In retrospect, he would find it an astonishing way to start a war.
But then again, he didn’t start this war.
The meeting, and the information it had subsequently revealed, came to him purely by chance. Synchronicity, the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung had called it. A confluence of seemingly unrelated events that have meaning — albeit hidden to all but the most discerning. It was a sophisticated concept, especially for a Western mind, Kuan-Yin Zhao thought.
Of course, there were corollaries in his own life. Xiangqi, one of his passions, was an exercise in manipulated synchronicity. At its heart, the mastery of Xiangqi, and its lesser cousin, chess, was nothing more than recognizing the patterns your opponent was trying to hide, and creating patterns your opponent will fail to see until too late. Great Xiangqi players never move a single piece. On the board, it may be a pao moving five squares, but in the mind of a master, it is the pao’s move, combined with the myriad moves available to his opponent, combined with a countermove, and so on until victory or defeat.
Though pleased that Xiangqi might inspire a solution to his dilemma, he was also unsurprised. All he’d needed was the hint of an opening move, and now he had it. From there his mind would expand across the board — or in this case, across nations.
If not for an underling’s father who had left China thirty years earlier to find greener pastures, he would have never found the linchpin of his plan. Like the rest of the world, he’d believed the public stories, but of course public stories were usually generated by governments, and governments weren’t known for their forthrightness — especially the Russians, whose natural gift for deception was second only to that of Beijing’s politicians.
A coal mine in Evenki collapses, killing hundreds, and the world knows nothing about it; a Russian submarine sinks to the bottom of the Kara Sea with all hands, and it simply ceases to exist; a Russian death squad sneaks onto Chinese soil, breaks into a man’s home, and murders him in front of his children and it’s called war.
Why would this secret be any different? All the better, Zhao thought.
What better way to begin the greatest game of his life than with a move no one would ever see?
“It’s there, I tell you,” the old man said.
“You’re sure of this? You’ve seen it with your own eyes?”
The old man nodded. “I was there, with a shovel like all the rest.” The old man took a gulp of tea and timidly held out his cup for a refill. “It’s a cursed place, I can tell you that.”
“Why do you say that?”
“It’s haunted. I saw things… strange things.”
Zhao tried not to suppress a smile. The old man was addled. Even so, his background had checked out; he was who and what he said he was. “How easy is it to find?”
“As easy to find as your own toes. It might take a little work getting to it, but it’s there.”
“Tell me this: You did this for how long?”
The old man scratched his scalp. “I lived there for twenty years. When I got sick, I wanted to come home, to be buried in Chinese soil — not that garbage over there.”
“Why did you remember this one detail? Out of everything you’d been through, why this one?”
“Because I watched them do it and I thought how stupid they must be. I’m a simple man — not a smart man — and even I couldn’t believe what they were doing.”
“Who else knows about this?”
The old man pursed his lips, thinking. “Many, I imagine, but many are dead as well. Those that remember probably do their best to forget. Besides, who would want it?”
Who indeed? Zhao thought.
“Who have you told?”
“No one!” the old man said, stiffening in his chair. “My son, no one else.”
“That’s not quite true, is it, old man? You’ve told me.”
“That’s different. It’s my granddaughter, you see—”
“Yes, yes… very sick — you told me that, too.”
“She’s all I have. I convinced her to join me there. I wanted her to go to school, make something of herself. Instead… They’ve done things to her. Drugs. Men. She can’t get away from them.”
Of course she can’t, he thought. The teenage prostitution market had always been profitable, and in the right country a petite Chinese girl would bring thousands. Drugged or sober, the clientele didn’t care. In fact, drugs made them easier to handle.
“I heard you were a decent man,” the old man said. “I don’t believe the stories. They’re all liars. You’re a decent man. You can help her.”
He refilled the old man’s cup. “And I will. You’ll have your granddaughter back before another month passes. But first, you’re going to draw me a map, aren’t you?”
The old man nodded vigorously.