Any list of supporters must begin with my wife, Janna, whose willingness to be a single mother for months at a time makes writing a book possible; whose faith in my writing exceeds my own; and who keeps my head on straight. I love you.
As always, the professionals at Simon & Schuster — Lauren Spiegel, Miya Kumangai, Shida Carr, Norma Hoffman, and many others who work so hard to make every book the best it can be, and far better than I could make them by myself. I live in fear of the day that I have to work with a different team because this one has set a high bar that any other will be hard pressed to meet.
Jason Yarn and Ken Freimann, who help filter the ideas that are working from the ones that are failing. Brutal honesty can be bitter medicine but this patient appreciates the results of the unsparing diagnoses these gentlemen deliver.
The CIA Publications Review Board, which makes a potentially difficult process as painless as possible. Despite accusations to the contrary, I’ve never found them to be difficult or bent on unfair censorship.
Finally, Rachel Hanig-Grunspan, one of the great friends of my life. You accepted a hard decision that helped me but hurt you far more than I ever intended. I hope someday to find a way to make it up to you.