I would like to thank all the people who helped me with this book. My first reader was Sheila Halladay, who sent me back to the word processor with a few pages of notes. I think that meant a lot less work for everyone else! At Hodder, I’d like to thank Carolyn Mays and Katy Rouse for their careful editing, and Justine Taylor for copy-editing. At Morrow, thanks to Carolyn Marino and Amanda Bergeron for editing, and to Greg Villepique and Andrea Molitor for copy-editing. At McClelland and Stewart, thanks to Ellen Seligman and Kendra Ward for a thorough editing job. I would also like to thank in advance the publicity teams — Kerry Hood and Poppy North at Hodder, Laurie Connors at Morrow and Shona Cook and Ashley Dunn at McClelland & Stewart. A special thank you also to Debby de Groot in Toronto. Finally, thanks to all the sales teams who make the deals and set up the special promotions, and to the reps who get out there on the road and sell the book. Thanks to all.