1005 HOURS: MARCH 24, 2006

"Attention, all hands. This is the Captain. We have just received the following orders from the Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet.

"'Effective as of 1200 hours, March 24, 2006. Naval forces of the United States and Great Britain will commence a total maritime blockade of all Argentine installations on the Antarctic continent. Until further notice, all Argentine-flag vessels, civil or military, or any foreign-flag vessels acting under Argentine charter or orders, endeavoring to cross the Antarctic Circle are to be intercepted and turned back. Blockading forces are hereby authorized to take whatever actions necessary to maintain this exclusion zone.'

"As most of you are probably aware, for the moment we're all the blockading forces there are. As a result, we're going to have a challenging time ahead of us. However, it's a challenge I believe the Duke can meet.

"As of 1200 hours, we'll be closing up to Condition Three, full wartime cruising mode, and we'll be staying there until we are relieved on station. Blue and Gold watches will be set in all divisions. If you have any odd jobs to take care of, do them now. If you need help, ask for it.

"Plan for the long haul, because it's going to be at least a week before the fleet can come up to support us. A special briefing package on the blockade will soon be available on your crew access terminals, and I advise you to acquaint yourselves with it.

"Technically, a blockade is an act of war. As yet, however, nobody has started to do any shooting. Hopefully, no one will. We are not going to take that for granted, though. Let's stay alert, people."
