

"Marie" was the first. The third and final act in the drama is yet to come.


The Zulu word "Meena"—or more correctly "Mina"—means "Come here," and would therefore be a name not unsuitable to one of the heroine's proclivities; but Mr. Quatermain does not seem to accept this interpretation.—EDITOR.


For the story of this shooting of the vultures by Allan Quatermain, see the book called "Marie."—EDITOR.


"Makosi", the plural of "Inkoosi", is the salute given to Zulu wizards, because they are not one but many, since in them (as in the possessed demoniac in the Bible) dwell an unnumbered horde of spirits.—EDITOR.


Published under the title of "Marie."—EDITOR.


In Zululand a son–in–law is known as "isigodo so mkwenyana", the "son–in–law log," for the reason stated in the text.—EDITOR.


Cannon were called "by–and–byes" by the natives, because when field–pieces first arrived in Natal inquisitive Kafirs pestered the soldiers to show them how they were fired. The answer given was always "By–and–bye!" Hence the name.— EDITOR


That, if I have not said so already, was the meaning which the Zulus gave to the word "Mameena", although as I know the language I cannot get any such interpretation out of the name, I believe that it was given to her, however, because she was born just before a terrible tempest, when the wind wailing round the hut made a sound like the word "Ma–mee–na". —A. Q.


Literally translated, this famous chant, now, I think, published for the first time, which, I suppose, will never again pass the lips of a Zulu impi, means:

"They [i.e. the enemy] bear him [i.e. the King] hatred,

They call down curses on his head,

All of them throughout this land

Abhor our King."

The Ingoma when sung by twenty or thirty thousand men rushing down to battle must, indeed, have been a song to hear.—EDITOR.


That history of Cetewayo's fall and tragic death and of Zikali's vengeance I hope to write one day, for in these events also I was destined to play a part.—A. Q.


On re–reading this history it comes back to me that she was the mother of M'tonga, who was much younger than Umbelazi. —A. Q.


The Zulus suppose that insane people are inspired.—A.Q.
