“What’s wrong, honey?” Wendy asked, propped up on pillows and flipping through a book of Gauguin prints.

Roland dropped the curtain. “It’s quiet outside.”

“We’re half a mile from the nearest neighbors and twenty miles from town,” she said. “We wanted quiet on purpose, remember?”

“Yeah, but it’s April. Where are all the crickets and night birds and critters? It’s like the pope’s funeral out there.”

“Everybody needs a break once in a while. Maybe God is taking the night off.”

“I don’t like it,” he said.

“You’ve been antsy since dinner. What’s wrong?”

He unbuttoned his shirt and stroked his belly. After he’d quit drinking, he’d lost about fifteen pounds, but lately a little fat had crept back. His dad had been chubby, a truck driver whose sedentary lifestyle led to a fatal heart attack on US-70 while hauling a trailer-load of culvert pipes. He’d steered to his right with his last breath, running off the road and avoiding a likely pileup that might have kept the coroner busy for weeks.

Or the last turn could have been a little of that infamous Doyle luck. Roland preferred the hero story, because it would have been the only positive act of Denny Doyle’s fear-ridden life. And fear was a chronic disease that people happily spread to others, especially their loved ones. For Roland, the infection had taken liquid form, a handy excuse to destroy himself and those around him. Especially Wendy.

But this new fear was a little unsettling, because it was one he didn’t think he could just pour down the sink or turn over to a higher power.

“Where do you go when it’s already as good as it gets?” he said. “You’re the hillbilly Bohemian and I’m the creative entrepreneur, and we’re here in the oldest pocket of dirt in the universe. But what’s the next level?”

“Maybe there’s no next level,” she said. “Maybe when you get to heaven, it’s okay to stay there.”

He finished undressing and climbed into bed. He didn’t think heaven could exist on the same planet that once contained the Monkey House, and where now the hellish past refused to leave them alone. But Wendy’s memory of those events was mercifully erased, and Roland had to carry that cross alone.

Well, with the help of his higher power. But the higher power was the one that had built the cross in the first place.

“Do you miss teaching at the university?” he asked.

She closed the art book and set it aside. “That was a different life, honey. I like this one better.”

He couldn’t help probing a little, though he didn’t really see any upside to jogging her memory. “Heard from Alexis lately?”

“She IMed me a few months back,” Wendy said. “Mark’s having some physical ailments but nothing serious.”

Yeah, I’ll bet. Getting your brains scrambled in a blender and then shoved back inside your skull is no big deal.

“Maybe we ought to invite them up for a few days,” he said. “I’m sure they’d love to get away from the big city for a while.”

“Chapel Hill isn’t that big. Besides, where would we put them? You got a one-bedroom cabin on purpose, to make sure children weren’t an option anytime soon.”

“A small cabin is something we can pay off in five years,” he said. “In this economy, I don’t want to be tied down to a redneck Taj Mahal.”

“So quit complaining about the silence,” she said, turning to him and shoving the pillows until their faces were inches apart.

“Yeah,” he said. “So shut up and kiss me.”

Their lips brushed, and the electricity went through Roland’s body. As much as the notion repulsed him, he’d come to accept that the Seethe had charged his libido. Wendy could send him from zero to sixty faster than a Maserati.

And he had a handy excuse whenever a new paranoia arose. When somebody else was in control, that made the consequences somebody else’s fault.

Every four hours or else. Sounds like a good prescription for a happy marriage.

Her breath teased across his cheek and she licked his neck, then blew on it, sending shivers down his spine. He reached for the hem of her T-shirt and peeled it up, brushing her belly with the back of his hand until he came to the valley between her small, pert breasts. He ran one thumb over to tease a nipple, pleased to feel it stiffen and push back.

“I love you, Roland,” she whispered.

Damn. I fall for that line every single time. But who doesn’t?

“So shut up and turn off the light,” he whispered back.

He didn’t mind doing it with the lights on, but he felt the need to hide a little. Honesty was not only the foundation of his sobriety, it was the foundation of a good relationship. But sometimes honesty just meant shutting up, especially when a mysterious e-mail hinted at a best-forgotten past.

Roland had her shirt off by the time she reached the lamp, and he curled behind her to pin his erection between her buns. He stroked there a moment, running his hands over her front, his face buried in her thick, luxuriant hair. He didn’t know whether her Tibetan genetics gave it that faintly musky aroma, but it always evoked strong memories of past pleasure.

Right now, all he cared about was the present, and pleasure yet to come.

He nuzzled the back of her neck in that special spot, then gave a playful nip to her earlobe. She pushed gently back against him, undulating so her vagina moved against his rigid length. He swept his hands underneath her breasts, gently, rubbing up to the nipples and circling in a soft rhythm.

Her body was like a warm instrument beneath his hands, and he worked his fingers in harmony, teasing her nipples. When he could stand it no longer, he rose and maneuvered over her until he could apply his tongue. She moaned and gave him her breast, and he sucked like he was drawing juice from a peach.

He resisted the urge to bite, as the sickness rode in with his lust. Their sex had darkened in the past year, becoming uncertain, explosive, and fraught with veiled violence. And part of him loved it. Loved it very goddamned much.

As she pinched his nipple, he went to full hardness, and in response he bit her nipple, careful to tuck his lip under his upper teeth. She grunted and pulled away, planting her tongue deep in his mouth, and they parried for a moment in a swap of hot saliva.

Wendy came up for air first, turning so that she was under him, then sucked hard on his nipple until it swelled to a painful point. When he could stand it no longer, she gave him teeth and he gasped, then she gave him more than he could stand.

His hand played down her hips and stroked the smooth insides of her thighs, moving into her downy thatch of hair, which was already moist. He cupped his palm over her heat, kneading gently for a moment before sliding a fingertip to her clitoris. He brought the juice to his lips and smeared, then she licked away the remnants, sharing her taste with him.

She rubbed the head of his penis, where a jewel of dew had already formed, and they repeated the fluid game on her lips before sharing a tender kiss, the calm before the storm.

“I love you,” he said, sliding his tongue down her neck and chest as his hands cupped her behind. He probed his tongue into her belly button and gave a few playful pokes before heading further down, where her scent was already consuming his senses. His nose rode the length of her cleft, and he marveled at the soft texture that was so much like a flower’s swollen and honeyed petals.

She purred and pressed his head forward, and he fought her for only a moment before yielding and letting his lips tug the soft folds into his mouth, where he alternately nibbled and licked until his chin was soaked with her juice. Her clitoris was swollen and he ran his tongue underneath it, lifting up hard before easing the pressure and taunting the tiny bud of sensitive flesh with delicate nudges.

Again he felt a compulsion to hurt her, to squeeze the tender flesh and hear her squeal in pain. But he recognized the urge and was able to beat it, backing off enough to vary his motion, silently cursing the contamination in his brain that had screwed up his thoughts until he barely knew love from hate. And he loved her. Loved her.

He repeated until she came, the fluids gushing in the sudden deluge that always caught him by surprise, though her trembling had heralded it. She moaned as the second release came, and he realized he’d have to change the sheets. But he’d promised her that he’d gladly change the sheets every day if he had to and never complain about such a wondrous gift as female ejaculation, even if it had only entered their sex lives after the Monkey House.

Seethe had opened something inside of her as well, an untapped reservoir, and he tried not to think about it. It was bad for his ego, and made him wonder what else she had bottled up.

Every four hours or else.

The e-mail swam before him and he fought off the memory, wanting nothing to distract him from one of his favorite moments, the feel of his wife’s powerless and uninhibited pulsing.

Fuck you, whoever you are. You’re not allowed in here. This is private.

Taking advantage of her spread legs, he wiggled up and ran his erection along her leg, annoyed that he’d softened a little at the memory of the message. He wasn’t David Underwood. He was Roland Doyle, and he was married to Wendy Leng, the woman he was about to penetrate or die trying.

Wendy had other ideas, though, and she shoved him hard on the shoulder, pushing until he rolled and she had him pinned on his back. She leaned over and gave him a breast and he took it as she rubbed her slick bottom against him. With the weak moon coming through the curtains, he could only see her dim outline, but her face was as clear to him as anything in this life.

And her dark eyes were full of love, sacrifice, vulnerability, exposure, surrender, and conquest as she reached down with one hand and guided him inside.

“Ah, yesssss,” she said as he hit home, and she slid along the turgid length until he was almost buried inside. She pulled up agonizingly slowly and then repeated the descent, squeezing her vaginal muscles to massage him as she made the mad ride back down. When she was close to bottoming out, she wriggled and quivered until she took the last inch, releasing another gush that wet his testicles.

I’m going to have to wash the comforter, too. Awesome.

He was momentarily distracted by the image of blood gushing out of her, binding them where their flesh met, the ultimate proof of love. He pushed the vision away. Because he still loved her.

Don’t I?

She worked up and down, then swayed side to side to make sure he touched every secret part of her, the tips of her hair feathering against his face. He grabbed her hips as the need took him, and he thrust as he shoved down on her waist. A wet slapping filled the bedroom Sebastian Briggs fucking her in the Monkey House His jealousy and rage made a perverse transition into sexual energy, and he felt himself swell even more.

“Yes,” she urged. “Drill me hard.”

Which was odd, since she was the one driving the train, but who was he to argue with such a command? He assisted her frantic pummeling, the friction increasing. And then the change occurred, the one recurring hiccup to his innocent desire.

The lust merged into fear and rage and he clutched her hair, not hard enough to hurt, not yet-he still loved her-though he wanted badly to yank until her neck snapped back.

The madness came back as strongly as it had in the Monkey House, when he’d killed Sebastian Briggs. He’d told himself it was self-defense, an involuntary reaction, but honesty was a hard, hot edge of a knife that pressed against the thin fabric of every deception.

He’d killed Briggs because Briggs had seduced Wendy.

Even though she had no recollection of her surrender-however involuntary-he couldn’t bury it, and the only way he could defeat it each time was to become a little like the monster Briggs had wanted him to be.

As he plunged upward, his hips slapping against her moist bottom, he curled his hand into a claw and grabbed the back of her neck, forcing her shoulders down.

And she responded with her own inner sickness, exploding yet again, and this time he joined her, the fervid volcano of his demented passion driving deep into her soft and hidden self.

As they relaxed, grinding together to squeeze out the last drops of joy and shame, Roland couldn’t help but feel that Briggs was getting the last laugh from the safe comfort of the grave.
