Faith sat on the sofa between them. She couldn't believe it. This couldn't be happening. Jordon and Nikki were both still naked. It Was as if they wanted to flaunt what they were doing in the older woman's face.

Faith had threatened Jordon with the police because of Nikki's age. They had both laughed at her.

"I'll just tell them that I raped him," Nikki said, laughing.

Faith had known for some time, but hadn't wanted to admit it to herself, that Nikki was old enough for sex, old enough to have an affair.

The main reason she hadn't wanted to admit it was fear that this very thing would happen. She liked younger men, much younger men; like Jordan. Nikki would, of course, prefer men not her own age, but older, more experienced and mature.

And given the choice between mother and daughter, the men would always choose the younger, more beautiful daughter.

Nikki got up to pour herself another cup of coffee, and Faith watched her. She hadn't seen her body naked for years, and it shocked her to see how beautiful Nikki was.

"So, what's done is done," Faith suddenly said aloud. "If you end it now." She paused, hard put to admit the truth. "you might not end up like me." "You're doing okay," Jordon smiled.

"You stay out of this, prick," Faith retorted.

"I love Jordon

"Bullshit." her mother replied.

" and Jordon loves me."

"Jordan loves your pussy. He'll love any pussy if you shove it in his face," Faith said.

"You think that because you love any cock, " Nikki said.

Faith turned to Jordan. "You gonna take her to the party tomorrow night… initiate her real good?"

"Maybe," Jordan said. "But I doubt it."

"Go to that party with him, honey. That'll wake you up real good. It'll prove that I'm saying. Show him a pussy and he'll fuck it. You don't believe me? I'll show you!"

Nikki could hardly believe her eyes as her mother started taking off her clothes. Slowly, cleverly, the older woman unbuttoned her blouse a button at a time. The deep, full valley of the cleavage between the mammoth breasts slowly appealed. Then the blouse was gone and her hands toyed with the zipper on her skirt.

Then the skirt was on the floor and she stood in bra and panties. Nikki had to admit that her mother was still attractive. Her hips were fuller and more matronly than Nikki's, and there was a roundness to her belly that the younger girl hadn't developed yet.

But for all the shortcomings of age, there was a maturity and an earthiness about her mother had even Nikki could sense. She could see that Jordon was doing more than sensing it. His cock was getting steadily harder as Faith disrobed.

"Jordon was always a breast man, Nikki," her mother said. "Watch." She unsnapped her bra and slid it from her shoulders. Even Nikki had to gasp when the huge mountains of her mother's fits burst from the confining bra. The globes were huge, heavy and round at the bottom, and jutting into conical peaks at the nipples. Faith squeezed them together, then walked across to Jordon.

He stood like a zombie, his cock rigid now, and he started sucking on one of Faith's tits.

Nikki came over and stood by his side. "What the hell are you doing?" she said. "You're a fool. Do you think you can make some kind of contest out of this?"

"That's what it is, isn't it?" Faith said.

"Okay," Nikki replied. "Jordon?"

He rolled his head around from Faith's breast and smiled at Nikki. She took his cock in her hand.

"I want to go home with you… so we can gab that party tomorrow night."

He left the huge tit and took Nikki into his arms. "Baby," he cooed.

"Fuck me, Jordan," Nikki demanded. "Puck me right now!"

"You foal," Faith said. "You goddamn fool. If you leave, don't come back."

Nikki slid her hand up the inside of Jordon's thigh until she found his balls. "You want to watch, Mother?"

But Faith had already left the room.

Two minutes ago, Nikki thought, he would have fucked her. Right there, in front of Nikki, Jordon would have fucked her mother. Then her mother was right. No… that was two minutes ago, and this is now, and I've got him;

She put her fingers against the back of his head and forced his lips down to hers. Her tongue darted between his lips, hungrily, needing him to respond.

She felt him pushing her down to the couch, felt his hands moving along her body, caressing her roughly. And then, suddenly, she couldn't be gentle, couldn't wait for him to come to her. Her hand went between them, searching him out, making him need her as much as she needed him.

And she knew- he was hers. Hers, for as long as she wanted him. And any way that she wanted him.

His hands clawed at her thighs, pulling them up.

She raised her hips to help him. She felt her spine stiffening, thrusting upward in desire. Her hips moved rhythmically, in the age-old invitation to love.

Jordon cupped her fits with his palms, squeezing them until shivers of pain tore through her. She had never known him to be brutal. But she wanted it now, needed it mare than the completion itself.

"You really want to swing?" he whispered, his hands kneading her breasts.

"Yes,.. I want to live with you… be yours," she said. Swinging, to her, was Jordon.

His lips moved across her belly, burning a path of desire. She caught her breath and pulled her head back, gasping with the thrill of sensation. She felt his cheek against her flesh. Felt his tongue quivering along her thigh.

He moved to cover her, his body tight and hard against her. He took his large cock in his hand and directed it toward her slippery, juicy cunt. She was ready to pump away at it. But Jordon wanted to take her. He wanted to plunge his dick deep into her cunt. He saw her raging eyes and slammed his big meat down into her. He pulled it out slowly, and then slammed it back into her slippery cunt.

"Come on, honey… slam it in harder!" she ordered, pushing down hard on his back with her heels.

"That's it baby! C'mon, bang away at Daddy's stiff prick," Jordon moaned to her. "Oh, baby.

Hump! That's it, fuck, fuck! Hump harder… faster! Peel that prick ramming into you… ohh, shit!"

Jordon came with long jerking movements: He was almost convulsing. She followed him by pushing harder on his asscheeks.

Going home, she thought, I'm going home to Jordon. He's' mine now. He loves me. He wants me to swing with him.

The party was canceled for a week. But it was just as well because the following morning, Jordon had to go out of town for a sales meeting.

The first four days passed quickly. Nikki puttered around the apartment rearranging the cupboards and the furniture, arid doing what seemed like a month's worth of bachelor's laundry. She spent two afternoons shopping with the money Jordon had left her.

It was the fifth day when the loneliness and the lack of Jordon started getting to her. The steady diet of sex and then its absence had left its mark. All morning she thought about Jordon. She could actually visualize the two of them in bed making love when she closed her eyes. Her tits and her crotch burned with the vision.

About noon the phone rang. She rushed to pick. it up, hoping against hope that it would be Jordon.


"This.', "This is your mother." The voice was flat, showing no emotion.


"You left some of your things. I'm sending them over."

The receiver clicked and went dead.

An hour later, the doorbell rang. The second she answered it she wished she had worn something besides the new bra less halter and the tight jeans. She had bought them to turn Jordon on and, as she looked at Jack Marsh standing in the doorway, she had a sinking feeling that they would 'do the same thing to him.

"Jack… what-?"

"So it's true. Your mother told me you were shacked up with some guy, but I didn't believe it."

"A… came in," Nikki said, trying not to let the hurt in his eyes affect her.

He passed her, dropping the bag he carried at her feet, and went on into the living room. He turned, taking in the room in a sweeping glance, and then faced her. "Nice pad… you really got it made. Is he goad in bed?"

Her face burned. She could feel his gaze on her ass in the tight jeans as she closed the door. As she turned from the door she was certain she saw the old lust in his eyes as he watched her braless tits bounce beneath the skimpy top.

That bitch, Nikki thought, sending Jack over here to torture him and embarrass me. "I want you to know, Jack I'm sorry about everything."

"Yeah, sure.

Rather than turn her off, the little-boy-lost look in his eyes and the pouting speech rather charmed and thrilled her. Suddenly she wasn't the girl he had worked over in a car any more. She was a woman, much more mature and experienced than he. It gave her a sudden sense of power and it also stimulated the sexual urges she had managed to keep under wraps since Jordon had left.

Jack studied her with his eyes. "You don't look any different."

"No, I don't suppose I do," she said, suddenly sensing a little imp of perversity, popping into her thoughts. She leaned back against the wall and put her hands behind her back: Her breasts jutted outward proudly and the seam of the jeans dug into the slit between her cuntal lips. "I feel a lot different though. Of course, there's only one way to tell a virgin from a non-virgin and that's in her pussy.

She had shocked him and she knew it. The look he gave her was one of perplexity even amazement, at her boldness and her choice of words.

The sense of power grew when she saw his agitated state. Fuel was added to the fire of her 'impishness when she saw the bulge begin to grow in the front of his pants.

She moved across the living room to the sofa with his eyes following her every move. "I will say sex is more fun in a bed than the back seat of a car."

"You bitch."

"Oh, admit it, Jack. You didn't like it any more than I did."

"I loved you," he said.

"Did you?" she replied coyly, wiggling her ass into a corner of the sofa. She was playing with fire and she knew it, but the temptation was too great to resist. She raised one knee to give him a clear view of the puffy bulge between her full thighs.

"You're still a prick-tease, aren't you?"

"Oh… maybe," she said in her best woman-of the-world – manner. "To little boys who can't cut it… or even afford a motel. It took a man to get to me, I guess."

The second she said it she knew it was a mistake. It was obvious in the wide, flashing eyes that she had pushed hint over the edge. His body tensed, his hands, still at his sides, balled into fists.

The change was sudden. He was no longer the pouting boy. He was a hurt, enraged animal. It was as if the combination of her wanton beauty and her words of ridicule had unleashed all the pent-up frustrations of the year and a half he had spent trying unsuccessfully to seduce her.

With a growl, he threw his body over hers. His bruising lips covered hers and one hand shot up her thigh to the puffy bulge between her legs. The other hand shot beneath the hem of her halter. When his fingers encountered bare flesh, found her taut nipple, all signs of restraint disappeared. He forced her back, over the arm of the sofa, scrambled atop her arched body and pressed the stiffness in his pants into the heated crotch of the tight jeans.

He was hurting her, bending her back over the armrest, sending flashes of fire up her spine. She fought. But his weight held her pinned. It was as if she were back in the car and he was pawing her titties, her cunt, about to take what he wanted.

Finally she managed to tear her lips away. "Let me go… you're hurting me! Jack, let me go!"

"Oh, no… I'm gonna fuck you, Nikki. I'm gonna collect for all those nights… all those days I dreamed about you."

The tingling in her pussy matched the hurt in her spine. She struggled less to get away than to get comfortable. Shifting, raising her knees on either side of the boy, she managed to wriggle down until only her shoulders lay on the armrest. The fingers stabbing into her cunt hole withdrew for a moment. She felt his hands at the waistband of the jeans.

"Don't, Jack.. – please!" she cried, grabbing his wrists.

'Don't. don't…please!' I've heard that shit before."

Roughly he pulled her ass high off the sofa. Then, before she could stop him, her panties and jeans bad been stripped from her legs.


"Shut up!"

Savagely her legs were spread and his fingers were spreading the lips of her cunt. With his knuckles, he ground and mashed her clitoris.

"Jesus… Jack, not so hard!"

"I was gentle before, remember?" he hissed, shoving two fingers up her cunt. "It didn't do any good then… maybe a different way, this way…" He clenched his hand and rammed four fingers into her pussy. "… will do some good."

Then it hit her. Oh God! she thought. No, no! Am I really my mother's daughter? The pain of his savage assault on her body was turning into pleasure. Her pussy seemed to cry out for his cock, any cock. Fuck me, fuck me! her body was saying.

"Be gentle," she begged.

"What for?"

He st8pped and looked down at her. He sensed her meaning when she said, "Because it's better, more fun, when you're gentle."

Why not? she thought. Jordon would never know. And she did need it and she did owe Jack at least that much.

"Do you mean it?" he said.

"Let's go into the bedroom," she said.
