As it happened, there was another development that evening, which changed everything. I was in the lounge with Laura and Nicky when Julian made his usual phone call. Within minutes of listening to him on her phone, Laura’s expression changed and she looked like she was going to burst out mewing.
‘Oh, no,’ she said, very quietly. ‘Oh dear, I was desperately hoping it wouldn’t be necessary. Yes, of course you’re worried, darling – so am I. Well, the sooner it’s done the better. It may still be a false alarm, they just have to check, if there’s any doubt, don’t they? Right, so you’ll take her back with you on Sunday?’
There was a silence as she listened to Julian’s response, and then Laura gave a huge sigh and went on: ‘She won’t want to come back again afterwards, you know. I feel awful now about getting impatient with her. What if her moods and rudeness are because she’s sick again? She told me today she feels more lonely down here than she did when she was ill. It really brought me up sharply. Yes, she was being stroppy, but even so …’ There was another pause, and then: ‘Well, she’d started demanding that we let her friend Grace come down to stay for a week – because I’ve got Nicky here, you know, so I suppose she feels left out.’
It didn’t take much guesswork to realise they were talking about Caroline and that there had been some bad news. They went on talking for a while, with Laura saying ‘Yes’ and ‘I agree’, and then finally she said: ‘OK then, I think that’s a good plan. Shall I call her down so you can talk to her now?’
Caroline came bounding down the stairs as soon as Laura yelled that her dad was on the phone. She looked excited.
‘I’m going to ask him if he can bring Grace back with him this weekend,’ she said. ‘I bet he’ll agree.’
‘Caroline, Daddy’s got something to tell you …’ Laura warned her, but the phone had already been taken out of her paw and Caroline was babbling excitedly to Julian about her idea for Grace to visit.
Laura and Nicky exchanged a look, and Nicky grasped Laura’s paw. Like me, she must have guessed what the conversation had meant.
‘What?’ Caroline suddenly demanded. ‘I’ve got to go back to the hospital? Why?’ Then she fell silent, the corners of her mouth turning down. ‘Oh,’ she said quietly. And then: ‘Yes. All right. I suppose so. OK. Bye, Dad.’
She handed the phone back to Laura, silently, scowling to herself.
‘It’s probably nothing to worry about, sweetheart,’ Laura began.
‘Not for you, maybe,’ Caroline shot back. ‘It’s me who’s got to go and have the horrible bone marrow thing done again. Why? They said I was better now. It’s not fair!’
‘No. You’re right, it isn’t. It’s very unfair. But we have to trust the doctors. There was apparently something slightly borderline in your blood test, which is why it’s taken longer than usual to hear back about it. They need to investigate it further. It might be nothing whatever to do with the leukaemia, but the biopsy is just to rule that out. Did Daddy tell you what he’s going to do?’
‘Yes, he’ll take me back with him on Sunday. That’s the only good thing about it. I can get away from this boring dump.’
‘You’ll have your biopsy done on Monday, and he’ll bring you back again.’ Laura paused, looking at Caroline’s face. ‘And if it’s OK with her parents, he’ll bring Grace back with you.’
‘Oh!’ She brightened up immediately. ‘Really? He didn’t say!’
‘No, well, he’s going to phone her mum and dad now, so he probably didn’t want to get your hopes up yet. But, well, I thought it would cheer you up to know that’s the plan. We’ll keep our fingers crossed, shall we?’
‘Yes. Oh, thanks, Laura! It’ll be so cool …’, and she was off again on a surge of excitement about having Grace to stay. Borrowing Laura’s phone, this time with her permission, she ran back upstairs to call her friend again.
Laura glanced at Nicky and shook her head. ‘It’s as if she’s forgotten about the possibility of the leukaemia recurring already! I hope I did the right thing, telling her about Grace.’
‘I think so. It’ll take her mind off it. I’m sure Sarah and Martin will agree to let her come – especially in the circumstances.’
‘Oh, Nicky!’ Laura said, wiping her eyes. ‘I’m so frightened for her. Please don’t let this be bad news. I can’t bear to think she’d have to go through all that again.’
‘Try to think positive,’ Nicky said, putting her arm round Laura. ‘At least you won’t have too long to wait. Come on, you need to be brave for Caroline now.’
‘And more patient with her.’
‘No. Then she’ll really worry that you believe she’s ill again!’ Nicky said, smiling. ‘I think it’s important for now that everything stays normal, don’t you? She waited a long time to be treated like a normal girl. Don’t change that now, unless you have to.’
They hugged each other then, and Laura wiped her eyes again and got up to make a cup of tea. I jumped up on Nicky’s lap. I wanted to be hugged too. I was just as worried about Caroline as they were, but I had nobody to talk to about it.
Julian took Nicky and Benjamin home that Sunday when he left with Caroline, who was looking pale and subdued now she knew the hospital appointment was the next day. Laura reminded her, as she kissed her goodbye, that she had Grace’s visit to look forward to, and she nodded and gave a little smile. For the next two days until Julian brought her back again with Grace, it was very quiet in the holiday cottage with just me, Laura and Jessica, apart from the times when Jessica was mewing at the top of her lungs, of course. Laura looked sad and worried, and seemed to keep forgetting I was there. I was very pleased to see Julian’s car arriving outside again when they came back.
‘How did it go?’ Laura said, the minute they walked in. I’d been shut in the kitchen, as usual, while the doors were opened and closed but I was listening from behind the kitchen door.
‘Fine,’ Julian said. ‘Caroline was very brave. We just have to wait for the result again now.’
‘Well done, Caroline,’ Laura said. ‘At least it’s all over now, and you’ve got Grace here to take your mind off it.’
‘My mind is off it,’ Caroline said. ‘I don’t want to think about it ever again. I’m not going to be ill again, and I’m not going back to that hospital anymore.’
‘Well, that’s a good attitude to have, but …’
‘Let’s go and play in my room, Grace!’ Caroline said without waiting for Laura to finish. ‘Come on, I’ll show you round!’
‘Where’s Charlie?’ I heard Grace say. ‘Can I say hello to him?’
Oh, at last! Someone remembered I was there! I meowed at her through the door, and then finally I was let out to join in the reunion.
‘Come on, Charlie, come upstairs with us!’ Caroline said, and all three of us bounded up to her bedroom, the two girls laughing excitedly.
‘I’m glad she’s OK,’ I heard Laura say a bit cautiously as we went.
‘Yes,’ Julian replied in a similar tone. ‘A bit over the top, though, if you know what I mean. All this hysterical excitement. I wonder if she’s covering up how she really feels.’
‘Yes. Of course.’
That night Caroline and Grace lay awake for half the night giggling, curled up together in Caroline’s bed. Every now and then I’d hear Julian or Laura saying ‘Shush! Keep the noise down! Go to sleep!’
Julian went back to work again the next day, and everything settled down a bit, but Caroline and Grace certainly didn’t keep their noise down. Grace had brought something with her that played music, loudly, and the girls took to singing along at the tops of their voices, sometimes dancing too, and making up their own songs. Sometimes I joined in. I think I sing quite nicely, but for some reason it always made the two girls fall about laughing, which was a bit hurtful.
‘Charlie, stop caterwauling!’ Caroline said on one occasion, making Grace laugh even more. I’d never heard that word before but I guessed it wasn’t complimentary. Even Laura was laughing, but then she stopped and, still smiling, said, ‘I’m glad you’re having fun, girls, but please keep it down a bit when Jessica’s asleep.’
When they weren’t singing and dancing, the girls were down at the beach. They didn’t have to come home for Jessica’s feeds or naps anymore, as Laura was happy for them to be out together on their own, as long as they came back at the time she’d told them. One day they were apparently late, though, and got told off.
‘You must come back on time, or I won’t be able to let you go out on your own anymore,’ Laura said. ‘I’m responsible for Grace’s safety while she’s here, Caroline, as well as yours.’
‘It’s just ten minutes!’ she retorted. ‘Chill, Laura, for God’s sake!’
Laura sighed. I wondered if she was finding it hard to be more patient with Caroline, like she’d said she would.
‘Please don’t speak to me like that, Caroline. It isn’t clever, it’s just rude. You can both go upstairs and get changed now – dinner’s nearly ready.’
‘All right, but I don’t want any meat.’
‘Well, it’s take it or leave it, I’m afraid. I’m not messing around making two different meals.’
The girls went up to their room, and I ran after them.
‘See what I mean?’ Caroline was muttering to Grace. ‘She’s, like, totally unfair to me.’
‘Don’t worry, my mum and dad are just the same. They think everything my sister Rose does is amazing, but me, I can’t do a thing right these days.’
‘But Laura was always really nice to me before Jessica was born.’
‘Maybe the younger one is always the favourite,’ Grace said.
‘That’s what I think as well. If she and Daddy were really so worried about the leukaemia, you’d think they’d be nicer to me. It’s bad enough they’re making me go to a different school from you and all the others! I don’t want to go. Sometimes I feel like running away from home.’
‘Me too. I don’t want you to go to St Margaret’s, either. I’m really scared about starting at Great Broomford High without you. But when I try to talk to Mum and Dad about it, they’re just, like, Oh, you’ll soon get used to it. They don’t care about my feelings at all.’
‘If we ran away together before next week, when we’re supposed to be going home, we wouldn’t even have to go to high school,’ Caroline said quietly. ‘And I wouldn’t have to go back to that horrible hospital ever again.’
‘Unless they found us. Then we’d be in even more trouble.’
They sat on the bed together, holding paws, looking so sad I wanted to mew myself. But to be honest, I was too shocked. You can probably imagine how worried I was. Half-grown kittens like Caroline and Grace, talking about running away from home! They’d never survive out there. They weren’t used to hunting for their own food, and goodness only knew whose territory they might wander into.
‘You mustn’t do it!’ I meowed at them. ‘It doesn’t matter if your adults get cross with you – they get cross with me, too, but I’m not leaving home, am I?’
Grace finally gave a little giggle. ‘We’re making Charlie sad too,’ she said, jumping up and starting to change out of her sandy clothes. ‘Come on, Caro, let’s have dinner and then we can write some more songs.’
‘OK.’ Caroline grinned. ‘I’m so glad you’re here. Everything feels better now I’ve got you to talk to.’
But that, of course, was before the Really Bad Thing happened.
It was the following day, and as usual the two girls had been to the beach. When they got home it was still warm and sunny, so they went outside to play in the garden. I watched them from my kitchen window as they danced around, shrieking and laughing, pretending to be pop stars, whatever they are. It was nice to see them being happy.
‘I’m going in to get your iPad,’ Caroline yelled, and she burst in through the kitchen door.
I heard her race upstairs to their bedroom, and back down again, turning the music thing on as she went back into the garden.
‘You’ve left the door open,’ I meowed to her, but she didn’t answer. She was already running across the grass to Grace, the music blaring.
I jumped down from the windowsill and stood in the doorway, watching them.
‘You’ve left the door open!’ I called again, but neither of them looked round.
Just then, a stupid pigeon landed on the lawn, right near where they were sitting, and before I even realised what I was doing, I’d shot out of the door and across the grass after him, startling him into taking off again, with a clumsy flapping of his silly wings. Well, it was my job. And very satisfying it was too.
‘Charlie!’ Caroline screamed, making me jump almost out of my fur. She lunged at me, grabbing me round my tummy so that I wriggled and protested. ‘What are you doing out here? Oh, God, I left the door open, Grace! Quick, Charlie, let’s get you back inside.’
But needless to say, Laura had already heard the commotion and was coming out of the kitchen door after us, looking cross.
‘What on earth are you doing?’ she said to Caroline. ‘He could have run away and got lost!’
‘I know!’ Caroline said, starting to mew. ‘I’m sorry, Laura, I didn’t realise I’d left the door open.’
‘Well, you should have realised! Daddy warned you, Caroline, about keeping Charlie safe. It was you who insisted on bringing him down here with us.’
‘I know!’ she said again. ‘I’ll be more careful, I promise. Please don’t tell Daddy or he’ll take Charlie home and put him in the cattery.’
‘Don’t say that!’ I meowed. I was being carried back into the kitchen now. I must say I’d enjoyed my brief couple of minutes of freedom, though. And I didn’t like Caroline getting the blame. I knew I wasn’t supposed to go out, after all. It was the stupid pigeon’s fault.
‘Well, if it happens again, he will have to go to the cattery,’ Laura said, closing the kitchen door firmly. ‘That’s if he doesn’t end up lost, or run over by a car.’
As you can probably imagine, I had my paws over my ears at this point.
‘I said I was sorry!’ Caroline mewed. ‘I didn’t mean it!’
Laura shook her head. ‘Go and play upstairs,’ she said, as she walked away.
I followed the girls up to their bedroom once again. Caroline was mewing properly now.
‘They don’t want me around, I’m always getting the blame for everything. I might just as well run away!’ she sobbed to Grace.
‘If you do, I’ll come with you,’ Grace said.
‘So, shall we actually do it, Grace?’ They looked at each other for a moment, Caroline still sniffing with tears. ‘If we do it now, we won’t have to start at our new schools. It’s nearly the end of August already.’
‘Yeah, let’s do it. I don’t want to go back home anyway.’
‘And I don’t want to stay where I’m always getting moaned at. But where can we go?’
‘I’ve got an idea,’ Grace said. ‘I was thinking about it after we talked yesterday. I’ve got this great-aunt called Barbara – she’s quite old, but she must be nice, ’cos she sends me and Rose money every year for our birthdays and Christmas. She lives in Duncombe. It’s the next village along the coast, I saw it when Daddy showed me on the map where Mudditon is. I bet she wouldn’t mind letting us stay with her.’
‘But your parents will guess that’s where we are.’
‘No, they won’t. The only time they mention her is when she sends us the cheques. We’ve never been to her house. I’ve only met her once, as far as I know. She came to stay with us, years ago, but she went home the next day.’
‘How would you be able to find her house, then, if you’ve never been there?’
‘It’s a really easy address: April Cottage, Duck Pond Lane. I know it off by heart because every birthday and Christmas, Mum makes us write her a thank-you letter for the money.’
‘April Cottage, Duck Pond Lane,’ Caroline was repeating. ‘It sounds nice. Do you really think she’ll let us stay with her? Do you think you should phone her and ask her?’
‘I haven’t got her phone number. But I’m sure she will. She must really like me, or she wouldn’t send me so much money. It was fifty pounds last time!’
‘Wow!’ Caroline said. ‘She must be well loaded.’
‘Yeah. She’s probably, like, one of those old ladies who couldn’t have her own children so she loves other people’s. I bet she won’t tell us off all the time.’
‘Perhaps she’ll adopt us!’ Caroline said, giggling.
‘Yeah! Then we’ll be sisters!’
And the two girls collapsed on the bed together, laughing with excitement. But the whole time they’d been talking, I’d been sitting on the floor listening, frozen to the spot with horror. What were they thinking of, plotting to run off on their own like that? They’d get lost! They’d get attacked by feral humans! And their parents would be really, really scared and upset – especially as Julian and Laura were already so worried about Caroline being ill again. I meowed at them until I thought I’d lose my voice, but they took absolutely no notice of me – they were too busy giggling over the packing of their little pink rucksacks, putting in pyjamas and socks and a torch and talking about stealing some food and drink from the kitchen when Laura’s back was turned.
This was awful. It was as if they thought it was one of those adventure games Caroline played on Julian’s computer. I’d heard her shout ‘I’m dead! Again!’ sometimes when she was playing one of them, laughing as if it was funny to be dead, as if she could come back to life again and no harm would be done. Surely she understood that humans don’t have nine lives? If anything happened to her, or Grace, I’d never forgive myself. But what could I do to stop them? I was just a little cat and nobody ever listened to me. I stood for a moment in the doorway of their room, trying to calm myself down. And I made a promise to myself that I’d do everything I possibly could to save the two girls, whatever the danger to me and no matter how many lives I lost in the process.