The unfailing and ever-enthusiastic support of Michelle Vega, my editor, has made a difficult year bearable; I owe her more than mere words can express. Nancy Yost, my agent, has also been there when I needed a sympathetic ear, and I appreciate that very much indeed. Eloise L. Kinney, copyeditor extraordinaire, saved me from many gaffes.

The Tuesday night crew, as always, gave me valuable input on much of the manuscript. Thanks to Amy, Bob, Kay, Laura, Leann, and Millie for their unfailingly helpful suggestions. Once again, special thanks to Enzo, Pumpkin, Curry, and their two-legged staff, Susie, Isabella, and Charlie, for providing a pleasant and inviting place to gather and work.

Terry Farmer, Ph.D., proud mom of three Maine coons, Figo, Anya, and Katie, continues to serve as my technical advisor in all matters having to do with Maine coon cats. Any mistakes in my portrayal of Diesel and his behavior are mine and not hers. Carolyn Haines has gone out of her way to help launch this series, and as always, I am amazed and grateful for her unceasing generosity to other writers. As with every book I write, I must thank Patricia R. Orr and Julie Herman for being there to encourage me and egg me on. I couldn’t do it without them.
