I’m not normally one for writing dedications. I feel awkward sharing what I’m really thinking without having characters or a narrator to filter it before it reaches another human being. This novel is different. It’s my first as a full-time author, requiring me to suck it up and dredge up a few words of recognition and thanks, which is frankly the least that those who have helped make this possible deserve.

Thanks then to Guy Haley, Gav Thorpe, and Josh Reynolds for their sage counsel on making the leap and finally giving up my day job. To my girlfriend, Philippa, for not walking out when I suggested it. Thanks to Guy (again) and Justin Hill for the continuing support of the unofficial North Yorkshire freelance support group. One day we’ll actually have that get-together.

To Laurie Goulding, for buying that inauspicious story about two clanrats walking into a bar back in 2011. To Graeme Lyon and Lindsey Priestley for taking me on, through the End Times and Beast Arises and beyond.To Nick Kyme for too much to go into really, but in the context of these pages for being the one to convince me that a minor character from The Beasts of Cartha was a character people would want more of.

To Kate Hamer, who edited the Hamilcar short stories and who edited this novel and who came to love the big man as much as he loves himself (or as close as any mere mortal can get). To Toby Longworth, whose portrayal of Ciaphas Cain did so much to inform the voice of Hamilcar in this book.

And finally, of course, thanks to everyone who ever gave me a word of advice or encouragement, wrote a review or bought a book.

Especially that last one.

It’s you that made this book possible.
