People sometimes ask, “How much of your story is true to life?” Much of this story is real. This tale was initially inspired by two discoveries: Fremont Indian ruins that had been kept a secret for years by the land’s owners, and that of a previously-unknown Spanish outpost in Argentina. You may also visit any of the national parks and historic sites our characters visit.
Obviously, in a work of fiction such as this, I have taken liberties. The clues from the copper scroll are very close to actual translations, though I changed the wording in a few instances. A few of the sites, Rainbow Bridge and Angel’s Landing in particular, are not situated precisely as they seem in the story, but I think you’ll find the discrepancies are, for the most part, minor.
As to the biblical back-story, some of the powers attributed to Moses’ staff in this book actually come from Aaron’s rod in scripture, though many biblical scholars believe the two staffs are actually one and the same. As to the Moses and Akhenaten connection — probably not. The most reliable sources place them too far apart in history to have been the same person, but it is not beyond the realm of possibilities to think that Moses might have been familiar with Akhenaten’s monotheistic beliefs.
Finally, if you’ve never visited the Four Corners area of the United States, I urge you to do so. Places like Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon, and Hovenweep are among the most magnificent places I have ever seen. (Just don’t break into ruins looking for hidden clues — It’s just a story, folks!)
As always, thank you for reading! Drop by my website at and let me know how you liked the book. Until next time!
David Wood