactly what was called for.
At 8:30 as directed Sharon appeared. Without comment Ann handed her the yellow bikini and said to put it on. Ann changed into the bikini and I saw that she had been busy with scissors and razor the previous evening. Ann told Sharon that she would be cataloging our research report file and put her to work in a desk across from Ann's. Shortly before 9:30, when everyone else was due to arrive, Ann entered my office, removed her dress, and wearing nothing but heels, stockings and a garter belt returned to her desk. Sharon was too intimidated to say anything. Maria and Jodi were the next to arrive. Seeing Ann, they knew without having to ask that it was to be business as usual. Maria unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged off her bra and then, leaving her slacks on, went to pour a cup of coffee. Jodi on the other hand stepped out of the skirt she was wearing and pulled her sweater over her head. Soon Allie came in, doffed her pullover top and took the button down the front sweater she kept in the office, so that she could easily answer the door as the need arose.
Ann marched over to Sharon's table. Sharon watched as I did as Ann's impressive breasts went into motion as she walked. Sharon also took obvious note of Ann's cleanly shaven pussy. "Join the crowd, Sharon, you're top has to go" Ann specified.
Sharon still was not following directions speedily. Ann flushed: "Damnit, Sharon you better start doing what I tell you!" Ann shook as she yelled her displeasure and her breasts quivered and oscillated as Ann made her point.
Docilely, Sharon reached behind her back and separated the hooks that held her bikini top in place. Sharon was plenty busty, to be sure, but she was not in Ann's league in that department. Her breasts had a sag to them and they would shimmy and bounce with whatever movement Sharon would make. The rest of the morning was not out of the ordinary. Sharon worked on her indexing project and no one paid particularly close attention to her. Around noon time Ann told Sharon that a buffet had been set out in the conference room and that if she wanted lunch she should help herself. After lunch, Sharon was told, she should get some towels and damp washcloths and some spray bottles of alcohol and witch hazel from the closet in the bathroom as she would be in charge of "personal cleanup" which was not otherwise explained.
Around 1:00 everyone retired to the playroom. Ann and Maria drew the red marbles, meaning they were to be with me, and Allie and Jodi drew the blue marbles. Sharon appeared with a stack of towels, washcloths and sprays. Sharon appeared unsure of what was to happen until she noticed that I had taken my clothes off and that Maria had taken her slacks off too.
Maria and Ann were arm in arm as they came over to where I was seated on a cushion, their ample breasts touching. We kissed and our tongues entwined in a three way tangle. After a bit of this, with my right hand fondling Maria's right breast and my left hand lifting and kneading Ann's left breast, Maria and Ann shifted so that they both began to run their tongues up and down the sides of my penis. I was aware of the fact that Allie was kneeling between Jodi's outspread legs and I gaged from the movements of her head that she was making swooping upward movements with her tongue along Jodi's spread lips. Jodi had become increasingly receptive to the affections of the other women, especially Allie, in recent months.
I noticed that Sharon was seated off to the side. She was watching the activities before her with interest. Her nipples were hard and prominent. I had rearranged things so that I was entering Maria from behind, "doggy-style." My legs straddled Ann who was tonguing Maria's clitoris from underneath and was occasionally diverted to tongue my balls. Ann's huge breasts also were rolling against the inside of my thighs.
Jodi and Allie were now in classic 69, interrupting each other only to emit the occasional whimper and sigh.
Finally, as my thrusting led to the sense of inevitable release, I withdrew only to spray all over Ann's face, her breasts and Maria's haunches. Allie and Jodi lay in each other's arms, their faces glistening with the other's juices. We were all spent.
"Get to work Sharon, clean us up." Ann reminded Sharon of what she was there to do. Sharon approached Ann first, but Ann said to take care of me first. Sharon had a wet washcloth in her hand and was very ginger in washing me off. I told her that I won't break and told her to clean me off well. Sharon finished each of us in turn and by two o'clock we were all back to work.
I had misgivings about Sharon and Ann's judgment for that matter. After all we had taken an outsider into our confidence, shown her how we run our business and conduct ourselves without her having indicated any affinity for what we are all about. I did not share this concern with Ann however.
On Wednesday Sharon came to work and still had work to do on her indexing project. Ann, to my surprise and I am sure Sharon's was pleasant to her. Sharon was not asked to change from the clothes she wore to work and by the end of the day she was chatting with Jodi and Allie. Just before she left, Ann spoke to Sharon.
"Tomorrow is a day like Tuesday, Sharon. I have some things in mind for you so come to work tomorrow with your shortest skirt."
"O.K." Sharon answered.
Thursday morning saw Sharon come to the office with a canary yellow skirt that ended a few inches above her knee and white, sleeveless blouse. Ann took her aside and said that her skirt was not short enough. Ann had Sharon roll up her waistband so that Sharon's skirt now ended high on her thighs and when Sharon sat or bent over there was no way that she could conceal her panties. Ann, in keeping with the fashion of the day, had opened her blouse and as she walked around the office her breasts danced in and out of view. After Maria, Jodi and Allie were at work, Ann called Sharon over. Ann handed Sharon a large white dildo and told Sharon to take off her panties and put the dildo inside her. Sharon offered no resistance and followed Ann's direction. Ann told Sharon she was to keep the dildo inserted unless one of the others gave her permission to remove it.
For the rest of the morning, Sharon's situation was apparent to everyone else. When she stood, the end of the dildo projected below her hem, when she sat her skirt hiked up and her inability to close her legs made sure that everything was quite visible.
At one, as we retired to the playroom for the now traditional activities, Ann asked Sharon if she wanted to draw a marble along with everyone else. Sharon hesitated, but then said that she'd prefer to be on the sidelines.
"That's up to you, Sharon" Ann explained "but you are going to have to be something other than a detached bystander sitting on your hands."
"I understand" Sharon answered.
The draw had Maria and Jodi with the red marbles which left Ann and Allie to their own entertainment. Jodi was in a pretty frisky mood, and dove right down to take me in her mouth. Maria joined in and I settled back for a totally passive experience as Maria and Jodi traded having me in their mouths.
Ann and Allie were also fully engaged. Each was occupied kissing the other and had their fingers sliding in and out of the other's pussy. For her part Sharon was manipulating the dildo in and out and she was groaning as her self- stimulation had its effects. I came with force and Maria bore the brunt of my ejaculation, taking it in her mouth. Ann and Allie shortly seemed to achieve their resolutions. At that point we all focussed on Sharon. Sharon was in the throes of achieving her own bit of ecstasy as she pumped the dildo in and out. Ann moved closer to Sharon and placed her hand on Sharon's thigh. Sharon opened her eyes and nodded encouragement to Ann. Ann reached between Sharon's legs and took control of the dildo, while Sharon shifted to finger-stimulating her clitoris. Sharon came with explosive force, and then buried her head against Ann's chest. Ann nuzzled Sharon with surprising tenderness.
Later that afternoon, Ann called Sharon into my office. Ann had cleared what she intended to tell Sharon with me. "Sharon, as far as we are concerned, you have squared your account with us. And we appreciate the good job you have done for us this week."
"You mean you won't make me come here any more."
"No, you're free and here, take these." Ann handed Sharon a large and small envelope. Sharon opened the large envelope and found the video I had made when she was in Vanities. She did not ask if there were any other copies. She opened the second envelope and found a check for $2,000. Ann explained that was her salary for the week.
Sharon sat there, finally speaking and saying how she really had learned a lesson and appreciated how we had acted. Ann then spoke: "We like you Sharon, and want to make an offer to you. We want you to work here as our lawyer. You know what the work atmosphere is like, and we'll pay you $150,000 a year, which we think is more than you could expect to make elsewhere."
"I'll have to think about it. I'm not sure." Sharon said.
I spoke up. "What is there to think about? You know the type of businesses that I am in and I can use a lawyer to make sure that everything is documented properly."
"It's not the work, I am sure that will be challenging."
"What is it then?"
"Well, considering how I started here, as a punishment, I don't think I'll have the respect that I need to have from the rest of the staff."
"I'm sure you will, but I think we can do something that will make clear your stature in the office."
Ann and Sharon both looked at me quizzically. I continued: "Sharon, for four days Ann treated you at her whim, for the next four days, why don't you direct Ann to do what you want?" I was stunned by what I had said, but instinctively I knew it was right. Ann looked at me with a strange, but not hostile, expression. She thought for a second, and then took action. In a move very reminiscent of what Allie had done in her job interview, Ann dropped to her knees, looked at Sharon and spoke. "I am yours to direct."
Sharon thought for a second and then seemed to decide what to do.
"It's very simple, Ann. For the time being you are to follow me around on your hands and knees and like a faithful puppy, you are to wait for me to tell you what to do. And like a puppy, Ann, you are to be wearing nothing, no clothes, no underwear, no jewelry, nothing."
"Yes, Sharon" Ann's role reversal response. Ann took off the blouse which had been hanging open across her shoulders to shield her from the chill. Sharon decided to parade Ann in front of her new co-workers and got up to let everyone else know that she had now become officially one of us. The sight of Ann crawling along was pretty interesting. Ann really had to hold herself high off the ground to prevent her breasts from hanging so low they would scrape along the carpet. By arching her back in this way, it had the effect of tilting her butt and pussy so that her are lips were well displayed at the juncture of her legs in the rear. Ann and I shared a cab home at the end of the day. She was totally silent during the ride home.
When we arrived home I decided that I would soak in the tub to unwind. I looked for Clara or Sara to get things ready and voiced a little frustration when I saw that Clara was busy preparing dinner and Sara was downstairs in the basement laundry room. Ann realized what was irking me and volunteered to get things ready. I leafed through the day's mail and sauntered into the bathroom off my bedroom. Ann had drawn the tub and she was kneeling by the side of the tub with various soaps, brushes, and shampoos lined up next to her. I slipped into the water and permitted Ann to take care of everything. I barely could keep myself from falling asleep. Of course, part of the washing process required Ann to soap my balls and my cock. Her touch had an inevitable effect and a periscope popped above the surface of the water. Ann leaned over and slid her mouth over what had pro truded. She was unable to prevent her hair from getting wet and her breasts were being squashed against the side of the tub. I was a little rough as I placed my hand behind her head and forced her to take me deeply. She did not resist.
The next day, at work, Sharon decided that she would assert herself with Ann during that day and then, she had told me in advance, she would release Ann from the rest of her four day sentence as she hoped simply to get along with Ann and develop an easy working relationship. Sharon's first task for Ann was simple. While Allie manned the reception area, the rest of us gathered around Ann in a series of chairs arranged in a circle. Ann was blindfolded and told that she had to use her mouth to bring each of us off. Sharon had arranged for Jodi to relieve Allie, after Ann had relieved Jodi (albeit in a different sense). It took Ann about ninety minutes to complete the circuit. She readily identified each of us and seemed to hesitate only when she was not sure who was who between Sharon and Allie, but she got it right.
Then, Sharon told Ann that she was to spend the rest of the work day with my cock in her mouth, and then with a thought to practicalities, said 50 minutes of each hour, the last 10 minutes of each hour she was excused. The idea excited me, as I realized that I would either be in a perpetual state of arousal or that Ann would have her challenges. Ann took a pillow and arranged it in the well in my desk and took me in her mouth. At the outset, she made efforts to lick and move her head along me, but as time wore on she rested her head on my thigh, and just held me in her mouth. Periodically she shifted in position to maintain her comfort. After a half hour or so, I felt myself getting more aroused and reached down to caress her. Sharon came in to announce that it was time for Ann's break, and Ann took advantage of the opportunity to stretch her legs. At the top of t he hour, Ann resumed her position and I started to pay attention to some of the paperwork on my desk. Maria came in with a question and while I sat at the edge of my desk with Ann's mouth wrapped around me, Maria and I discussed rates of return on a few different investments I was contemplating. Without being obvious, Ann started to twirl her tongue around me and I became more of a challenge for Ann to maintain in her mouth. Maria continued to talk to me about the analysis she had done and stepped around my desk to look over my shoulder at the spreadsheet we were studying. I was doing my best to maintain my composure and Ann was doing her best to undermine it. Ann won. I exploded in her mouth, Mindful, of Sharon's instruction, Ann kept me in that warm and wet haven, but a good portion of my come ran out of the side of her mouth, down her chin and ran in a stringy, viscous mess from her chin to her breast. Maria noticed what had happened and decided to help Ann out. She bent down next to Ann and like a cat tending to its kitten, lapped Ann clean. As she licked Ann's face and chin with long swipes of her tongue, many of those swipes passed along the base of my cock and my balls. That process jolted me back to a state of arousal and, once again, more of a challenge for Ann to fulfill Sharon's last edict.
Later that evening, I treated everyone to dinner to celebrate our new office configuration.
Sharon appeared at out offices precisely at 10:00 a.m. Allie directed her to Ann's desk just outside my door. Ann greeted her brusquely and brought Sharon in to my office.
"This is that bitch who we caught stealing at Vanities" Ann said as if introduction were necessary. I motioned for Sharon to sit down. She was clearly nervous. She was breathing rapidly. Ann spoke: "I've told this person that for the moment we won't press any charges but she is to spend the week working here as a lesson to her."
Sharon said that she was grateful that we were not ruining her life and that she'd help out in the office. Evidently she had not anticipated all that Ann had in mind.
Ann reached into her bag and produced the two bikini sets that Sharon had tried to steal. Ann handed the green set to Sharon and told her to go into the restroom in my office and put those on. Sharon looked shocked.
"I can't, I won't do that."
"Your choice" said Ann "we'll just have to report what you did and then you'll see what happens to your career."
"Well maybe tomorrow."
"No, it's to be today, right now, and you better get to it this instant."
Sharon recognized her plight and went in and changed. When she emerged she clutched the clothes she had been wearing in front of her. "Put those down" Ann decreed. As Sharon obeyed, I knew one reason for her reticence . As I had noticed when she first tried the suit on, the front was cut narrowly, and Sharon's pubic hair was so full, there was no way that the small strip of fabric could contain the lush bush.
"Sit" Ann directed, still showing absolutely no compassion for Sharon. "This is what you can expect. For the rest of the week you will do work around here. You will start work every morning at 8:30 and finish at 6:00.
All the other people here are your bosses and you are to do what any of us say. We won't touch you without your free invitation or consent, and you won't be hurt physically, but believe me you will be punished."
Sharon was stunned and plainly shocked.
"Now get up and go introduce yourself to the rest of the staff and explain to each of them why you're here and the rules that I have just explained."
Sharon couldn't or wouldn't move. I heard Ann speak with a firmness I never had heard from her before. "Do it, you piece of shit!"
Sharon got up and went to tell her story to those in the office. Later Ann gave Sharon some cloth and Sharon spent the day dusting the office more thoroughly than it had ever been.
Riding to the office Tuesday, it first registered with me that Sharon would be present during our special Tuesday regimen. I asked Ann who was in the car with me whether she thought it prudent for Sharon to witness our Tuesday/Thursday activities and dress mode. Ann said that she thought that was exactly what was called for.
At 8:30 as directed Sharon appeared. Without comment Ann handed her the yellow bikini and said to put it on. Ann changed into the bikini and I saw that she had been busy with scissors and razor the previous evening. A nn told Sharon she would be cataloging our research report file and put her to work in a desk across from Ann's. Shortly before 9:30, when everyone else was due to arrive, Ann entered my office, removed her dress, and we aring nothing but heels, stockings and a garter belt returned to her desk. Sharon was too intimidated to say anything. Maria and Jodi were the next to arrive. Seeing Ann, they knew without having to ask that it was to be business as usual. Maria unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged off her bra and then, leaving her slacks on, went to pour a cup of coffee. Jodi on the other hand stepped out of the skirt she was wearing and pulled her sw eater over her head. Soon Allie came in, doffed her pullover top and took the button down the front sweater she kept in the office, so that she could easily answer the door as the need arose.
Ann marched over to Sharon's table. Sharon watched as I did as Ann's impressive breasts went into motion as she walked. Sharon also took obvious note of Ann's cleanly shaven pussy. "Join the crowd, Sharon, you're top has to go" Ann specified.
Sharon still was not following directions speedily. Ann flushed: "Damnit, Sharon you better start doing what I tell you!" Ann shook as she yelled her displeasure and her breasts quivered and oscillated as Ann made her point.
Docilely, Sharon reached behind her back and separated the hooks that held her bikini top in place. Sharon was plenty busty, to be sure, but she was not in Ann's league in that department. Her breasts had a sag to them and they would shimmy and bounce with whatever movement Sharon would make. The rest of the morning was not out of the ordinary. Sharon worked on her indexing project and no one paid particularly close attention to her . Around noon time Ann told Sharon that a buffet had been set out in the conference room and that if she wanted lunch she should help herself. After lunch, Sharon was told, she should get some towels and damp washcloths and some spray bottles of alcohol and witch hazel from the closet in the bathroom as she would be in charge of "personal cleanup" which was not otherwise explained.
Around 1:00 everyone retired to the playroom. Ann and Maria drew the red marbles, meaning they were to be with me, and Allie and Jodi drew the blue marbles. Sharon appeared with a stack of towels, washcloths and sprays . Sharon appeared unsure of what was to happen until she noticed that I had taken my clothes off and that Maria had taken her slacks off too.
Maria and Ann were arm in arm as they came over to where I was seated on a cushion, their ample breasts touching. We kissed and our tongues entwined in a three way tangle. After a bit of this, with my right hand fondli ng Maria's right breast and my left hand lifting and kneading Ann's left breast, Maria and Ann shifted so that they both began to run their tongues up and down the sides of my penis. I was aware of the fact that Allie w as kneeling between Jodi's outspread legs and I gaged from the movements of her head that she was making swooping upward movements with her tongue along Jodi's spread lips. Jodi had become increasingly receptive to the a ffections of the other women, especially Allie, in recent months.
I noticed that Sharon was seated off to the side. She was watching the activities before her with interest. Her nipples were hard and prominent. I had rearranged things so that I was entering Maria from behind, "doggy -style." My legs straddled Ann who was tonguing Maria's clitoris from underneath and was occasionally diverted to tongue my balls. Ann's huge breasts also were rolling against the inside of my thighs.
Jodi and Allie were now in classic 69, interrupting each other only to emit the occasional whimper and sigh.
Finally, as my thrusting led to the sense of inevitable release, I withdrew only to spray all over Ann's face, her breasts and Maria's haunches. Allie and Jodi lay in each other's arms, their faces glistening with the o ther's juices. We were all spent.
"Get to work Sharon, clean us up." Ann reminded Sharon of what she was there to do. Sharon approached Ann first, but Ann said to take care of me first. Sharon had a wet washcloth in her hand and was very ginger in wa shing me off. I told her that I won't break and told her to clean me off well. Sharon finished each of us in turn and by two o'clock we were all back to work.
I had misgivings about Sharon and Ann's judgment for that matter. After all we had taken an outsider into our confidence, shown her how we run our business and conduct ourselves without her having indicated any affinity for what we are all about. I did not share this concern with Ann however.
On Wednesday Sharon came to work and still had work to do on her indexing project. Ann, to my surprise and I am sure Sharon's was pleasant to her. Sharon was not asked to change from the clothes she wore to work and by the end of the day she was chatting with Jodi and Allie. Just before she left, Ann spoke to Sharon.
"Tomorrow is a day like Tuesday, Sharon. I have some things in mind for you so come to work tomorrow with your shortest skirt."
"O.K." Sharon answered.
Thursday morning saw Sharon come to the office with a canary yellow skirt that ended a few inches above her knee and white, sleeveless blouse. Ann took her aside and said that her skirt was not short enough. Ann had Sh aron roll up her waistband so that Sharon's skirt now ended high on her thighs and when Sharon sat or bent over there was no way that she could conceal her panties. Ann, in keeping with the fashion of the day, had opened her blouse and as she walked around the office her breasts danced in and out of view. After Maria, Jodi and Allie were at work, Ann called Sharon over. Ann handed Sharon a large white dildo and told Sharon to take off her panties and put the dildo inside her. Sharon offered no resistance and followed Ann's direction. Ann told Sharon she was to keep the dildo inserted unless one of the others gave her permission to remove it.
For the rest of the morning, Sharon's situation was apparent to everyone else. When she stood, the end of the dildo projected below her hem, when she sat her skirt hiked up and her inability to close her legs made sure that everything was quite visible.
At one, as we retired to the playroom for the now traditional activities, Ann asked Sharon if she wanted to draw a marble along with everyone else. Sharon hesitated, but then said that she'd prefer to be on the sideline s.
"That's up to you, Sharon" Ann explained "but you are going to have to be something other than a detached bystander sitting on your hands."
"I understand" Sharon answered.
The draw had Maria and Jodi with the red marbles which left Ann and Allie to their own entertainment. Jodi was in a pretty frisky mood, and dove right down to take me in her mouth. Maria joined in and I settled back fo r a totally passive experience as Maria and Jodi traded having me in their mouths.
Ann and Allie were also fully engaged. Each was occupied kissing the other and had their fingers sliding in and out of the other's pussy. For her part Sharon was manipulating the dildo in and out and she was groaning as her self- stimulation had its effects. I came with force and Maria bore the brunt of my ejaculation, taking it in her mouth. Ann and Allie shortly seemed to achieve their resolutions. At that point we all focussed o n Sharon. Sharon was in the throes of achieving her own bit of ecstasy as she pumped the dildo in and out. Ann moved closer to Sharon and placed her hand on Sharon's thigh. Sharon opened her eyes and nodded encouragem ent to Ann. Ann reached between Sharon's legs and took control of the dildo, while Sharon shifted to finger-stimulating her clitoris. Sharon came with explosive force, and then buried her head against Ann's chest. Ann nuzzled Sharon with surprising tenderness.
Later that afternoon, Ann called Sharon into my office. Ann had cleared what she intended to tell Sharon with me. "Sharon, as far as we are concerned, you have squared your account with us. And we appreciate the good job you have done for us this week."
"You mean you won't make me come here any more."
"No, you're free and here, take these." Ann handed Sharon a large and small envelope. Sharon opened the large envelope and found the video I had made when she was in Vanities. She did not ask if there were any other c opies. She opened the second envelope and found a check for $2,000. Ann explained that was her salary for the week.
Sharon sat there, finally speaking and saying how she really had learned a lesson and appreciated how we had acted. Ann then spoke: "We like you Sharon, and want to make an offer to you. We want you to work here as our lawyer. You know what the work atmosphere is like, and we'll pay you $150,000 a year, which we think is more than you could expect to make elsewhere."
"I'll have to think about it. I'm not sure." Sharon said.
I spoke up. "What is there to think about? You know the type of businesses that I am in and I can use a lawyer to make sure that everything is documented properly."
"It's not the work, I am sure that will be challenging."
"What is it then?"
"Well, considering how I started here, as a punishment, I don't think I'll have the respect that I need to have from the rest of the staff."
"I'm sure you will, but I think we can do something that will make clear your stature in the office."
Ann and Sharon both looked at me quizzically. I continued: "Sharon, for four days Ann treated you at her whim, for the next four days, why don't you direct Ann to do what you want?" I was stunned by what I had said, b ut instinctively I knew it was right. Ann looked at me with a strange, but not hostile, expression. She thought for a second, and then took action. In a move very reminiscent of what Allie had done in her job interview , Ann dropped to her knees, looked at Sharon and spoke. "I am yours to direct."
Sharon thought for a second and then seemed to decide what to do. "It's very simple, Ann. For the time being you are to follow me around on your hands and knees and like a faithful puppy, you are to wait for me to tell you what to do. And like a puppy, Ann, you are to be wearing nothing, no clothes, no underwear, no jewelry, nothing."
"Yes, Sharon" Ann's role reversal response. Ann took off the blouse which had been hanging open across her shoulders to shield her from the chill. Sharon decided to parade Ann in front of her new co-workers and got up to let everyone else know that she had now become officially one of us. The sight of Ann crawling along was pretty interesting. Ann really had to hold herself high off the ground to prevent her breasts from hanging so low they would scrape along the carpet. By arching her back in this way, it had the effect of tilting her butt and pussy so that her are lips were well displayed at the juncture of her legs in the rear. Ann and I shared a cab home at the end of the day. She was totally silent during the ride home.
When we arrived home I decided that I would soak in the tub to unwind. I looked for Clara or Sara to get things ready and voiced a little frustration when I saw that Clara was busy preparing dinner and Sara was downstai rs in the basement laundry room. Ann realized what was irking me and volunteered to get things ready. I leafed through the day's mail and sauntered into the bathroom off my bedroom. Ann had drawn the tub and she was kn eeling by the side of the tub with various soaps, brushes, and shampoos lined up next to her. I slipped into the water and permitted Ann to take care of everything. I barely could keep myself from falling asleep. Of co urse, part of the washing process required Ann to soap my balls and my cock. Her touch had an inevitable effect and a periscope popped above the surface of the water. Ann leaned over and slid her mouth over what had pro truded. She was unable to prevent her hair from getting wet and her breasts were being squashed against the side of the tub. I was a little rough as I placed my hand behind her head and forced her to take me deeply. Sh e did not resist.
The next day, at work, Sharon decided that she would assert herself with Ann during that day and then, she had told me in advance, she would release Ann from the rest of her four day sentence as she hoped simply to get a long with Ann and develop an easy working relationship. Sharon's first task for Ann was simple. While Allie manned the reception area, the rest of us gathered around Ann in a series of chairs arranged in a circle. Ann was blindfolded and told that she had to use her mouth to bring each of us off. Sharon had arranged for Jodi to relieve Allie, after Ann had relieved Jodi (albeit in a different sense). It took Ann about ninety minutes to complete the circuit. She readily identified each of us and seemed to hesitate only when she was not sure who was who between Sharon and Allie, but she got it right.
Then, Sharon told Ann that she was to spend the rest of the work day with my cock in her mouth, and then with a thought to practicalities, said 50 minutes of each hour, the last 10 minutes of each hour she was excused. The idea excited me, as I realized that I would either be in a perpetual state of arousal or that Ann would have her challenges. Ann took a pillow and arranged it in the well in my desk and took me in her mouth. At the outset, she made efforts to lick and move her head along me, but as time wore on she rested her head on my thigh, and just held me in her mouth. Periodically she shifted in position to maintain her comfort. After a half hour or so, I felt myself getting more aroused and reached down to caress her. Sharon came in to announce that it was time for Ann's break, and Ann took advantage of the opportunity to stretch her legs. At the top of t he hour, Ann resumed her position and I started to pay attention to some of the paperwork on my desk. Maria came in with a question and while I sat at the edge of my desk with Ann's mouth wrapped around me, Maria and I d iscussed rates of return on a few different investments I was contemplating. Without being obvious, Ann started to twirl her tongue around me and I became more of a challenge for Ann to maintain in her mouth. Maria co ntinued to talk to me about the analysis she had done and stepped around my desk to look over my shoulder at the spreadsheet we were studying. I was doing my best to maintain my composure and Ann was doing her best to u ndermine it. Ann won. I exploded in her mouth, Mindful, of Sharon's instruction, Ann kept me in that warm and wet haven, but a good portion of my come ran out of the side of her mouth, down her chin and ran in a string y, viscous mess from her chin to her breast. Maria noticed what had happened and decided to help Ann out. She bent down next to Ann and like a cat tending to its kitten, lapped Ann clean. As she licked Ann's face and chin with long swipes of her tongue, many of those swipes passed along the base of my cock and my balls. That process jolted me back to a state of arousal and, once again, more of a challenge for Ann to fulfill Sharon's last edict.
Later that evening, I treated everyone to dinner to celebrate our new office configuration.
"Good morning, Marie" I said to our receptionist as I arrived at work on a cold Monday in February. I hung up my coat and went to my desk. Moments later, my secretary, Gerry, brought me a steaming cup of black coffee and I turned my attention to the paperwork at my desk.
There had been some changes over the past five years. Allie and Jodi had left. Maria was still with me as was Sharon. My business had prospered. My investments had done well, as I was interested in each project and made sure that each made sense from multiple points of view so that if I were building a store or mini-mall, I was concerned not only about inherent land values but the specific plan for commercial exploitation.
We had not yet replaced Jodi who was our back-office head. Looking for a replacement was Ann's job, but Ann was not due back in the office until the next week. She was on duty at home.
Periodically I had found it necessary to establish certain borders and boundaries with Ann. Inevitably, as we dealt with each other, I found it more and more natural to treat Ann almost as a spouse. I find myself caring for her, depending on her, and I ease in to a relationship where it becomes unnatural for me to treat her as an employee, and for her part, Ann loses that little edge which I have always admired, namely her desire to find new ways to appeal to my jaded erotic sense.
About every eighteen months or so, then, I have to find a role for Ann that reasserts our relationship. I suppose the time I had her comply with Sharon's directives was the first. Now, while Clara and Sara were visiting their mother in Brazil, I detailed Ann to take care of our home-to make sure that all meals were prepared and to do all the other domestic chores.
Tonight, Ann was responsible for preparing and serving dinner for me and my guests. I was entertaining at home for dinner an important advisor to one of my investing partners who lived in London. The man who managed that investor's affairs was also British but had just moved to the United States. When I invited him for dinner, he indicated that the person who he normally would have asked to come along was herself away that week. Knowing that he seemed to admire Gerry, I asked him if he would like me to invite Gerry to join us. He seemed pleased with the idea so I did.
I called Ann to go over the plans for dinner.
"Ann, we'll be home around 7:30. We'll have drinks and hors d'oeuvres and dinner around 8:30. Gerry will come with me and I guess Tony will meet us at the apartment around that time too."
"Do you want to go over the menu?"
"No, Ann I'm counting on you to have thought of everything and to make sure that you serve a nice, elegant supper."
"Will you call later?"
"I don't know, just plan on seeing me when we get there at 7:30."
I buzzed for Gerry to come in. "Gerry," I asked "Tony was happy that you will be joining us for dinner tonight."
"That's good."
"Do you like him?"
"I work for you, Bob" was Gerry's reply. "How can I 'like' anyone else?" As she spoke Gerry was fingering the buttons on her blouse as if waiting for an invitation for her to make herself available to me.
Gerry was in her early 40's. She was about 5'8" tall with cascading, wavy golden, reddish hair which I presumed was maintained with the aid of her beautician. She had the type of figure for which I was a sucker. Full breasted, but still thin and trim. Although Gerry did not approach Ann in terms of the fullness of her breasts, she was still, easily, a D-cup. She had long legs which she frequently showed off as her habit was to wear very short skirts. My mind reflected back on that comic afternoon when Gerry was hired. Ann had brought her in to see me.
"Why does this job pay three times the going rate for the most senior of executive secretaries?" Gerry had asked.
"We want to hire people who will have loyalty to us and to the way we do business here. I am sure that Ann told you about our dress code."
"Actually not. What are you talking about 'dress code'?"
The look on Ann's face let me know she had skipped that part of the interview. She spoke up. "We've been interviewing so many people that I guess things blurred together and I thought I had mentioned it, but Gerry the reason I brought you in to see Bob was that I was so impressed with your skills."
"So what's the story with the dress code. for what you're paying I really can't imagine what sort of dress code could be a problem. You'll tell me about it later."
"Gerry, we'll tell you about it right away, because we have to know you are comfortable with it."
"The only thing I wouldn't be comfortabe with is a no-dress dress code" Gerry said, thinking she was joking.
"Well, Gerry" I said "I'm glad you mentioned that. Thanks for applying."
Gerry seemed stunned that what she intended to be a sarcastic comment turned out to be on the mark. "You mean that's it? Your dress code is that I have to work naked?"
Ann answered. "No, Gerry. All we require is that twice a week, everyone goes topless. Complete nudity is an option you can select."
"Well why didn't you just say that in the first place. I've no problem with that. That's how I go to the beach anyhow."
Ann and I exchanged looks. We were unclear whether to take Gerry seriously. Gerry must have realized our quandary and took matters into her own hands. We watched as Gerry stood up and tugged the ends of her beige blouse out of her skirt. Starting at the button near her collar, she opened each and then shrugged her blouse off her shoulders. She was wearing a beige bra that fastened in the front. She opened the clasp and released her breasts from their confinement. She looked at us triumphantly and sat down.
"I guess that settles that" I said. "Welcome aboard."
Ann and I left the lounge in silence and we headed toward our suite. I was angry and a bit frustrated. I knew we had not taken things as far as I would have liked them to go with the nameless couple we had encountered in the bar. But more than that, I was not happy that it was Ann who called a peremptory stop to the development of this encounter.
We entered our suite and, without comment, I went to the closet to hang up the sport jacket I had been wearing. Ann must have sensed from my manner and look that I was displeased. "Bob, didn't I do enough tonight? I f ought for you, I displayed myself for you in front of all those people in the club and I let you undress me in the middle of the bar downstairs."
I turned to answer Ann and so that she was seated on the edge of the bed and that her eyes were red-rimmed with tears brimming. I knew there was something else going on in her mind.
"Look, Ann, I really don't understand. I hardly had to twist your arm to do any of those things and we both know that as much as I like exhibiting you, you like having people watch and admire you. So what is this all a bout?"
Ann did not immediately answer me. She sat in the edge of the bed, sobbing softly. Finally, she spoke. "I guess it is because I wonder sometimes what I am to you. Sometimes I think you think of me only as a body or a performer that you can place in different roles."
My response was not sympathetic. "Ann, after eleven years you don't know how I feel about you? No one else has been as much a part of my life as you have been. You know that."
And then I took a chance. "Look if being with me and the life we have worked out together does not suit you, I'm not holding you back. You're free to do whatever you want. You've made enough money with me over the yea rs so that you never have to work another day in your life. If our life together is not enough for you, well then I am not going to hold you back."
Neither I nor Ann could believe what I had just said. For my part, I could not imagine life without Ann and the last thing in the world I would have wanted would have been for Ann to have said "Fine, I'm leaving." And
Ann look absolutely terrified that I might have meant what I said.
"No Bob. No Bob. No." Ann answered me. "I don't think I could bear to be away from you." I sensed Ann's self-protective reaction as she seemed to pull herself, at least outwardly, together. Ann regained a sense of pur pose. "Look Bob, I guess I was thinking a bit too much about myself." She continued: "You know I only want to find ways to please you. Forget about my tantrum. Let me make it up to you."
At that point Ann, who had been sitting on the edge of the bed, slithered off the end of the bed, and literally on all fours crawled over to where I was standing. Now on her knees before me, Ann grabbed the front of her blouse ripping it open in one violent tug with the buttons flying off in different directions. Now bare chested, she tried to insinuate herself against me and opening her mouth while tugging at my pants, she drew me in to her. I leaned back against a chest of drawers and remained standing while Ann kneeled before me. Feeling a profound sense of power, uncharacteristically I found myself grabbing Ann by the hair and back of her head an d I took over control of the rhythm with which she was drawing me in and out of her mouth. As a result the normal languid, warm and liquid sensation I was used to in these circumstances was disrupted by the gentle abrasi on of teeth and the guttural sounds Ann made as I bumped against the back of her palate or her throat or as her breathing patterns were interrupted. At the end, acting more in the emotion of the moment than by plan, I w ithdrew just as I started to come and in so doing, and in the same way that certain feral animals mark their territory, I sprayed my essence all over Ann's face and hair.
We did not talk much more that night and I went to sleep with some little unease.
The vague sense of things being not quite right was with me when I woke in the morning. I tried to place or explain in my own mind what was going on, but I was not quite able to do it. At least not then. Initially, I thought the hostility I felt was towards Ann. When room service knocked at the door with our breakfast, I told Ann to answer the door. She was in the process of getting dressed and at that point she had been standing in front of a mirror brushing her hair while wearing slacks and a bra which was sufficiently sheer that her nipples were easily discerned. When I told her to answer the door, Ann reached for her blouse, but I indicated tha t she should just open the door as she was. Ann complied and opened the door to our suite. The room service waiter tried to be nonchalant about things as he arranged our breakfast service, but the frequent glances he gave in Ann's direction let me know that this was not within that waiter's normal routine.