It was earlier that evening, the icy wind rattling the trees and fingering down among the darkening cottages and shops, when Debbie Kraft and the little girls returned to MPPD. They came in shivering in their thin coats. Maybe because of her long wait and having to return, Debbie seemed chastened. She was silent as a deputy fingerprinted her and then ushered her and the children back to Max’s office.

The two cats were sprawled on Max’s couch when, over the intercom, the dispatcher announced her. Now, at her approach, Dulcie slipped beneath the credenza, but Joe wasn’t in a mood to move. He stayed where he was, but the next minute he was sorry, when Vinnie bolted in ahead of Debbie, spied the tomcat and grabbed him up, nearly strangling him.

“Why is Ryan’s cat in here? Why is this cat always in the police station? Is it lost? I know where it lives,” she said, staring up boldly at the chief, squeezing Joe so hard it was all he could do not to bite the kid’s grubby fingers. What was this preoccupation with cats? She didn’t even like cats. He remained very still, trying to keep his claws sheathed. Not easy. Passive acceptance wasn’t in his nature, he wanted to bloody the little brat.

Debbie pushed in, with Tessa behind her. The little girl slipped into the nearest leather chair where she curled up like a sleepy kitten. Debbie tossed her jacket and purse on the couch and sat down huffily, scowling at Max as she wiped the last smear of fingerprinting ink on the leather cushion, then reached into her purse for a tissue. Vinnie, still clutching Joe, squirmed up next to her. Joe pushed his hard paws into her bony chest, finally growling as she wriggled to get settled. Vinnie didn’t see Dulcie peering up from beneath the credenza, whiskers twitching, green eyes bright as the tabby tried her best not to laugh aloud.

“I came in to be fingerprinted,” Debbie said. “They did that. I thought that’s all you wanted. What is it now? I have to get back, I have work to do.”

“You arrived in the village when?” Max asked her.

“I told you that, we got to Ryan’s last night,” Debbie said.

“I understand you have a key to Alain Bent’s house.”

“Alain gave my husband a key. She works with him.”

“She gave Erik the key for what purpose?”

“I suppose in case he needed to pick up papers, sales contracts, like that.”

“And he gave the key to you?”

“No, he went off without it. I didn’t want to leave it in the vacant house, and I didn’t want to throw it away. I put it in my purse. As long as I had it, I stopped there at Alain’s last night to pick up some clothes she borrowed, stopped on the way to the Damens’. What is this, some kind of interrogation?”

“Only a few questions,” Max said easily. “Alain Bent borrowed clothes from you? You were friends, then?”

“No, not close. Once when she flew up to Eugene, they lost her bag. Erik insisted I loan her some things, and she never returned them.”

“She borrowed clothes. Isn’t she somewhat taller?”

The irony seemed lost on Debbie. “She’s taller, but she’s thin. What in the world does that have to do with anything?”

“What kind of clothes did she borrow?”

“A couple of long vests, and some smocky blouses. Things she could manage to get into.”

Max had to hide a smile. This woman didn’t even lie well. “When you arrived in town, then, you went into the Bent house to get the clothes. You and the children slept there that night, the night before you went to the Damens’?”

“No. I told you, we went there just before we went to the Damens.” Beside her, Vinnie looked up at her mother and began to fidget. Debbie scowled down at her until Vinnie settled back, Debbie so tense that even her scent had altered. Joe was surprised Max had let the children stay in there, when he’d meant all along to interrogate her. He could have had one of the officers watch them and give Debbie some privacy. But maybe that was his intention, to pressure her, to see if Vinnie, the talkative child, would make some comment and give her mother away.

Though what really pleased Joe was that, while Max had only his word that Debbie and the kids had stayed at Alain’s and slept there, the chief was taking his word against hers; Max was running with what Joe had told him, and that made him feel pretty good.

Max looked at Debbie a long time, letting the silence build, then abruptly switched the subject. “You said you came here because Erik wouldn’t expect you to, that he’d think you’d go somewhere else?” Debbie nodded. “Were you afraid of him?”

Another faint nod.

“Can you tell me why?”

“Sometimes he hit me,” she said sullenly. “When he got really mad, he’d knock me around. I told you that before.”

“What was it about Erik’s work that caused friction between you?”

Debbie scowled at him, and looked down at her lap. Max said, “What was it he didn’t want made public, that he was afraid you’d talk about?”

She didn’t answer.

“It will be easier to tell me now, than to explain later why you withheld information from the police.”

Still, she didn’t answer. Beside her, Vinnie was quiet. When she relaxed her grip on Joe, he thought of bolting. He tensed, then decided to stay put, even if she was hot and sweaty. Debbie’s brown eyes had gone flat. “Alain and Erik worked most of their real estate listings together.”

“Why would that upset you?”

“I didn’t say it upset me.”

Max seemed to change tack again, as if to keep her off balance. “You knew your mother was cleaning the Kraft offices, that she was working with the night crew of Barton’s Commercial Cleaning?”

“I knew she worked with some cleaning service. I didn’t know she cleaned Erik’s offices. How long had she been doing that?”

“Do you have any idea why she wanted to work nights, when she had to leave Billy alone? That must have been hard for them both.”

“Maybe it was the only work she could get. The way she drank. I guess the boy was independent enough, he’d have to be, with no one but my mother to look out for him.”

“You think, then, that it was coincidence she was cleaning the Kraft offices?”

“What else would it be? What choice would she have? I imagine she worked where they told her. After all, she was working, despite the drink. Earning enough to buy booze,” she said bitterly.

“Debbie, did your separation from Erik have to do with Alain Bent?”

She didn’t reply.

“Were they lovers?” Max asked.

“They . . .” She glanced down at Vinnie, then nodded.

Max sat relaxed in his swivel chair, looking interested but kindly. “And what else about their relationship troubled you?”

Debbie fiddled with her purse, opened it, found a tissue, crushed it in her hand. It took her a while to speak. “They . . . were into some kind of . . . something outside the regular real estate sales. Something they kept secret.” She looked up at him, perhaps not aware she was busily shredding the tissue. “Some kind of transactions that weren’t . . . That I don’t think were legal.” She glanced down again at Vinnie. “Could we talk about this another time? The children . . . I need to get them home, fix their supper.”

“We can talk again,” Max said. “Do you think Perry Fowler would have been a part of their scams, if that’s what this turns out to be?”

“I have no idea.”

“Was Fowler close to Alain?”

“I really don’t know. Fowler is . . .” She shook her head, didn’t finish. When Joe thought of Fowler, he thought of a slick, slippery man, pale and soft and evasive.

Max rose, buzzed Mabel, and sent the two children on up the hall to her. “I can’t force you to tell me what these scams are about, Debbie. But if this involves criminal activity, you’re better off coming to us with what you know, than to face a charge of withholding information, and perhaps as an accessory. You’re better off telling us what you know, than facing criminal charges yourself.”

Debbie looked at him uncertainly, coloring with a sudden hesitancy that made Joe wonder. Was she telling the truth? Or was she setting Erik up for her own purposes, for something he hadn’t done? As Max wrapped up the interview he asked Debbie about Hesmerra’s funeral.

“It’s just a graveside service,” she said. “Sunday morning at ten, at the Pacific Sea Cemetery. Esther arranged it. Just the family, I guess. But you can come, if you want.” Joe watched from the couch, and Dulcie from her shadowed lair, as Max escorted her out. The cats followed, could see from the hall out the glass door as Debbie hurried the children away to her car; her walk was quick and angry, as if she’d escaped a dominance she found hard to handle.

Why, Joe wondered, hadn’t Max questioned her more intensely about just when she had arrived in the village and what she was doing in Alain Bent’s house? Why had he let her sidestep so many questions? Still, though, Max had asked enough to see she was lying, that was clear enough.

Maybe he didn’t want to distress her so badly she’d slip back into Alain’s to set the house to rights, to clean off fingerprints and any other telltale evidence of her presence before the department had a chance to search the place? She’d have to clear the food out of the refrigerator, Joe thought, carry away the trash, get rid of the wet towels.

Out in front, Davis’s car pulled into the parking lot and up to the red curb before the station. The detective got out, gave Max a little crooked grin as she pushed in through the glass door. The scent of cinnamon drifted around her, from the small white bakery bag she carried.

“Just drove Emmylou back to her car,” she said. But clearly she had something more to tell him, and the two headed back to his office, Davis limping badly again. The cats followed, sniffing the aroma of cinnamon buns with an interest that would seem, to the two officers, as natural as if Juana had brought in a bag of live mice; neither officer would imagine the cats’ interest lay, rather, in police business, in whatever secrets Emmylou Warren had passed on to Juana Davis.
