We were to depart immediately after lunch, I learned. There was packing to be done. Caroline disappeared upstairs. I, left alone, heard all their bustling and then Adelaide descended slowly on her own. She wore a simple dress of white with a broad blue bow tied tightly round her waist and a matching ribbon in her hair. Seeing me, her eyes looked haunted. When I took her hand it was as moist as was my own. The feeling of her lips upon my prick still haunted me. I wondered if it haunted her.

“It was nice,” I said, and kissed her lustrous mouth.

“Was it?” she asked shyly and bowed her head. The tips of her breasts just touched my chest. I felt her all a-quivering. A lewdness and a tenderness were both upon me as I touched her hips and felt around her bottoms warmth.

“Will you ever suck my prick again?” I asked.

“Yes-if you want.” Raising her chin, tip of her tongue to mine. Her eyes looked hazed. “Oh, Harry, she says I will be fucked tonight!” Face hiding in my shoulder and her hands a-clutch. I palmed her globe and brought her tummy into mine.

“D'you want to be?”

Her head shook quickly. “Harry, I don't know. I feel so funny-frightened and yet not. Do you?”

“No, sillikins, of course I don't! What is to fear? Would you have rather stayed in the little hut we joked about?”

I felt the tingling of a fear-thrill as I spoke. Despite her marriage and our jousts, she was a fledgling, so I told myself. The romantic streak was broadening yet again in me, or so Caroline would have said, and yet withal my prick was eager to repeat its tasks, her belly yielding softly into mine so that I knew us both as hypocrites and libertines who wish to hide their sins beneath the shades of night.

“She is my lovely little girl!” came then the voice of Lady Somner who advanced on us, her footsteps previously unheard. “And what a bottom she has! Oh, so round and marble-smooth, so tight. I have told her she may have a pageboy if she wishes it. Have I not, Adelaide?”

With that she was turned from me and taken into Lady Somner's arms. I watched her cuddle in protectively, or so she liked to show her stance. Visions of the two youths swam before my eyes.

“A pageboy, yes,” repeated Lady Somner and held her arms around my sister's shoulders close. “You see, my dears, all is provided for your pleasures, and we make no bones on it. Adelaide will live with us as surely as you will, Harry. She will be feted grandly and will have her fill of love. Come, Harry, pour some wine and let us have a toast to it.”

Was I a scullion so to be commanded? But I did not mind. Adelaide released herself and Caroline came down, floating her way across and to my side and helped me pour.

“Adelaide will train her pageboy, will you not?” she asked my sister merrily. Then, handing the glasses to the other two, she stood with them and asked, “Here are your three ladies, Harry. Which will you first have?”

“Caroline, you are very naughty,” I exclaimed, but could not help but laugh. And nor could Adelaide, though she tried to hide her eyes by drinking quickly.

“You think it good of me to be so, Harry, and you know you do. Confess it, for I wish Mama to hear.”

“Oh, Caroline, really…” I began, and received a flashing of her eyes. “If you are not too much so,” I added lamely.

“Ah! A compromise! Well, we shall see. Mama dear, tell him what you think.”

“Harry, my dear, our ways may seem to you strange, but such and such it is, as I have told your sister. In houses all around are males who lord it over ladies, but I long determined it would not be so in mine.' I concede, of course, that women must submit, but there are times when they must take the lead and show themselves not foolish and not weak. Thus, as to Adelaide, she will receive her pageboys cock at her own leisure-as she will- or she may dandle it and tease it up and leave it standing as her little toy. But there will come moments when she in turn must be attended on, may have her bottom spurred and drawn on to a heftier, more mastering tool so that a man may show himself her stallion. So it shall be and has been with dear Caroline, and both my other daughters, too. As to yourself, you know the game-to play the Master or to be submissive when it pleases us. Is that not so, Adelaide?”

“Eh? Well, I…”

“Yes, Mama, she knows it is.” Thus Caroline who moved to my sister's side, touched at her arm and kissed her cheek. “Do you not?” she murmured to her and my sister flushed, stared at the carpet, nodded, bit her lip and looked the schoolgirl part as was her wont when shy.

I had thought of them-of she and Caroline-as loving toys until that moment, thought of them as legs and tits and bulbing bottoms, furry nests, as loving kin who had no will that was not in great part my own.

“It is a game,” I said. I heard my own voice say the words.

“A game, yes. One that we respect. I am your Mistress, dearest, am I not today?” said Caroline, but made no move to me. I gazed at Lady Somner and my sister. All was still. To show my pretended insouciance, I emptied first my glass and then said “Yes.” The sound was a plum that swelled within my throat.

“Then come to me. Come, Harry, come!”

Again I wished to show my independence, but it could not be. I placed my glass down slowly and then walked to her, a foolish smile emergent on my lips. As I approached so Caroline thrust out one arm and took my nose and tweaked it hard. I yelped. She held to it and made me feel a fool, a crablike clown who knew not how to stand while to my horror Adelaide put on a look of mild amusement at my plight.

“Yeeek!” I squealed.

“A gentleman does not fight a lady, Harry-that's the trick of it, or part of it. I am your dominant. Say that I am!”

“You are my… my… my dominant,” I gasped. A fearful thrill was in me that I did not wish to have, to be handled so, to be handled so.

“Yes,” Caroline said simply and released my nose, then added, “Adelaide may do it, too, today. Today she is your Mistress, too, you know. Show your obeisance to her, Harry. Kiss her feet. Such pretty little feet she has!”

I could not refuse-knew that I dare not do. I had permitted Caroline to hold me so. I had not gripped her arm, struck it away. Besides, there were greater subtleties to it all that came to me. Adelaide had been forced to give lip-service to me. If I did not kneel, I would insult her. Thus, before all three I knelt and pressed my mouth upon her toes whose wriggling I could feel beneath the slippers that she wore. I heard a kiss above and then I rose, swaggered away, but knew not how to be.

“Harry-next time you do not rise until you are told to rise. You understand?” came then from Lady Somner, though her voice was quiet.

“Oh yes. Oh yes, the game, of course,” I answered very casually.

At that she rose and sauntered to me swaying her broad hips, confronting me, tits looming to my chest.

“Girls are put to gentlemen, Harry, frequently, and that is very properly so. Contrariwise, though gentlemen are sometimes put to girls, and in whatever way the girls should chose. Whatever way. Make sure you mark my words. The rules must be observed, you understand?”

I flushed deeply to be reprimanded so. I believe I wished to both strike her and embrace her at the same moment. Adelaide was staring at me, finger in her mouth.

“Of course,” I replied stiffly, and Lady Somner sighed and shook her head. “The game is Life, Harry. Do you not understand? Well-soon enough you will. Come, girls, we will depart. Harry, you will ride with Adelaide, and I with Caroline in the other carriage.”

Dumbly I followed, though I shrugged at Adelaide as if to say, “I do not care.” The valises were transported and we sat within. The carriage smelled of summer days with many motes of dust a-dancing like tiny moths between the bleared-glass windows.

“Kiss me,” I murmured as we started off. I made to take her lips. She turned her head away.

“No, Harry, no-don't want to, don't-not now.”

“Why do you not?” I tried to force her, wished to have my way with her to show I was not craven, nor would ever be.

She squeaked, she giggled, pressed against my chest and would not offer up her mouth. “No, Harry, no-I am your Mistress for today; you heard it said. So I will not- so there!” Hands smacking mine-into the corner of the carriage then she slumped.

“It is silly. Why do as they say? You were different just before-when we were in the drawing room alone.”

“I know, but… Harry! Ooooh! oh! ah!”

I caught her, held her as I wished, tilted her face by force beneath my own and mashed my lips to hers. At first she spluttered, clawed at me, but then subsided, took my tongue.

“You said you will be fucked tonight.”

“I know.” Sweet wet of her own tongue within my mouth.

“Don't want you to be,” I mumbled, roughed her skirt up, felt her thighs.

“Nooo-don't!” she moaned but then began to breathe more heavily as I reached my fingers to her quim and eased her warm-flesh thighs apart.

“You will be and you'll let him, won't you?”

“Yes,” eyes rolling up she pushed her bottom forward on the seat and spilled a trilling, salty spill over my finger-tips, laced them with wet, wriggled her bottom madly and then came again, and I wonder at her hot response, my cock stiff as a flagpole as she worked her hips. But then alarms! A bump of wheels, a coachman's shout, and the carriage of Lady Somner came alongside ours, the window down, she staring full within upon our amourous scene. Her fingers waggled once as we both stared and Adelaide tried to thrust her skirt down once again. Too late, too late.

“You naughty girl! You will be caned for this!”

Her voice rang full across and then her coach receded once again and followed in our wake.

“Oh God!” cried Adelaide and then began to sob.
