January 1997 — The missions begin.
February 28, 1997 — Wayne Harris starts his journal.
March 31, 1997 — Dylan starts his journal.
Summer 1997 — Eric and Dylan start at Blackjack; build first pipe bomb.
July 23, 1997 — Dylan first mentions killing in his journal—possibly figuratively.
August 7, 1997 — Eric’s Web site is reported to the police. It lists his “I HATE” rants.
October 2, 1997 — Eric, Dylan, and Zack are suspended for breaking into lockers.
November 3, 1997 — Dylan first mentions a killing spree in his journal.
Unknown — Eric and Dylan steal from the school computer room.
January 30, 1998 — Eric and Dylan are arrested for breaking linto a van.
February 15, 1998 — Deputies find a pipe bomb near Eric’s house.
February 16, 1998 — Eric begins seeing a psychiatrist and soon starts taking Zoloft.
Spring 1998* — Eric’s dad catches him with a pipe bomb.
March 18, 1998 — Dylan warns Brooks Brown about Eric’s death threats.
March 19, 1998 — Eric and Dylan conduct their intake interview for the Diversion program.
March 25, 1998 — Eric and Dylan are formally sentenced in court.
April 1998 — Investigator Guerra drafts an affidavit for a warrant to search Eric’s house.
April 8, 1998 — Eric receives his Diversion program contract.
April 10, 1998 — Eric begins his journal.
by May 9, 1998 — Eric and Dylan outline the attack, write about it in each other’s yearbook.
May 14, 1998 — Eric has switched from Zoloft to Luvox.
October 22, 1998 — Eric begins pipe bomb arsenal production; resumes journal writing the next day.
November 13, 1998 — Eric turns in his paper on Nazis.
November 17, 1998 — Eric describes his sadistic rape fantasies in his journal.
November 22, 1998 — Eric and Dylan buy two shotguns and a rifle at the Tanner Gun Show.
December 2, 1998 — Eric fires his weapon for the first time.
January 23, 1999 — Eric and Dylan buy the TEC-9 from Mark Manes.
January 20, 1999 — Eric and Dylan complete the Diversion program, and Dylan resumes his journal.
February 7, 1999 — Dylan submits his prescient story about killing “preps.”
March 6, 1999 — Eric and Dylan practice shooting at Rampart Range.
March 15, 1999 — Eric and Dylan begin filming the Basement Tapes.
March 20, 1999 — Eric attempts to recruit Chris Morris.
April 5, 8, 15, 1999 — Eric talks to a Marine recruiter.
April 17, 1999 — The prom.
April 20, 1999 — The massacre.
* Unknown date, approximately this period.