Ngaio Marsh Color Scheme


the family at Tauranga

Cast of Characters

Dr. James Ackrington M.D., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.P.

Barbara Claire, his niece

Mrs. Claire, his sister

Colonel Edward Claire, his brother-in-law

Simon Claire, his nephew

Huia, maid at Wai-ata-tapu

Geoffrey Gaunt, a visiting celebrity

Dikon Bell, his secretary

Alfred Colly, his servant

Maurice Questing, man of business

Rua Te Kahu, a chief of the Te Rarawas

Herbert Smith, roustabout at Wai-ata-tapu

Eru Saul, a half-caste

Septimus Falls

The Princess Te Papa (Mrs. Te Papa), of the Te Rarawas

Detective-Sergeant Webley, of the Harpoon Constabulary

A Superintendent of Police

Maori words used in the text

Aue! Aue! Aue! Te mamae i au, Alas! Alas! Alas! my grief.

Haere mai, Welcome

Hapu, Clan

Kainga, Unfortified place of residence

Marae, Enclosed space in front of house

Matagouri (incorrect dog-Maori), Discaria toumautu (Prickly shrub)

Makutu, Bewitch

Na waitana? From whom are we?

Pa, Fortified place. Used loosely for native village

Pakeha, Foreigner. Chiefly used for white man

Toki, Adze

Toki-poutangata, Greenstone-adze

Whare, House
