1 J.Habermas. Religion in the public sphere // Europ. J. of Philosophy. 2006. 14(1). P.17.
T.Ware. The Orthodox Church. Penguin Books. 1985. P.263, 227.
J.Meyendorff. Byzantine Theology. Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes. Mowbrays, 1975. P.164.
Vl.N.Lossky. Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church // Bogoslovskie trudy. 1972, vol. 8. P.108 (in Russian).
L.P.Karsavin. On Principiums. St.Petersburg. 1994.P.183.
The treatment of the concept of constitution based on its connection with the concept of unlocking is presented in my article: S.Horujy. The constitution of personality and identity in a perspective based on practices of the Self, old and new. // Voprosy Filosofii, 2007, no. 1, 75-85. (In Russian. The English version can be found on the website www.synergia-isa.ru).
This repertory presents strikingly pluralistic view of the human being resembling to some extent postmodernist vision of human subjectivities in philosophy of Deleuze and Foucault.
One should add, however, that on the practical level the separate construction of the melting-pot is needed for each humanistic discourse, and only in a few cases this anthropologizing remelting has been actually done so far. The most important case is the representation of historical process as the successive change of anthropological formations; versions of such anthropologization of history were presented in theory of practices of the Self by Michel Foucault as well as in synergetic anthropology.
E.Laszlo. The Age of Bifurcation. Understanding the Changing World // Put’ (Moscow). 1995, No 7. P.118. (The back-translation of the Russian translation of the original published in 1991.)
H.Haken. The interview to E.N.Knyazeva // Voprosy Filosofii. 1999. No 6. P.55. (In Russian.)
I.Prigogine, I.Stengers. Order out of chaos. Man’s new dialogue with nature. Moscow, 1986. P.54. (The back- translation of the Russian translation of the original published in 1984.)
St. John Cassian. Works. Sergiev Posad, 1993. P. 340. (In Russian.)
St. Nilus of Ancyra. To Magna, the deaconissa of Ancyra. On inacquisitiveness. // Dobrotolyubie. Vol.2. Sergiev Posad, 1992. P.229. (The text is here attributed to st. Nilus of Sinai, as many texts by st. Nilus of Ancyra were till recent time.)
S.Horujy. Zen as an Organon // Diogenes’ Lantern. A synergetic anthropology project in the modern context of the humanities. Moscow, 2010. Pp. 522-572. In Russian.)
In synergetic anthropology and other anthropological and psychological theories that try to preserve correct and rigorous discourse, one avoids the use of the term “human energies” finding various substitutes and correlates (e.g., katexis in Freud’s works); synergetic anthropology uses “anthropological manifestations” as the basic term.