"Ambassador," the human servant said, "Director Veza has arrived."

Veza caught Laquatus checking his reflection in a wall mirror as she entered the room. He was dressed in splendid robes, and he was taller than he appeared in Llawan's mirror. A huge, amphibious monstrosity sat sullenly on the floor, its feral glare fixed on Veza. The rest of the huge room was taken up by a green marble swimming pool, complete with fountain.

"Ambassador Laquatus." "Veza," he said brightly. "Long live the empire." Laquatus came across the room and warmly kissed Veza's hand. "Servants!" He clapped. "Refreshments for our guest." The dull-eyed butler shambled out of the room.

"Thank you, Ambassador." She eyed the beast on the floor and said, "May I ask…"

"That is Turg, my bodyguard and champion. I'm afraid a man in my position cannot afford to take chances. Particularly this close to Cabal City." He leaned forward and whispered, "They're all a band of cutthroats and criminals. Without Turg by my side, I'd be afraid to leave the embassy." Turg made a grumbling noise in the back of his throat to punctuate Laquatus's comment.

"I've dealt with Cabalists myself," Veza said. "I understand your caution."

Laquatus had not released her and was staring at her intently. Veza gently pried her hand away. "Forgive my manners, Ambassador, but my time is limited. You said you had something to tell me?"

Laquatus smiled. "Of course. But first…" A servant bearing a bottle of sparkling wine and two ornate crystal goblets shuffled in. He poured, left the glasses and the bottle, and exited without a word.

"To the empire," Laquatus said. "And new friends." He waited patiently with his glass extended. Veza hesitated, then gently tapped her goblet against Laquatus's. Where Veza merely sipped, Laquatus drained his goblet dry.

"An excellent vintage, if I do say so myself. I received a case of it from the Cabal First himself-"

"Excuse me, Ambassador. To business?"

Laquatus laughed. "Of course. Please forgive me. And you must call me Laquatus, my dear." He abruptly shucked his robe and dove into the pool. His legs shimmered and merged in mid air. By the time he hit the water, his tail was fully formed.

"I prefer to conduct my interviews underwater," Laquatus called. "For security reasons. Would you care to join me, Director? Or would you prefer a chair?"

Veza glanced at Turg, who was now dozing. She untied her sash, folded her robe, and stepped off the edge of the pool into the water.

"Your mastery of the change is remarkable, Laquatus."

The ambassador turned his head, as if embarrassed. "Thank you.

But surely you also share the innate ability of our people?"

"I do. But it takes considerably more time and effort for me."

"Ah, that's merely a matter of practice. The nature of our magic is change, you see. To be fluid in both mind and body. Our cephalid cousins sometimes treat it as a flaw, but I see our ability to straddle land and sea as a blessing." He motioned below the surface with his eyes, then dived down. Veza followed, and the two merfolk began streaming back and forth across the pool.

"I've called you here," Laquatus said, "because I think I've got something for you. I believe that the assassins who attacked our lady were hired by the Cabal."

Veza considered. "Do you know why?"

Laquatus waved his hand dismissively. "Who knows? With animals such as these, it could be a simple matter of murder for hire."

Veza stopped. "Ambassador. I hope you didn't bring me all the way here from Breaker Bay just to tell me that you suspect the Cabal may be involved."

"Of course not, my dear." Laquatus put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "And please. Call me Laquatus." He pointed upward and surfaced. When Veza's head broke the surface of the pool, Laquatus said, "I wanted to meet you in person, and I wanted to show you something that will make it easier for us to do so again in the future."

The ambassador reached a long arm out and traced a circle on the water's surface. He was whispering under his breath, and with each new circle he inscribed, Veza tingled as if the water were conveying a mild electric shock. There was a rip and a crack, and the circle drawn by Laquatus became a disk of energy floating on the pool's surface.

"This," Laquatus said, "is a transport portal. With it, you can travel from the surface of one body of water to the surface of another. It is one of the great imperial secrets, and in the name of the empire, I share it with you." Across the room, a similar disk of energy appeared in Laquatus's fountain. With a playful grin, he rose up and dove into the disk beside him, instantly coining out of the disk in the fountain. Veza noticed that he had changed back into his legged form in mid- transfer in order to fit in the fountain's pool.

"From now on," Laquatus called, "if I need to tell you something, or if you need me, we can be together in a matter of seconds. Simply call to me from your mirror, and I will join you or bring you here."

"I'm flattered, Ambass-Laquatus. But I don't see how this is a significant improvement over the mirror itself."

Laquatus stepped back into the portal and reemerged with his tail fully formed beside Veza once more. "That's because you limit your thoughts to the task at hand. The empire rewards those who go beyond the call of duty, who take risks. You should be more fluid, Veza. Expand to fill the space around you. It is your nature."

Laquatus's penetrating eyes burrowed into hers. "I want us to be friends as well as loyal subjects. I want you to visit me as often as you can. I think we have much to offer one another, even beyond our duty to the empire."

"Of course." Veza blinked. "Have any of your contacts in the Cabal told you who hired the assassins?"

Laquatus's gaze narrowed. "No. But I will tell you as soon as they have."

"Thank you, Laquatus." Veza ducked under the glowing disk and swam to the edge of the marble. "I must get back to my duties now." She took her robe from poolside. "Can your transport get me back to Breaker Bay?"

"Certainly. In this case, that's what it's for." Laquatus waved his hands and the two disks disappeared. He quickly traced another onto the surface of the pool and turned to Veza. "The other portal should be on the surface of Breaker Bay, just outside your cottage." Veza swam back to Laquatus, and he stopped her with a raised hand.

"I hope," he said, "that you don't feel this trip was for nothing."

"Not at all. But I am unused to reporting directly to the empress, and I do not want to disappoint her."

"Impossible," Laquatus said, flashing his most winning grin. Veza nodded. "Long live the empire." "Until we meet again."


Laquatus watched Veza dive into the portal and disappear. Damn the little land crawler anyway. Her mind was tight and ordered and clear, but it was also as hard as ice. He could see it, touch it, test it, but he could neither take hold of it nor gain access to it. Like many sea creatures, Veza was immune to all but the most invasive of the ambassador's telepathic probes.

Laquatus switched back to his legged form and climbed out of the pool. He was not overly concerned. He had cracked tougher minds than Veza's in his time, and she already seemed enamored of his ability to change shape so easily. The more they interacted, the more receptive she would become. If he was careful, he could cultivate her as a political ally and as a scapegoat should anything go wrong.

For now, he thought, Veza and Llawan both could keep. He put on his robe and mentally signaled Turg. The games were about to start, and it was time for the eventual winning team to scout the competition.
