Main characters

Charlotte Bessette—cheese shop owner, thirties, single

Amy, Claire—twin nieces (really first cousins once removed) of Charlotte, daughters of Matthew

Bozz Bozzuto—teenaged assistant and Internet guru in cheese shop

Delilah—owner of Country Kitchen, Charlotte’s good friend

Freckles—owner of Sew Inspired and friend to Charlotte

Grandmère—Charlotte’s grandmother, mayor of town, manager of theater aka Bernadette

Jordan Pace—cheese farmer

Lois Smith—owns Lavender and Lace B&B

Matthew Bessette—owner/sommelier, father of twins, cousin of Charlotte

Meredith Vance—teacher, best friend to Charlotte, engaged to Matthew

Pépère—Charlotte’s grandfather aka Etienne Bessette

Prudence Hart—dress shop owner and local diva

Rebecca Zook—assistant in cheese shop

Sylvie Bessette—Matthew’s British ex-wife

Umberto Urso—chief of police

Additional cast

Ainsley Smith the “Cube”—husband to Lois who owns Lavender and Lace B&B

Arlo MacMillan—local curmudgeon, owns chicken farm

Barton & Emma Burrell—cattle farmers

Chippendale Cooper—Ex-fiancé of Charlotte

Deputy Rodham—assistant to Chief Urso

Georgia Plachette—CFO of Clydesdale Enterprises

Ipo Ho—honeybee farmer

Jacky Peterson—sister to Jordan Pace

Kaitlyn Clydesdale—former resident, entrepreneur and Do-Gooder

Luigi Bozzuto—restaurant owner, Bozz’s uncle

Octavia Tibble—librarian and Realtor, friend to Charlotte

Oscar Carson—workman at Ipo Ho’s Quail Ridge Honeybee Farm


Tallulah Barker—local animal rescuer

Tyanne Thompson—Hurricane Katrina survivor and friend to Charlotte

Violet—owner of Violet’s Victoriana Inn


Rags—Charlotte’s Ragdoll rescue cat

Rocket—Briard rescue, given to Amy and Clair by their mother
