Chapter 6

2:35 A.M.

“You’re tired,” Eve said. “Why don’t you go to bed?”

“Not until you do.” Catherine looked up. “I have almost a quarter of this face done. I didn’t think I’d get this far so quickly. I’m very proud of myself.”

“That’s two of us. I’m proud of you, too. I wasn’t sure that you’d be able to do it. It’s one hell of a difficult job.”

Catherine nodded. “It takes concentration.” She smiled. “And study. I know more than I ever wanted to know about the bones of the human face.” Her smile faded. “You say Cindy was buried at least ten years ago. Does it take that long in the ground to turn a body into…this?”

“It depends on the circumstances and conditions. Sometimes shorter, sometimes longer.” She studied Catherine’s face. “You’re thinking of what Rakovac said about killing Luke and burying his body in the woods.”

“I try not to remember. But I do. How can I help it?”

“You can’t. It’s impossible.” Her lips tightened. “What a sadistic bastard. What other things has he taunted you with over the years?”

“Do you want a list? Sometimes it amused him to tell me how he tortured Luke. He made me listen as he described the most horrible atrocities imaginable.” She shuddered. “I nearly went crazy. The only way I could survive was to tell myself over and over that it was all lies. That he wouldn’t have dared to do anything to Luke while Venable knew he was holding him. It might have disturbed the status quo of their relationship.” She added hoarsely, “I had to believe that, or I would have slit my throat. I kept thinking if I were dead, there wouldn’t be any reason for him to hurt Luke. And then I would think if he was still alive, I had to live, or Rakovac would have him forever.” She shook her head and glanced back down at the bones in front of her. “But you don’t want to hear this. I’ve been moaning since I came into your life. I didn’t do it to make you feel sorry for me. Being who you are and what you’ve been through, that’s a given. That’s just my life right now.”

“You didn’t offer,” Eve said. “If I hadn’t wanted an answer, I wouldn’t have asked.”

“Let’s change the subject. How long before I see my Luke?”

“I’ll start the last transition tomorrow. I can’t wait either.”

She nodded. “He’s got you, hasn’t he?” Her face was suddenly luminous. “You can see what kind of wonderful little boy he is. I used to look at him when he was sleeping and think how lucky I was to have a child like Luke. He was different from other children, full of love, full of mischief, smart. I know every mother thinks her child is special, but it’s true. He was only two, and he spoke like a five-year-old. And he was beautiful, you can tell how beautiful he is.”

“Yes, he’s very beautiful,” she said gently. “He must be a good deal like you.”

She shook her head. “He’s nothing like me. There may be a little resemblance, but inside he’s different. From the time I was a toddler, I was always looking for the way to fight my way to the top. I didn’t care how. I had to survive. From the moment he was out of the cradle, Luke was always caring and giving.”

“Because he had a mother who adored him, and was surrounded by love.”

“People are born with souls. His soul was special. Sometimes he seemed to be lit from within.”

Like the face of Catherine when she spoke of her son, Eve thought. “I’m sure he’s all you say he is.”

Catherine suddenly smiled. “You’re being very soothing. I know I’m besotted. But it’s true. It’s all true. He was like-”

A banging at the front door.

Eve’s gaze flew across the room. For heaven’s sake, it was after two in the morning.

“Don’t answer it.” Catherine was gliding across the room to her duffel. “Rakovac had someone here watching. Maybe his orders weren’t only to watch.”

“Joe said he thought that Rakovac’s man had taken off. He saw the tire prints. If he was still out there, Joe would have found him.”

“Oh, I believe Joe is very efficient. But Rakovac’s men are good. Better to be safe.” She drew her gun out of the duffel and headed toward the door. “Stand back. I’ll take-”

“You can see the front of the porch from the window left of the door,” Eve said as she slipped from her stool. Her heart was pounding, hard. “Just stay away from the glass in case someone decides to take a shot.”

“I’m not stupid,” Catherine said. “Go wake up Joe. We may need him.”

“I’m not leaving you alone,” Eve said. “This is my house, and I should be the one repelling intruders. And Joe’s a light sleeper. He probably heard that pounding. It was loud enough.”

“Have it your way,” Catherine was to the left of the window carefully moving the curtains, her gun ready. “Just don’t come close to the door. A spray from an AK-47 could blast it off its hinges.”

“I’ve seen what one can do. I’m not about to go in harm’s way. What do you see out-”

“Oh, shit.” Catherine dropped the curtain, strode to the door and jerked it open.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

Eve frowned in puzzlement as she moved forward to get a glimpse of the person at the door.

Not person, a young girl. A small, fair-haired girl in blue jeans and pine green sweatshirt dotted with dark drops of rain.

“I had to come,” the girl whispered. “I couldn’t stay with my mother.”

“What am I going to do with you?” Catherine said helplessly. “You can’t stay here, Kelly. You shouldn’t have come.”

“Who is she?” Eve came to the door to stand beside Catherine. The girl wasn’t as young as she had first thought. She must be at least entering her teens. She was just small and extremely fine boned. “What is she doing here?”

“She’s Kelly Winters.” Catherine was glancing down the road. “See those taillights about a mile away? I’d bet she was dropped off on your doorstep.” Her lips tightened. “Only it’s meant to be my doorstep.”

Kelly Winters. The young girl who had been kidnapped that Catherine had told her about, Eve realized. No wonder she appeared so fragile and haunted. “Well, I don’t care what was meant or not meant. This is my home, and I won’t have her stand out there in the rain while you decide what to do with her.” She held out her hand to the girl. “I’m Eve Duncan, Kelly. Come in.”

Kelly’s gaze was fastened on Catherine. “May I?”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake.” Catherine threw up her hands. “Okay. Come in, but you can’t stay. You shouldn’t even be here.”

“I’m glad that’s decided.” Joe was coming up the porch steps. He was barefoot, without a shirt, soaked to the skin, and clearly in a foul mood. “Get her inside.”

“You slipped out the bedroom window and came around the front?” Eve guessed.

“It seemed the thing to do at the time. I didn’t realize that it was only a kid who was trying to get in from the storm.” He held up his hand as Catherine started to speak. “At the moment, I don’t care why she’s here. Now that I know that it’s not one of Rakovac’s men or a midget with bombs strapped to her chest, I’m opting out. I just want to get her inside and hit a hot shower and get on some dry clothes. She’s your problem. Settle it yourself. Preferably before I get out of the shower.” He strode past Kelly and went into the house.

“He’s angry,” Kelly said.

“He’s disappointed,” Eve said. “Joe has the instincts of a gladiator. For the second time tonight, he was all primed to step into the arena and take care of a massive threat. Instead, it turned out to be you. He’ll be fine after he relaxes and lets the adrenaline stop ruling him.”

The girl shook her head. “I didn’t want to make him-”

“Kelly, be quiet and come in.” Catherine pulled her inside and shut the door. “It’s done. Now all I want is to know what’s happening. Who dropped you off and ran like a thief in the night? Venable?”

She shook her head. “Agent Dufour. But Venable told him to bring me.”

“Why?” Catherine shook her head. “And why am I even asking? He’s manipulating the situation to suit himself. He thought if he’d throw you into the fray, that I’d-”

“No.” Kelly shook her head. “I made him do it. I told him I’d run away if he didn’t tell me where you were.”

“And Venable couldn’t handle the threat from one small girl?” Catherine asked. “I don’t think that’s true.” She turned on her heel and went into the kitchenette. “Where’s the cocoa, Eve? Do you have any around here? She needs something hot and sweet. She’s shivering.”

“I’m okay,” Kelly said. “I’m only a little wet. I had to run from the car to the porch.”

“The cocoa’s in the first cabinet. It’s instant. Use the hot water from the coffeemaker,” Eve said. She smiled slightly as she watched Catherine take down the box. There was frustration and anger in every line of the woman’s body, but even through the aggravation, she was still trying to take care of the young girl. “I’ll get her a towel for her hair.” She headed down the hall to the linen closet. When she returned with the towel, Kelly was sitting at the bar, a mug of chocolate in front of her and a warm throw around her.

“I’ll do it.” Catherine took the towel and enveloped Kelly’s head with the cloth and rubbed vigorously but gently. Then she stepped back and threw the towel on the barstool. “Now drink your chocolate.”

Kelly didn’t touch the mug in front of her. She just sat there staring at Catherine.

“Don’t sit there looking at me,” Catherine said. “I told you that I can’t help you. I’d take you in if I could, but you came to me at the worst time possible. Hell, the whole world wants to help you, Kelly. I’m the wrong one to pick.”

“I’m not going to get in your way. I won’t be any trouble. I’ll help you.” She paused. “We need to help each other.”

“You can’t help me.”

“Yes, I can.” She hesitated. “I’m smart, Catherine. Very smart. That’s why my mother doesn’t want me around. Daddy said that she had an idea of what she wanted in a daughter, and I wasn’t it. I make her uncomfortable. I try to hide it, but sometimes it tumbles out. But maybe you can use me.” Her lips firmed. “No, not maybe, I’ll make sure you can do it.”

“You can’t help me,” Catherine repeated.

“Venable told me that you’re looking for your son. He told me all about it. I’ll help you find him.”

Catherine muttered an oath beneath her breath. “He had no business telling you anything. You’re a kid, for heaven’s sake.”

Kelly shook her head. “I don’t feel like a kid.”

“That damn Munoz. I told you that you shouldn’t let what he did make you-” She shook her head. “What am I saying? It’s your father. His death alone was enough to make a big change in you.” She shrugged. “And you may not feel like a kid, but it’s the responsibility of the adults around you to recognize that you still have the right not to have to confront adult problems.”

“Do I have that right?” Kelly gave her the ghost of a smile. “Did you, Catherine? Not according to what Venable told me.”

“Did he give you my life history?” Catherine asked in disgust. “I can see him doing that. He wouldn’t care that you have problems of your own.”

Eve could see Catherine’s irritation growing by the moment. She wasn’t angry at Kelly so much as the situation, but Kelly might misinterpret. Time to step into the picture. “Kelly, you were supposed to go to your mother’s after you left the hospital. What happened? I can’t believe she wouldn’t be concerned.”

“She was concerned,” Kelly said. “But she didn’t want to deal with me. After the social worker explained what had happened and all the care and attention she should pay me for the next few months, she panicked. She set her secretary to trying to find a good rehabilitation home to stash me in for the next few months.” She added quietly, “She’s not a monster. It would have been a fine, luxurious rehabilitation home with wonderful psychiatrists. But I wouldn’t have been able to take it. And there’s no way I could persuade her not to send me there. She’s always sure she’s right when she wants something badly enough.”

“Bitch,” Catherine said.

Kelly shook her head. “No. You don’t understand. She doesn’t mean any harm. She just wants me to go away.”

“She’s your mother,” Eve said.

“Maybe the stork got the babies confused.” She met Eve’s gaze. “Don’t pity me. Because sometimes I want her to go away, too. Does that make me a terrible person?”

“It makes you human,” Eve said gently.

She nodded. “That’s what Daddy said. But Daddy was angry with her most of the time himself, so I couldn’t be sure.”

“Be sure,” Catherine said. “So you called Venable, and he came and picked you up?”

“He didn’t want to do it. He argued with me. He even hung up on me. But he called back. He said he’d thought about it, and my place was with you.”

“After he realized that you’d be the perfect roadblock to my plans,” Catherine said dryly. “He threatened to do everything he could to stop me from upsetting their plans for Rakovac. Then here you come, and it’s a golden opportunity.”

Kelly nodded. “You’re probably right. He was kind to me, but I think he may be a devious man. But I didn’t care, he gave me what I wanted.”

“A trip to Atlanta and the chance to be dumped on Eve’s doorstep.”

“Yes, and he promised to talk to my mother and convince her that he’d placed me in a secure home where I would receive excellent therapy.” She smiled wistfully. “It won’t take much to convince her. It’s what she wants to hear.”

“Eve’s home may be secure, but I’m leaving it within the next few days,” Catherine said. “And I’m as far from being a therapist as I could possibly be. I’m pretty screwed up myself right now. I could strangle Venable.”

“You’re not screwed up. You’re one of the sanest people I’ve ever met.”

“Your experience is limited.” She pushed the mug closer to Kelly. “Drink your chocolate. Then we’ll talk about where you’re going to spend the next six months.”

“Here, with you.”

“I can’t take care of you.”

“I don’t want you to care for me. I want breathing space until I can figure a way to run my life myself.” She lifted her chocolate to her lips. “I think the best thing for me would be to go and stay at school. I attend the College of William and Mary in Virginia. Then no one would have to bother with me.”

“A college?” Eve said. “But you’re only fourteen.”

“I’m very smart. All the professors decided that I should be at a think tank. Some of them wanted to send me to Harvard, but Daddy said he didn’t want me at a place with that high, edgy profile. He thought the pressure would be less on me in a Southern school. I like it okay there.” She paused. “Daddy told me that I was going to be all right as far as money was concerned. He set up some kind of trust for me. But public opinion matters to my mother, and she wouldn’t let a bank be my guardian. I’m too young, and she’d get a lot of bad press. But if enough time passes, maybe I can work it out.”

“Then perhaps Venable could persuade your mother to send you to school instead of a rehabilitation home,” Catherine said. “I’ll get on the phone and talk to him.”

“It won’t do any good. She won’t give in while there are still media stories about me. And you said that Venable wants me here. He’s not going to help you.”

“No, heaven forbid that he gives me a break.” Catherine drew a deep breath. “Kelly, being with me wouldn’t be good for you. If I thought anything else, I’d take a chance and let you stay with me. But it might even be dangerous. Venable knew that, and he still sent you. I can find you a safe place. I know a lot of people who owe me favors.”

Kelly smiled slightly. “Did you save their lives, too?”

“Look, I’m not some saintly do-gooder. I only went into Munoz’s camp because Venable and I had made a deal.”

“I don’t care. And I don’t think you’re a saint. I made Venable tell me all about you. He told me about Eve, too, so I wouldn’t be upset seeing bones from her reconstruction lying around.”

“Then, blast it, why did you come to me?”

“I like you,” she said simply. “I feel…at home with you. I don’t have to pretend. You don’t pity me, and if you find I can help, you’ll let me earn my way. That’s important to me right now.”

Catherine stared at her helplessly. “Kelly.”

“Let her stay the night,” Eve said quietly. “It’s no use arguing with her. You’re not going to toss her out in the rain. You’ve both had your say. Now you can both let everything simmer until morning.”

“Let? Me? This isn’t even my house. I’m not going to impose her on you. If she stays, we’ll both go down to my tent for the night.”

“You will not,” Eve said firmly. “It’s raining. Rakovac’s man may still be wandering around out there. I’d worry too much to sleep, and I’m much too selfish to permit you to do that. You can have the guest bedroom, and Kelly can sleep on the couch.” She turned to Kelly. “I presume you brought a suitcase.”

Kelly nodded. “It’s on the porch.” She got off the stool and headed for the door. “I’ll go get it.”

Catherine turned to Eve. “I never meant this to happen.”

“I know. Life has a way of slipping in the unexpected just when we have everything neatly planned.” She looked after Kelly, who had gone out on the porch. “But it may not be safe to send her away now. If you’re still under surveillance, Rakovac will probably soon know about her and that she followed you here. Maybe he’ll think you have affection for her. Couldn’t that be dangerous?”

Catherine nodded. “Yes, dammit.”

“Then you have a big problem, and you’ll have to work with it.” She smiled at Kelly as she came back into the house. “Catherine will show you the bathroom while I make up the couch for you.”

“Thank you.” Kelly hesitated. “I don’t want to be a bother, Ms. Duncan. I had to come, but I never meant you to have to-”

“Eve,” she interrupted. “And I wouldn’t have told you to stay if you weren’t welcome. But it’s late, and we all need to get to sleep. We’ll settle everything in the morning. Good night, Kelly.”

“Good night, Eve.” Her voice was low and uneven. She turned to Catherine. “I’ll make it right. I promise. Just give me a chance.”

“Tomorrow.” Catherine led her across the living room toward the bathroom. “I’m not about to give you any encouragement. I like you, I want to help you, but you’re going to be a headache, and I have to find a remedy.” She opened the door of the bathroom and turned on the light. “I’ll see you in the morning. Try to get some sense into your stubborn-” She broke off as she saw Kelly’s expression. She was not crying, but she was very close. “Don’t look like that.” She pulled her close in a quick, hard hug and let her go. “Your mother is an idiot and doesn’t deserve you. Which doesn’t mean I’m going to give in to this idiocy. I just thought you should know that I’m your friend, and I’ll find a way to get you what you need.” She turned away. “Not necessarily what you want.”

“They’re one and the same,” Kelly said unevenly. “And I think you’ll see that you need me, too. I can help you find your son. I’m smart. I see patterns. Just let me show you.”

“No, you may want to help, but I’m alone in this. Good night, Kelly.” She shut the bathroom door and turned and went back to Eve. “Do you need help making up that couch?”

Eve shook her head. “It’s almost done. The couch practically makes into a bed with the press of a button. I’m not much of a house keeper, so I made sure everything around me is easy. Life is too difficult to have to work at the little things.” She stepped back and put a blanket on the foot of the bed. “That should be comfortable. Not that the poor kid will notice. She was almost numb with exhaustion.”

“She wasn’t too exhausted to manipulate her way into staying here tonight.”

“She tried to be honest with you.”

“I know,” Catherine said wearily. “Probably because she knew that I wouldn’t accept anything else.” She shook her head. “Or maybe not. Maybe that’s her nature. I’m pretty cynical. I haven’t known her for long.”

“Long enough for her to trust you.”

“She would have trusted the devil himself if he could have gotten her away from Munoz.”

“Possibly,” Eve said. “But I prefer to think the kid has excellent instincts. What is all this patterns business?”

“I’m not sure. Venable only said that she was brilliant and disturbingly inquisitive.” She reached for her phone and put it on speaker. “But I’m going to find out.”

“Good morning, Catherine.” Venable didn’t sound in the least drowsy in spite of the hour. “Did you like the little surprise package I left for you?”

“No. I don’t like you using her or using me. I want her out of here.”

“Actually, I had the feeling that she was using me. But it suited me to give her what she wanted. At any rate, she’s now your problem. Deal with her.”

“I could strangle you, Venable. She’s a kid. Even you wouldn’t want to throw her in Rakovac’s path.”

“Then perhaps the two of you had better keep a low profile and leave Rakovac to us.” He paused. “If you send her back to me, I can’t promise that she won’t run away. She was determined not to let her mother shove her into that rehabilitation home. Besides, there’s a slight chance she might be able to help you find Luke.”

“She’s a kid,” Catherine repeated flatly. “I don’t care how intelligent, she can’t offer me anything that I’d want to use.”

“Don’t be too sure. Did she tell you about the patterns?”

“Briefly. Not enough. You tell me.”

“Kelly’s thinking processes are different from anyone else’s. When she was a toddler, they found she was a whiz at mathematics.”

“And how would that help me?” Catherine asked impatiently.

“It was only the start. The educators began testing her, and they found that if they gave her a piece of a puzzle, she could construct the entire picture.”

“What kind of puzzle?”

“Any puzzle. Astronomy, mathematical, situational. You name it. She can see it all and project the ending. Her professors at William and Mary think that Einstein must have had that kind of brain. She’s incredible. That’s why her mother is so uneasy with her. Kelly can probably read her like a book.”

“Is that any reason to push her away? All the more reason to hold her close and help her work it out. It must have been frightening for her.”

“Yes, some puzzles aren’t pretty, are they? But Kelly had her father, and after his divorce, he was very protective of the girl.” He added dryly, “Believe me, I know. He wouldn’t let us near her.”

“Why would you-Of course, an ability like that would prove very valuable to the Company. I’m surprised you don’t want to whisk her away to one of your training camps.”

“I admit I was interested enough in what I heard about her to go to her school and talk to her professors. As I said, she’s very promising.”

“She’s a kid, Venable.”

“I didn’t do anything, did I?”

“Because she had her father to protect her.”

“I might have been able to get around him. And now her father has been removed from the equation.” He added quickly, “Not that I’ve been thinking about it. It wouldn’t be practical. All that media attention has spoiled her for any confidential use.”

“Otherwise, you’d do it.”

“Possibly.” He went on brusquely. “That’s not important since I can’t implement it. What might be beneficial is having her concentrate on your problem. Doesn’t it seem fitting that your Luke’s kidnapping should be resolved by another child who was also a victim?”

“Fitting and completely nuts.”

“Don’t be hardheaded. I think it would be poetic justice.” His tone became grave. “You may not believe this, but I sent her because I wanted to give you a chance before there are no more chances. Use her, Catherine. Use everything you’ve got.” He hung up.

“He sounded dead serious,” Eve said. “And foreboding.”

Catherine nodded. “Something ugly is going on with Rakovac. I’d bet that the situation is heating up.” She slowly put her phone in her pocket. “And Venable was trying to warn me that Luke may not have much time before the blowup.”

“And what can you do that you’re not doing?”

Catherine shook her head. “I don’t know. Move faster. Get really desperate and take a stab at using Kelly?” She looked at Eve. “The only thing I do know is that I have to know what Luke looks like so that I won’t get the wrong kid when I go after him. You’ll be finished tomorrow?”

“If everything goes right.” She didn’t speak for a moment. “I could keep Kelly with me after you leave.”

Catherine’s face lit. “You’d do that?” She grimaced. “Not that I’ll be able to get her to stay. She seems pretty determined. Still, thanks for the option.” She sat down in the chair. “Go on to bed. I’ll wait until Kelly gets out of the shower and tuck her in.”

“Good.” Eve yawned and started down the hall. “I’m ready for bed, and I still have to explain Kelly to Joe before I go to sleep. Try to get a few hours’ sleep before morning.”

“I will.”

“And don’t lecture the girl. She’s been through enough tonight.”

“Whatever you say.”

Eve glanced back at her over her shoulder. No, Catherine wouldn’t be giving that child a hard time. She was a strange combination of toughness and vulnerability, and Eve wasn’t sure which was stronger. But Kelly seemed to tap into that same reservoir of emotion that Catherine reserved for her Luke.

It wasn’t something that she should be worrying about, Eve thought impatiently. Both Catherine and Kelly had been catapulted into her life, and she would do the best she could for them, but after tomorrow her involvement would probably be over.

Why didn’t she believe that?

And why wasn’t she relieved?

The bitch had been frightened, Rakovac thought, as he stared thoughtfully at the photo on his desk. He had felt the jolt of familiar satisfaction at Catherine’s panic and shock. It was always like that when he twisted the knife. He tried to ration the extreme cruelties so that she would not become calloused, but there was no doubt that this time she had needed the flick of the whip.

Her use of Eve Duncan was not to be tolerated. She must stay groveling at his feet until it suited him to step forward and crush her.

“You just received a call from Ali Dabala.” Nicholas Russo came into the office. “He wants to know when he can set a date.”

“Let him wait. I’ve given him a tentative. The fool has no grasp of the importance of details. He doesn’t realize that one false step and his men will end up in Guantanamo.”

“He has a grasp on the huge amount of money he’s paid you,” Russo said. “He’s being pressured by Al-Qaeda.”

“I’m fully aware of that, Russo.”

“Then why are you still playing games with Catherine Ling?” Russo frowned. “You have no time for this.”

“There is always time for the pleasures of life.” Be patient. He still had use for Russo. As usual, Russo was dressed in an immaculate suit made by his favorite London tailor, and he was beautifully groomed from the top of his brown hair to his polished shoes. He was a good front man. Yet it was difficult to be patient. Lately, Russo had been very critical and overbearing, and Rakovac was well aware that Russo had always been slightly contemptuous of Rakovac’s lack of proper schooling and rough background. He added softly, “What I don’t have time for is a man who questions my authority. You’re acting like a frightened rabbit. Dabala is no more a threat than a hundred others I’ve dealt with over the years. The only difference is the money. I’m charging him enough to set up my own little kingdom on an island off the Brazilian coast. If you’re efficient and do everything I tell you, then you’ll have a place there.” He shrugged. “If you’re not, I’ll toss you to Dabala and let him deal with someone who is a possible informer.”

“You know I won’t inform. I’ve been with you too long.”

“And become rich. But we’ve never reached that level in the stratosphere where money can buy anything. But it’s only one more step, Russo.”

“A huge step. This is different. They’ll never stop searching for us.”

“And never find us. That’s why the money is so important. It can buy plastic surgeons, documents, politicians who turn blind eyes. All of those little luxuries that make a man feel safe and content.”

“They won’t turn a blind eye. Not to this. They’d be too afraid.”


“All right, I’ll be quiet. But you may be sorry that you didn’t listen to me.” He turned on his heel. “Dabala said that if you didn’t call him, he’d come to see you. You don’t want him to lead the CIA to you.”

“I’ll call him.” He watched Russo leave the room. The CIA might be aware something was going on but couldn’t be permitted to know anything concrete about his deal with Dabala until he was ready to leave. Washington might accept nearly any corruption from him as long as he was a constant source of information, but even a hint of this business would cause them to bolt in panic. They were extremely sensitive to any Middle Eastern activity, and Rakovac had been careful to keep away from that contingent during their partnership.

But the Middle East was where the real money lay, and fanatics cared nothing how much it cost to grease the way to paradise. Naturally, he’d had to turn to them to find a way to his own paradise.

But paradise had its own restrictions, he thought regretfully. He wouldn’t be able to make those delightful calls to Catherine after he made his exit. It would be too dangerous not to break all ties to the outside world. The delicious game he had played all these years must be brought to an end. He reached out and touched Catherine’s throat in the photo. She had a lovely throat and many times when the anger had come to the surface, he’d wanted to slit it. Passing fancy. The mental torture he inflicted was much more enjoyable.

Oh, well, if he was going to end the charade, he would do it with style and ferocity. He had to have a plan that would be the crowning blow to his revenge on Catherine. It couldn’t terminate with just a final burst of agony from a sniper bullet. He’d bring her close to him so that he could watch every nuance of her pain.

And not only Catherine. That wouldn’t be in keeping with the grand finale.

“Who first?” he murmured. “Maybe a warning to punish you and show you what’s to come?” His finger moved to caressingly touch the lips of the woman in the photo. “Yes, that’s an excellent idea, Catherine. Let’s start with Eve Duncan.”
