Chapter Six

The dream changed. There had been something in the darkness around her that terrified her. Like most nightmares, she wasn't certain of what it was, only that it was dark and evil and it would hurt her if she didn't escape. When she'd tried to run, though, she'd found she couldn't. She struggled as hard as she could, but it was all she could do to move at all. Her heart was pounding, suffocating her. She fought to drag a decent breath of air into her lungs even as she labored uselessly to run.

She had reached a point of despair, knowing that whatever it was that pursued her, it was going to catch her and something horrible would happen. And then, she wasn't alone anymore. She felt safety in the presence beside her.

His hands soothed her, easing the painful pounding of her heart. For many moments, peace settled over her. And then the dream changed once more. This time, she lay in a man's arms and, as with the dream before, she knew with certainty that he was her lover. Warmth flowed over her like mulled wine as he caressed her and her heart began to beat rapidly again, this time with desire as his caresses became more intimate.

She sighed in delicious anticipation as she felt him pull her thighs apart. Blood flooded into her labia, making them pulse with fevered longing. Moisture gathered there, as well, as he dragged his tongue slowly along her cleft from the mouth of her sex to her clit. A shiver skated through her. Her breath caught in her throat. She tensed, waiting, hoping to feel his touch again. And as he stroked her once more and the heat and tension built inside her, she felt a strange rise and fall of her senses as she moved slowly upwards through the layers of sleep into a hazy, almost drugged consciousness.

There was no abrupt awakening, jerking her away from arousing fulfillment. She surfaced to the certainty that her dream lover was, in fact, entirely real, but she was beyond caring about anything except the feel of his tongue as he stroked her.

Her cunt sizzled as his hot breath whispered over her wet nether lips, cooling and warming all at once.

He massaged the insides of her thighs, coaxing as he nudged them further apart. She moved them eagerly, moaning as he settled more deeply against her, opening his mouth and flicking his tongue across her clit. The heat swelled, roiled. The muscles in her belly tightened.

Her vaginal walls clenched on a spasm of pleasure, quivering at the rapid response of her body. She thought it couldn't feel better, but then his mouth closed over her clit and sucked it hard into his mouth, nibbling the tender flesh.

Maggie gasped, discovered she could no longer be still. She moved mindlessly, her senses drugged, her mind reeling with the exquisite torture of his mouth and tongue as he teased her on and on.

Abruptly he stopped, rolling from between her thighs, pulling her with him with unimaginable strength.

She rose over him, felt the power of his body between her legs as she straddled his chest. He looked up at her, barely discernible in the dark, and cupped each ass cheek in his hands, pulling her toward his face.

She trembled inside, afraid she'd crush him, but her pussy wept for the feel of his mouth again. Helpless to her raging arousal, she shifted higher on him, crying out as he swathed her cleft with his tongue.

She grasped the headboard for support, unconsciously tightening her thighs. His lips moved against her labia, feeling almost like a smile, and then his hands pulled at her cheeks, spreading her lips as he thrust his tongue deep inside her cunt.

Her womb convulsed on the blunt, liquid stab, jerking as if wounded, but with exquisite pain that made her ache for more. Her vaginal muscles tightened around him, as if gasping, drawing hard on a breath that wouldn't come. He tongue fucked her, wringing broken cries from her throat, devouring her. She ground herself against his face, biting her lip as he nibbled up to her clit.

Her heart pounded. Her blood sang through her veins, moving like an endorphin rush throughout her system. Her skin prickled with life, making her aware of the flex of his shoulders beneath her, the brush of his breath, his hair tickling the insides of her thighs. She couldn't hear past the roar in her ears, of her own harsh breathing. Nuances assaulted her, leaving her raggedly vulnerable.

His lips plucked her nub, his tongue toying with it's base, plumping it up in his mouth. It throbbed with the gentle touch, making her crave more.

From behind, he thrust a finger inside her soaked channel, pumping into her vagina as he flicked a rapid staccato across her swollen nub.

He'd suckled her reservations away, at least for a little while. Now all she wanted was to enjoy him, revel in the moment that might not come again.

He groaned into her mound, lapping up her juices as if dying of thirst. She whimpered, her arousal growing each second. Her knuckles ached from her grip on the headboard. Her thighs burned from the effort not to tighten around his face when every muscle in her body wanted to curl, curl around the pleasure and keep it deep inside.

He forced another finger inside her, stretching her to the point of pain, unrelenting, working her toward that bright bliss that she so longed for.

She felt herself hovering near release. She closed her mind to it, holding it at bay so that she could enjoy the feel of his mouth only a little longer, just a little longer.

Abruptly, it burst inside of her blindingly, wracking her body with spasms of pleasure and wringing helpless cries of ecstasy from her throat. Her muscles contracted on the plunge of his fingers, gripping him as if she would float away without the anchor of his hand and mouth clinging to her.

On and on it rolled, sizzling along her nerves, zipping like lightning in her veins. She shuddered, trembling from the impact, pressing her forehead to the wall as she succumbed to her orgasm and rode it as he wrung pleasure from every twitching nerve.

Weak, she fell off of him, rolling onto her back as her heart rhythm and breathing returned to normal.

He moved over her then, dropping down to kiss her belly. Normally, she would never allow it, but tonight she felt freer, eager for him to explore her, and eager to explore him.

He kissed a trail up her stomach, his hand cupping her mound, toying in the damp thatch of hair there.

He elicited fresh tremors from her sated body, and as his mouth moved over her, higher and higher, she felt the beginnings of renewed need.

To her surprise and dismay, he stopped abruptly. Pulling away, he sat up and withdrew something from his pants. She heard a small buzz, recognized it as a beeper or phone.

She wasn't in doubt long.

"Blake here,” Danior said into the phone, clearing his throat of its huskiness as he paused to listen. He knew who'd called him. He'd only given his cell number to one person, Raheem, his second in command.

"The Nesani are coming for you. They've already dealt with Zane."

Danior's gut clenched at the news Raheem delivered. He glanced at the windows in the room, as if he could see through the curtains and boards to find the hunters coming for them. They only had an hour before dawn. They were safe at the moment, but he had no doubt that once night fell, the Nesani would come for them full force.

He had no one he could ask to back him up. Anyone aiding him would be killed.

He had only today to make arrangements to leave the country, and getting to a ship before the Nesani caught their tails would be a close feat.

"You risk your life warning me, Raheem,” he said finally.

Raheem grunted. “Just returning one last favor. Take care man. And good-bye."

Maggie had turned on her side and was watching him worriedly when he put the phone away. He studied her for several moments and finally sighed. She wasn't going to like it, but there was no choice.

They would die if they stayed.

He would not leave her.

"We must go, and do so quickly."

Her eyes widened in confusion. “I don't understand. Isn't this supposed to be a safe place?"

He lay down beside her, stroking the soft skin of her cheek, and then her shoulder. “There are laws. I have broken them—the punishment is death. Raheem called to warn me. Even now the Nesani hunt."

Fear filled her eyes then. “What have you done that is so terrible?"

He skated his hand down her arm and took her hand in his, lifting it to his lips and kissing her fingers. “I have ... taken something for myself that was forbidden."

"What?” Maggie asked breathlessly, as much from the fear as the heated currents traveling from his lips and up her arm.

He sucked one of her fingers into his mouth, curled his tongue around. She was so sweet, it filled him with indescribable yearnings. He could live a thousand years more and never find another half so sweet as his Maggie. “You, chere."

He felt an incredible sense of urgency now, to find peace in her arms before it was too late. He couldn't die not knowing what it would be like to make love to her. She wasn't ready for him. Her feelings were in turmoil. Danior knew it was too soon to press her, but he couldn't contain his desires any longer.

Her lids grew heavy, giving her a half-lidded, seductive look as she watched him suck her fingers and kiss the sensitive pads. He kissed her palm, brushing his lips over the inside of her wrist, tasting the rapid pulse there with his tongue. “I want to make love to you,” he whispered, holding her steady when she flinched.

He looked up at her then, away from the delicacy of her skin.

Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Her pain made him ache. “I ... I don't know you, Danior. I know nothing about you except that you're willing to risk your life for a stranger."

"Isn't that enough?” He rubbed his thumb in her curled palm, watching her steadily, holding her gaze with his own. “Do you think explaining myself would make you understand?"

"It would go a long way,” she said as she pulled her hand free and twisted the covers in her lap. The flickering flames from the fireplace caused shadows to dance across her worried face. She looked down at her lap. He found her shyness unbelievably enticing.

He had to tear his mind away from mentally disrobing her, to her words. How could he explain when he didn't understand it himself? For the first time in longer than he could remember, he was uncertain of himself. He'd never felt so awkward. He'd never had a seduction go so foully, but then, this meeting had never been a game. It had always been about life and death.

Precious few hours remained for them, hours of safety. When night fell, he didn't know what would happen to them.

"I know I'm not the kind of person a man like you would be interested in under ordinary circumstances."

She was being serious. Without mental probing, he knew she referred to her weight. “There is nothing ordinary about this, nor about my attraction to you.” He lowered his voice, saying softly, “I want you as you are now, Maggie. I wouldn't change you."

She looked up at him in surprise, but her eyes turned wary. “It's hard for me to trust men."

He watched her a long moment. She was shielding something, some secret. He knew it lay at the root of her problems. “Tell me why."

She looked away, her face blushing with shame. “I don't know. It happened a long time ago. I ... I don't remember all of it."

She was lying. Slowly, as if trying to capture a wild creature, he lifted his hand and cupped her cheek, meeting her eyes steadily. “Will you let me inside? I want to understand,” he said softly.

A tear slid from the corner of one eye. She shuddered, taking a deep breath. “You'll hate me. Everyone does...."

"No,” he said, rubbing a thumb against her cheek. “I won't. Give me your trust. I want to understand."

"Yes,” she whispered, closing her eyes.

He touched her temple, strengthening his connection to her as he poured himself into her mind past the walls blocking her innermost memories.

* * *

"I want to make love to you,” Danny said softly, cupping her jaw, rubbing his thumb across her bottom lip.

Maggie fought the urge to turn her face away from his grasp. She shivered, unbidden pleasure coursing over her skin. She wasn't used to dating. No one had ever been interested in her before. She still couldn't believe Danny had asked her over to his house. Having the most popular boy in school want to seduce her was the last thing she'd ever expected.

"I don't think—"

"Don't think,” he said just as he covered her mouth with his lips.

A thrill raced through her at the connection. She draped her arms around his shoulders and slanted her head, nibbling his lips back. Maggie gasped when his tongue pushed through her lips and touched her own. She'd never been frenched before. The experience made heat flash between her thighs.

He curled his tongue around the inside of her mouth, running his hands up and down her back, each time getting closer and closer to her ass until he finally cupped it and plunged his tongue deep inside her mouth.

She moaned, getting wet as he crushed her against his erection.

He lifted his head, looking at her with a smile. “Will you?"

Yes! Oh god, yes. She wanted to make love to him so badly. She'd fantasized about him since she'd been a freshman. For three years she'd watched him and lusted, dreamed of being his girlfriend. He was a senior now. He'd be leaving soon, going to college. She couldn't fool herself into thinking anything more could come of this. They ran in different circles, and everyone knew long distance relationships were tough. This was her last chance to have one good memory from high school.

"Yes,” she said softly.

His smile widened, and he pulled away from her. He walked across his room to his bed, sitting. Picking up the remote to his CD player, he turned on Boyz II Men's “I'll Make Love to You", then looked at her expectantly.

"I want to see your body. Naked."

Maggie stiffened, shifting on her feet uncertainly. “Are you sure we should do this here?” she asked, looking around his room at all the electronic gadgets he had—anywhere but at him.

"My parents are gone for the weekend, don't worry. No one will see you but me."

"I don't know,” she said, tugging at her clothes uncomfortably. She'd never gotten naked in front of anyone. Not since she'd been a little girl.

"If you'd rather go home—"

"No,” she said, screwing up her courage. “I can do it."

"Take off your clothes,” he said, smiling.

Feeling awkward and uncomfortable, but at the same time both excited and happy, she peeled her clothing off, trying to hide her discomfort, trying to make herself seductive for him. When she'd finished, she had to quell the urge to cover herself as he studied her with a look in his eyes she found difficult to interpret. Triumph? Excitement?

Swallowing with an effort, she moved toward him. He held his hand out to her when she reached the bed. Pulling her down, he kissed her until she was weak with wanting, until her discomfort had been replaced with the tension of rising desire.

She was confused when he rolled her over. She looked up at him through half closed eyes and he leaned down, kissing her, stroking a hand over her back. “I love to do it doggy. That's my favorite position. It's makes your pussy so tight."

Uneasiness threaded through her. She'd never done it at all, much less ‘doggy’ but it wasn't a difficult concept to grasp.

She didn't want him to think she didn't know about these things.

Obediently, she got up on her hands and knees, feeling the drugging effects of her desire lift slightly, enough to allow the uneasiness to creep back inside her ... enough to still the flow of lubricating juices within her vagina.

She looked back at him as he positioned himself behind her, realizing that he hadn't undressed. Her discomfort increased, but the avid look on his face as he caressed her ass reassured her that he was as turned on as she'd hoped.

She heard the sound of his zipper and then he nudged her with the head of his cock, seeking her opening. She held her breath, partly from nerves, partly from excitement—she would be giving her virginity to the most popular guy on campus, the guy she'd been dying for for years.

As she felt him wedging his cock into her opening, he slapped the cheek of her ass. “Fuck me, bitch!

Tell me how much you want it! You want my cock in your pussy?"

Maggie gulped, feeling a strange sense of unreality descend over her.

He pushed a little ways into her, stretching her painfully. “Say it! Tell me you want my cock inside you bitch!"

Swallowing, Maggie nodded.

He slapped her ass again. “Beg for it!"

"I want it,” she said uncertainly.

"You want my big cock in your tight little pussy, don't you bitch?"

Maggie licked her lips and repeated what he'd said.

He began humping against her, slowly working the little juices that remained into her by thrusting and retreating. Maggie squeezed her eyes shut. She hadn't expected it to hurt. She'd thought it would feel good.

"It hurts."

"Of course it hurts, bitch. ‘Cause I've got the biggest cock you've ever had. Say it."

She swallowed when he slapped her on the ass again, harder this time. The stinging distracted her as he thrust into her again, but not enough to dull the pain as he breached her hymen. She choked out a cry, trying to pull away from him, but he had an arm locked around her hips. The blood from her burst hymen collected with the natural lubricants, easing his passage, allowing him to pump into her harder and harder.

She dropped to her elbows, trying to keep from crying, covering her face, just wanting it to be over. It seemed to take forever before he uttered a strangled cry and stopped pounding into her. Finally, it was over however. She winced when he withdrew his flaccid member. Gasping for breath, he collapsed beside her.

"Hey! You OK?” he asked after a moment.

Maggie regained control with an effort. “It hurt. I didn't know it would hurt."

He caught her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him. “Hey, kid, I didn't realize it was hurting. I'm sorry, baby. I was just too far gone to stop. You've got such a sweet, tight little pussy it just blew my mind."

He looked so regretful, Maggie immediately felt better. The pain had subsided to a dull throbbing. She snuggled next to him, soothed by his stroking hands.

She'd only begun to relax, however, when he slapped her on the ass. “Hey! You need to get out of here.

I've got a friend coming over and I don't think you'll want to run into him. He might figure out what we've been up to, huh?"

It was enough to galvanize her instantly. The one thing she didn't want was to have everything ruined by running into one of the assholes he hung around with. Climbing from the bed, she jerked her clothing on nervously. He lay still, watching her, a half smile on his face. When she'd finished dressing, he held up his hand, summoning her, and she moved toward the bed again.

He sat up, kissing her. “Tomorrow?"

Surprise touched her briefly, and then a stirring of happiness, mixed with a healthy dose of doubt and dread at the idea of doing ‘that’ again. Summoning a smile with an effort, Maggie nodded. “Yeah ... I guess ... sure."

She met up with his buddy, Todd, on her way out. Todd looked her over with a superior grin, sniffing at her as if he was a dog. “Do I smell bitch?"

She glared at him, pushing him away and stalking out the house.

"Why is it, I wonder, that red heads are such fucking bitches?” he wondered loudly as she stomped down the stairs.

She shot him a bird over her shoulder, but a sense of satisfaction filled her. Danny liked her and he wanted to see her again!

He didn't call, though, even though he'd said he would, even though it had been his idea to invite her over again, not something she'd asked. She was tempted to call him, but she restrained herself, reminding herself that he'd invited her. Something must have come up, otherwise he would have called, surely? And she didn't feel comfortable with the idea of calling him.

When Sunday rolled around and she still didn't hear from him, she began to feel doubts crowding into her mind. She kept telling herself that his parents must have come back early and that was why he hadn't called to invite her over, but that didn't explain why he hadn't called to tell her.

She knew the moment she arrived at school Monday morning that she'd been the butt of yet another hateful joke. Ordinarily, she walked among her classmates like a ghost, invisible unless they were feeling particularly nasty and mooed when she walked by.

Today, that had changed. They began to smirk and whisper at her approach, giggling. Sickness welled in her stomach, but she kept her expression carefully blank and pretended not to notice. It was the only thing that had ever worked at all—not that it worked all that well, but, mostly, so long as she pretended to be unaffected, they lost interest pretty quickly and moved on to someone else to torment.

Except for a handful of people, who either looked at her with pity, revulsion or the sort of horrified fascination freaks evoked, everyone in the school that she passed looked as if they would burst out laughing.

She found out why when she got to her third class.

Emily, who'd always clung to her, more Maggie suspected because she thought Maggie might protect her than from any real sense of friendship, had given her the same horrified look of fascination that she'd seen on so many other faces. So sick with dread now that she felt like she would throw up, Maggie finally felt a surge of something she could deal with—anger. “What?"

Emily gulped. “It's just ... was that really you in the video?"

The bile that she'd been holding at bay rose to the base of her throat. Maggie swallowed convulsively several times. “What video?” she asked hoarsely.

"The one Danny put on the internet."

It had taken every ounce of courage and fortitude that she possessed, more than she'd known she possessed, to make it through the rest of the day. By the time she'd gotten home, she was seriously considering suicide. She couldn't face that again. She just couldn't. Not only had he hurt and humiliated her in bed, but he'd made it a public spectacle, shared it with everyone. The boys had barked at her as she'd trudged through the halls heading home.

It was only in the wee hours of the night, when she'd wracked her brain for some method of killing herself that she could actually contemplate that she'd finally realized that they'd win if she did. They would have beaten her. They would be gloating and giggling over the fact that they had the power to so destroy her that she'd taken her life.

She hated them all. She wasn't going to give them the satisfaction.
