Jack locked the deadbolt on the door with a resounding thud and just kept coming, walking right up to her, hands gripping her arms hard. He gave her a little shake. “What the hell were you trying to do? He was going to rape you. If I felt it, you had to be swamped with his intentions. What’s wrong with you?”

“Everyone underestimates me because I’m so small. I knew I was stronger than he was. I wouldn’t have let him touch me.”

“He did touch you. He fucking hit you, while I hid like a dog up on that platform. He wanted to hurt you. He reeked of it. You had to have smelled him. He was excited by the idea of hurting a woman like you.” His palm covered her red cheek.

“And I handled it,” Briony snapped, her own temper beginning to rise and mix with the nearly mind-numbing fear. She jerked her head away from him because his touch affected her way too much. “I handled it. I’m capable of taking care of myself. I wouldn’t just let a man rape me.”

“Hence the word rape.” His eyes narrowed. “You weren’t safe, Briony. Not then and you aren’t now either. You should be screaming your head off.”

“I wouldn’t bring the soldiers in here. They’re trigger happy. And I’m not afraid of you. You want me to be, but I’m not.”

“You should be. Do you have any idea what I want to do right now?” His hand slid back up to her face, cupping her cheek and pressing his palm to her burning skin as if he could take the sting away.

“Yes. You aren’t even trying to keep me out.” The intensity of his emotions swamped her and robbed her of her anger and fear. He needed to touch her-to feel her close to him. He couldn’t think with wanting her. Briony had never had anyone look at her the way he did, or be so fierce in his protection of her.

“I want you to see me for what I am, Briony. I’m hard and can be cruel and I don’t have those gentle feelings you deserve in a man.” All the while he spoke, his hands belied what he said, thumbs sweeping soothing caresses over her swollen cheek.

“I can’t touch you. You have too many stitches, Jack. We can’t possibly… ”

She broke off when he caught her hands, fingers weaving through hers, pushing her against the wall and pinning her arms there while he leaned in to continue kissing her. Hot, needy kisses. Urgent and hungry. Each kiss deepened, roughened, became more demanding than the last.

On some level he knew he was too experienced and rough for an innocent, but he couldn’t stop. Every bit of discipline and control seemed far away, out of reach, no matter how hard he tried to find it. The roaring in his head drowned out all sense of honor and became a pounding desire so intense he couldn’t think beyond burying his body into hers.

It was her scent, the soft skin, the heat of her mouth, and the taste of her. She offered herself up to him and he wasn’t strong enough to resist. The offer had been there in the dark chocolate of her eyes. Shy maybe, hesitant even, but he recognized the hunger growing in her. The moment he slid his hands under her shirt and absorbed the feel of satin and silk, knew the lure of her scent was on every square inch of her body, he had to have more.

“Jack.” Briony whispered his name, fear rising in direct proportion to her need of him. She’d never felt so edgy, so desperate for relief. She wanted his hands on her, wanted his body in hers, yet she knew little of what to expect between a man and a woman. He was too big-too strong-and in his present state she doubted if she could control the situation. She wanted the rush to slow down, to give her time to think.

Jack felt a tremor run through Briony, and he tilted her face to force her to look up at him. “I’ll be careful with you, baby. Trust me.” He hoped he was telling the truth. He’d never felt such an overwhelming desire to be with a woman. He trailed kisses from her temple to her cheek, down to the corner of her mouth. All the while his hands moved over her skin, tracing her ribs, the small, tucked-in waist, gliding up to cup the soft weight of her breasts, thumbs teasing her nipples into hard peaks right through her lace bra.

A soft sound escaped her throat, a breathy, urgent plea that made him nearly crazy with wanting to strip the clothes from her body. It wouldn’t be enough to take her like that, fast and hard and without thought. He felt. It was unexpected and even unsettling, but he needed to savor the feel of her skin, the sound of her soft, breathy moan, the dark richness of desire building in her eyes for him. Her body fit his, every curve, the flare of her hips and soft swelling breasts.

Jack had never expected to want her the way he did, or to feel her inside of him the way he did, but he wasn’t going to waste his opportunity. He didn’t give a damn that his body was a mess. He had never experienced belonging. She belonged with him-and he with her. She didn’t look at him the way the rest of the world did. She didn’t see his sins. She didn’t know his heart had died a long time ago. She looked at him and saw a man-not a monster. He couldn’t even look in the mirror and do that, but he could through her eyes.

He leaned in to kiss her again, hands tunneling deep in her thick, silky hair. Her mouth opened for him, responded with hot passion. He took his time this time, refusing to be rough, savoring her taste, the feel of her. He slowed his wandering hands, dwelling on her curves and soft valleys, mapping her body in his mind-storing the images there. This would have to last him a lifetime, and he wasn’t going to rush it.

Briony couldn’t believe how gentle he was-how tender. His mind was a haze of need-of hunger-desire so intense he could barely think or breathe, but instead of stripping the clothes from her body, he unwrapped her as if she were priceless and fragile-with a tender care bordering on reverence. Her breath caught in her throat when he removed his clothes, tossing them aside carelessly, revealing the terrible cuts and burns on his body.

“Jack,” she whispered his name in an agony of need. “We can’t. We should wait until you’re healed.”

“I won’t feel anything but you,” he answered, knowing it was true. He lifted her to set her bottom on the edge of the railing and stood between her legs to give him better access to her body without further damaging his own. He couldn’t afford to pull the stitches loose and risk more infection, but damn it all, he wasn’t about to lose this opportunity.

He kissed her again, long, slow, drugging kisses until her eyes were glazed and her body trembled beneath his touch. He trailed kisses down her neck, over the curve of her breasts to her nipples. He felt ravaged with hunger for her, his mouth suckling a little too wildly, teeth teasing and tugging and dragging her into a much more experienced foreplay than her innocent eyes told him she should have, but he couldn’t stop from taking the gift she was giving him.

“I’ve never felt like this, Briony.” He couldn’t wait, couldn’t make love to her as he wanted, and it was frustrating to him. He needed a bed and about twenty-four hours instead of a practice room where someone might attempt to come in at any time.

He pressed a finger into her tight channel. She made a soft sound of need, her slick cream making it easy to stretch her a bit with two fingers. He couldn’t wait. Her scent was teasing him, his body swelling to painful proportions. She was hot and wet and so tempting-looking part sexy temptress and part innocent.

He caught her hips and held her to him, pressing into her slick, welcoming entrance. She was too tight, too hot, too everything, the feeling so intense his body shook with the need to slam into her and bury himself to the hilt. Her dark eyes widened and she shook her head. Before she could protest, he pushed deeper. “Relax, let me do the work, baby. It’s uncomfortable the first time, but once we’re past that, I’ll make it good for you.”

Briony couldn’t touch him. She needed to hold on to him, but there wasn’t a place on his body without cuts. The urgent need to have him inside her was slipping away, to be replaced by fear. He was too big. It was that simple. Her body couldn’t possibly be designed for a man his size. Briony moistened her lips and edged backward away from the stretched, burning feeling.

Jack tightened his grip on her. “You have to relax, Briony. You’re tensing up on me.” He leaned forward, a little frantic, unable to prevent himself from kissing her, again and again, coaxing her passion, cupping one breast and teasing her nipple until she was flooding him with her need and gasping for breath.

He slipped farther in, pushing through her tight folds until he felt her resistance. “Look at me, baby. Look only at me.” He wasn’t a man to be with a virgin. He was rough and dominant and didn’t know the first thing about innocents. Hell, he couldn’t remember a time in his life when he had been innocent.

Jack reached deep to find gentleness, to be patient. He wanted her first time to be something more than a man sweating and heaving, taking her fast and without care. He wanted to hold her close and make her feel the beautiful, extraordinary woman she was. “Tell me this is what you want, Briony. Tell me you want me.” She had to want him. He wasn’t certain he was enough of a man to pull back if she was too afraid, but he’d try-for her-he’d try. Sweat beaded his brow. Her scent drove him insane. Her body, so hot and tight, a perfect haven for him, tested the limits of his control. “Son of a bitch, baby, I’m not going to be able to hold back much longer. Tell me. Say it so I know I’m not a complete bastard and you want this too.”

Her fingers slid in a caress over his face. “I want you more than anything, Jack. I’m absolutely sure.”

In spite of the fact that there was fear in her eyes, and in her mind, he caught her hands, tipping her back, as he leaned over her, his fingers tight around hers to give her an anchor, pressing her wrists into the wood by her head. One hard thrust and he was through the barrier, burying his rock-hard flesh deep into her. She gave a strangled cry, and he made the supreme effort to stop moving, to let her adjust to his size. It was difficult when his body wanted to rage out of control. He gritted his teeth, feeling his pulse pound and his cock jerk with the strain of waiting.

Briony caught her breath. He still felt too big, stretching her to a burning point, but somehow the feeling faded and the urgent need to feel him moving deep inside took over. Careful of his torn body, she couldn’t participate other than to lift her hips to meet his thrust, but she wanted to touch his skin, to take him in through her pores, to hold him close to her. He thrust deeper and lightning zigzagged through her body, sizzling and crackling and spreading heat to every cell.

A single sound escaped her throat. He held her down, his hands on her wrists like shackles, holding her in place while his body began a pulse-pounding rhythm. Restraint. Restraint. Restraint. The chant was a desperate refrain in his head. She was so tight it was nearly painful, and her scent was ripe, calling to the male in him, thundering in his head and heart and hammering in his groin until he could barely think with wanting to bury himself deeper and deeper, harder and harder.

He breathed deep to maintain control, when he felt like a man long starved for this one woman, this perfect body, a perfect fit. The taste of her-the feel of her-was almost more than he could bear. In his wildest, most erotic fantasy, he had never had a partner he wanted the way he wanted Briony-and she had to be a virgin.

There wasn’t a square inch of his skin that wasn’t sliced to pieces; he couldn’t hold her against him, couldn’t make contact the way he wanted. He needed to hold her close, crush her body beneath his, yet he breathed. Restraint. Restraint. Restraint. He was not going to scare her by demanding too much, by taking too much. So okay, there was something deep and primitive and satisfying about knowing he was the only man who had ever touched her this way. He was a selfish bastard-a groan escaped, his mind hazing over. He couldn’t think anymore, the pleasure wiping out every coherent thought.

Piercing pleasure washed over Briony, rushing through her body with far more force than she’d ever imagined. Every stroke sent streaks of lightning racing over her skin, sizzling through her veins, and contracting her womb. Her muscles tightened and tightened, an unrelenting pressure that continued to build past any expectation she’d ever had. It was frightening to be held down, to look up at his face, the savage lines cut deep, the intensity in his turbulent eyes, yet at the same time it heightened her sexual pleasure, pushing her beyond any limits she might have had.

He surged into her again and again, stretching her impossibly, filling her so full she wanted to scream with pleasure, yet it was almost too much. The scent of him nearly drove her crazy, the building inferno she couldn’t stop. She needed to catch her breath, to pause, just for a second. Her muscles shuddered, clamped down as he slammed the full length of his shaft deep into her, driving into her over and over like a man possessed.

There was pleasure and pain, fear and joy. Sweat broke out on his body, several of his stitches across his buttocks and hips burst as he surged deeper, harder, the friction from her velvet, tight sheath nearly spiraling him out of control. She began to struggle for freedom the moment she realized cuts were opening on his body, but he couldn’t stop. No, baby, don’t. Don’t fight me. We’re there. I need this. You need this. Let yourself go. Come with me.

The words brushed intimately against her mind. Perhaps if he’d spoken them aloud she would have found the strength to stop him for his own sake, but his plea was too caressing, too needy. She lifted her hips to meet his invasion, rising with every stroke, tightening her muscles around him to heighten their pleasure, feeling it crash over her-through her-building to such an intensity she could barely keep from screaming. Her inner muscles spasmed, and Jack’s body jerked as she clamped down. His voice, a hoarse whisper, sounded sexy, even erotic, as he emptied himself deep inside of her. She felt the thick hot jets filling her, mixing with her own cream, their combined musky scent triggering another wild spasm.

Jack’s hands slowly slid away from her wrists, down her arms to tunnel in her hair. He closed his eyes, just feeling her, savoring her hot body tight around his, her skin unbelievably soft, her hair thick and beautiful through the pads of his fingers. He kissed her again, needing the taste of her in his mouth. Pain began to creep into his sensitized nerve endings, but he held it at bay just a few moments longer, giving him enough time to trail kisses down her throat to her breast, just to feel her skin. He opened his eyes to take in the sight of her stretched out like a sacrifice-a gift.

“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Briony reached up to touch his face, her touch so gentle it nearly was his undoing. He pulled away from her, feeling the burn of tears. Hell. He hadn’t cried since he was a toddler. The woman was killing him.

“Get dressed,” he said gruffly, looking around for his clothes. He dressed in silence, a small part of him ashamed of himself that he’d taken her offering, but the bigger part wanting her again and again.

“Jack, I have to go,” Briony said. “We don’t have much time. If my brothers come and the door is locked… ”

“Jeb knows I’m with you; he’ll assume you were trying to protect me.” He wished to hell he hadn’t used that particular word. He should have been protecting her. He held her close, stroking caresses through her hair. “I should have waited until we were in your bedroom. Tonight, after you do your thing, I promise to do a better job.”

“It was my first time, Jack. For a first time, with me not knowing what I was doing, rockets went off.” She lifted her face so he could kiss her. “I have to go to the dressing room. We’ll have my brothers looking for me soon if we wait much longer, and you need to get out of sight.”

“Sometimes out of sight is in plain sight. I’m watching you tonight.”

She kissed him again, suddenly hungry for him. “Stay safe.” She hurried off, turning to wave twice, her smile melting the hard knots in his belly.

From his position in the shadows near the entrance for performers, Jack found his heart in his throat, watching her body flying through the air, her sequined costume glittering like a star speeding across the sky. The stunts were fast-paced and dangerous, a blend of fire, rope, and swing, with everyone in constant motion. Jack watched Briony, hardly noticing her brothers. Mostly he felt her.

The stunts required her full attention and there was no way for her to hide the pain wracking her body. He was a trained soldier, had extensive combat experience, and knew torture on a much more intimate basis than he would like. He knew how to separate his body and mind and block pain. She didn’t block it exactly. She felt it, but refused to acknowledge it. She endured.

He felt every hammer blow as if someone was driving a sharp stake through her skull. The blows fell with rhythmic force as the anxiety level in the audience grew with each succeeding stunt. He pressed a hand to his cramping stomach. Bile rose, but he fought it down. He willed himself not to get a nosebleed, felt the blood trickle to the corner of his mouth, and narrowed his eyes when he saw her hand move with blurring speed to wipe her face.

He detested watching the performance, his fingers curling into fists at the certain knowledge that she was suffering-and she did this several times a day-nearly every day. He turned away, swearing under his breath. Why would her family allow such a thing? What the hell was wrong with them? And what was wrong with her that she deliberately tortured her body every single day?

He wanted to snatch her up and run, take her somewhere he could protect her and keep her safe from the constant bombardment of everyday emotions. If he stayed there a moment longer, he was going to climb the rope and pull her out of there right in front of all of the soldiers and whatever rebels were scattered in the audience.

Briony completed a full twist and felt the satisfying smack as Jebediah caught her wrists and sent her flying back toward Tyrel. The high wire under her feet, she ran across, counting the beats of music to get to her cue. As she did so, she saw Jack slip out. At once pain flooded her body, so hard, so fast she nearly missed as she dove through the ring of fire. Jebediah’s alarm at her missed timing felt like a blow to her brain.

She took a breath and forced her body under control for the rest of the show. Jebediah waited until they were alone in the makeshift dressing room, silently handing her a cloth to wipe the blood from her nose and mouth. “You almost missed, Briony. There isn’t a safety net.”

Ruben, Tyrel, and Seth fell silent, their laughter fading as they turned to her. Their concern only heightened the pain stabbing through her.

“I know. It was worse this time. It won’t happen again. I’ll be prepared.”

Jebediah frowned as he watched her wipe at the blood. “Get some sleep tonight. It’s almost over, a couple more days.” Jebediah waved his brothers out and waited until they closed the door. “Give this to Jack. I was able to get a message to his brother at the hospital and Ken’s arranged transport. There’s a ship that will be waiting off the coast. A helicopter will extract him.” He slipped a satellite phone into her hand. “He shouldn’t leave the room until necessary. We’re going to act like we always do every night and hit the clubs. You stay in your room with that door locked, and I mean it this time, Bri. This is dangerous. If someone betrayed Jack and delivered him to the rebels, they might intercept what we’re doing and we’ll all be in serious trouble.”

“I’ll stay in, Jeb,” Briony promised. He was leaving. She knew he had to go and he would at least have medical care, but the thought of being separated from him was mind-numbing. She turned away from her brother, covering her face again with the cloth so he couldn’t see her expression.

Jebediah walked with her in silence to the hotel and left her as she went up the stairs to the hallway. “It’s just me,” she called out before using her key.

Jack crossed the room and pulled her into his arms, holding her close, nearly crushing her with his strength. “You scare the hell out of me, Briony.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, careful to try to keep her weight off of his chest, although he was pulling her hard against him. “That’s funny coming from a man who runs around alone in a jungle with a crazed army after him.” She kissed his lower lip, teased at the corner of his mouth. “Jeb sent a satellite phone. I have no idea where he got it, but you’re supposed to call Ken. They’re coming for you tonight. I’ll go take my shower while you make the call.”

Briony pushed the phone into his hands and moved away, not wanting him to see or feel how much it was going to hurt when he left. Their relationship had blossomed to intense too fast-yet for the first time in her life she felt as if she belonged. She let the hot water pour over her face, washing away tears. Of course he had to go. He had no other choice-it was far too dangerous for him to stay. She took her time drying her hair, needing the extra minutes to compose herself.

Jack was already in bed when Briony came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He held up one corner of the sheet and patted the mattress invitingly. “Don’t bother with clothes. I’ll just have to take them off of you.”

Briony laughed. “You sound like such a tough guy.” She lit a single candle before turning off the light and sliding into bed beside him.

“I am a tough guy. You’re the only one who doesn’t notice.” He framed her face and bent to kiss her, long, lingering kisses that helped to soothe the pounding of his heart from watching her perform under such duress.

Briony’s lips were soft and welcoming, her mouth innocent and passionate, hot and spicy, the mixture intoxicating. He breathed deep, laid his brow against hers. He wanted to kiss her forever, hold her close. Keep her. Because he was Frankenstein with more stitches than skin, she hadn’t been able to touch him, and he wanted to feel her hands on his body. He needed to feel her hands on him. How was he ever going to give her up?

Jack propped himself up on one elbow, resting on his side, one of the few positions he could lie in without extreme discomfort. He brushed silky strands of hair from her face, his fingers lingering against her skin. “Tell me about your life.”

“My life?” She raised an eyebrow. “My parents were wonderful people. Circus people. They loved the life. So do my brothers. My mom was born in Italy and my father was from the United States. I have four brothers, all of whom think they need to boss me around.”

His hands tunneled in her hair, rubbing the strands back and forth between his fingers. “They probably do.”

She laughed. “I should have known you’d side with them. It’s some sort of male bonding thing to think women aren’t capable of running their own lives.”

He nuzzled the top of her head with his chin. “It’s ego and sheer desperation. We have to keep you thinking we’re the superior species.”

“News flash, Jack-no woman on the face of the earth believes that anymore.”

He trailed kisses down her cheek. “But men don’t know women know that. We still live in our little fantasy world, so don’t muck it up for us.”

“I’ll try to be good about it.”

“You were telling me about your life.”

She shrugged. “There really isn’t all that much to tell. I’m adopted. My birth father insisted on designing my education as well as being responsible for any medical problems, mostly, I think, because I’m so different. He was aware of my differences and had a special doctor flown out whenever I had so much as a stubbed toe. He also insisted on developing my physical training. Running, gymnastics, martial arts, under water, that sort of thing. I liked it most of the time. I could use the skills for our performances, and it just felt good to use the speed and endurance I actually have, instead of hiding it all the time. Mom didn’t want our friends to know I was different.”

“Why did you all stay with the circus?”

She gave a little shrug. “They love the circus life, the camaraderie, the traveling-especially the traveling and, of course, performing in front of thousands. I think that’s as big a thrill as the actual aerial act. Jeb loved it so much he didn’t stay in the SEALs and you know he loved that. The money Whitney gave my parents when they adopted me and agreed to his terms enabled them to buy in as full partners of the circus. Performing and the circus are in their blood. We’ve been offered so much money to perform in Vegas, but it isn’t the lifestyle any of them want. The circus has their hearts.”

“But not yours.”

Briony turned over to stare up at the ceiling, a small smile curving her mouth. “They have my heart, so of course I perform with them. We’re family and it’s what we do.”

“And you know their act wouldn’t be quite the success without you. It’s your stunts that set them apart from other top aerialists.”

“I contribute, but the boys are awesome flyers. They invent tricks most of the other performers copy. I’ve always been stronger and faster, and obviously it gives me an edge. I do a quadruple somersault, but truthfully, I could rotate five or six times before Jebediah catches me. I just wouldn’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“It would be too dangerous for others to try-and it would set me apart. I don’t want the spotlight shining too heavily on me.” She reached up and touched his face. She loved touching him, but there were few places on his body she could do so without hurting him. “What about you?”

He caught her hand and carried it to his mouth, nibbling on her fingers. “What about me?”

“What do you do when you aren’t being sent into jungles to rescue people?”

“My brother and I own a piece of property up in the mountains. It’s wild and suits me just fine. If he’d ever stop with his plans, we might be able to sit on the porch and enjoy it.”

Briony heard the affection in his gruff response. “His plans?”

“Ken always has plans. He designed the house, and every time I think we’re finished and I can just sit and enjoy the mountains, he comes up with a new idea for me to work.”

Briony laughed softly. “He makes you work, does he? Somehow I’m having trouble believing that.”

Embarrassment flickered in his eyes and was gone. He shrugged. “The man whines. I don’t know. He wants it done and he just keeps at me, so it’s easier just to give him what he wants so he’ll shut up.”

Briony’s smile widened. “You pushover you. Who would have guessed?”

He found himself fascinated by the shape of her mouth and the laughter in her eyes when she smiled. “Yeah, well, don’t tell anyone. Ken loves to design, but he doesn’t necessarily like to do the carpentry work.”

“And you do?”

“I like working with my hands.” He shrugged. “Of course, it might be out of necessity. Ken brings me all kinds of ideas and someone has to keep him quiet.”

“Ideas?” She tilted her head, one eyebrow raised. “What kinds of ideas?”

“Furniture. New rooms. Buildings. All kinds of things.” He sighed as if greatly put upon, but there was too much admiration and affection in his voice to believe he was annoyed with his brother.

“You make furniture?”

“I made all of our furniture. And the cabinets.” He shrugged. “Just about everything in the house. I told you, I like working with my hands. There’s something satisfying in taking wood and making something long-lasting out of it.”

She took his hand, running her fingertips over the calloused skin. “I love your hands.” Briony smiled up at him. “If you do all the building, what does he do?”

“The ideas are his. And he talks to people, does all the ordering. Handles details. I’m not good at any of that. Ken thinks if someone screws up an order I might shoot them.” He bent to brush a kiss along her temple. “There might be a little truth to that. I can’t take incompetence.”

She burst out laughing again, the sound playing through his body like a musical instrument. He could feel the vibration of every note running through his veins, heating his blood.

“I’ve always wanted to do stained glass,” she confided. “I sketch. I’m not that good, but they’re all original designs.”

Jack caught the wistful note in her voice. “Have you tried making stained glass?”

“I took a few classes and made small pieces. I have a lot of books. It isn’t practical when we travel so much, but someday, I’m going to have my own studio. I see differently. More bird than human, I think, and sometimes, especially in the evening, I sense people through heat and have no idea why. I actually see images in colors. When I look at things in nature, I see it all differently and want to use the colors in glass.” She traced his tattoos, her fingers stroking caresses down his arm.

He was silent for a moment, savoring her touch. “I see the same way. Heat imaging. And I have a highly developed sense of smell.” He bent to bury his face in her neck, inhaling her fragrance. “You always smell so good.”

“Probably not when I finish performing. I’m hot and sweaty.”

“You’re beautiful, Briony.” He kissed her throat, lingered for a long foray over her neck, sending shivers through her body. “I like you hot and sweaty.” He pushed the sheet down to her hips, exposing her bare breasts and flat belly.

“You would.” Briony relaxed under his wandering mouth. She could feel the urgency in his mind, but it never dictated to his hands. He might kiss her with fierce hunger and ravenous possession, but he stroked tender caresses over her body, slow and easy, as if memorizing every detail. His mind might be in chaos, howling for her, demanding he take her as if she were nothing to him but a female body he craved, but his hands were gentle-reverent-his hands spoke of deep emotion.

Briony traced his weathered features, her fingers lingering over the stubborn set to his jaw. He trembled beneath her touch, turning his head to draw her finger into his mouth. He looked at her with eyes filled with raw desire. Her breath caught in her throat. She could see that look forever and never get enough.

“Lie back, baby. We’re a little hampered by my stitched together body, but we can try a few things that might make you feel good.”

Might? Looking at you makes me feel good.”

He pushed her gently back onto the bed so she was lying down. Jack ripped back the top sheet and shoved it aside, kneeling between her legs. His hands massaged her calves, moved up to her thighs. He bent to kiss her inner thighs, using small circles with his thumbs to heighten her awareness of him. He leaned forward to press kisses over her ribs, to trace each indentation with his tongue and nibble at the underside of her breasts. He closed his eyes to better savor the feel and texture of her, to memorize every square inch of her. He didn’t want the memory of her to ever fade, and this night was all he had to give her-to take for himself.

She relaxed into him the way she had earlier; once making up her mind to give herself to him, she did it wholeheartedly. She reached back with her hands to grip the bars of the headboard, to keep from accidentally forgetting, in the heat of the moment, not to grab and hold on to him.

Her bare body lay out before him like a feast, and Jack took his time, tasting every inch of her, suckling her breasts, teasing and biting, deliberately heightening her pleasure. He waited for every gasp, every arc of her body, the movement of restless hips to tell him exactly what she liked-what drove her mad-what pushed her over the edge.

She gripped the bars tighter as he made his way down her body. He could feel the building tension in her spiraling out of control. His fingers caressed the slick heat between her legs, dipped deep to push her higher and higher until she cried out. He wanted more. He wanted to hear his name on her lips, hear her cry out with pleasure. He bent his head and feathered kisses along her inner thigh, feeling her body jerk in response. His tongue teased and caressed, drawing gasps of pleasure, plunged deep to dance, to stroke, to draw the honey out of her. Her womb contracted, stomach clenching, and her hips rose off the bed as she gave a little sob-somewhere between utter ecstasy and fear of losing her mind.

Jack took a firmer grip on her hips, drawing her even tighter into him, needing to hear her cries, to know that he was the man giving her such pleasure. His hands began a slow exploration of her body, deliberately seductive while his teeth and tongue sent her nearly spiraling out of control. Hot licks and teasing bites, he drove her higher and higher. Her hips thrashed and bucked under his assault, the searing heat setting off a series of small explosions. Instead of relieving the terrible ache, it only built it into a stronger tidal wave of pulsing heat.

Briony pulsed with fierce need, arousal so strong she thought she might not survive. Her mind was a haze of need, so that she began to plead with him, afraid of the nearly savage intensity of pleasure. Jack knelt between her legs and drew her to him, his eyes glittering with raw possession-with stark craving. He thrust hard, burying himself deep, driving through her tight folds, taking her over the edge. She exploded-imploded-strong currents of electricity dazzling her while her body simply fragmented and wave after wave of pleasure pulsed through her.

And then Jack began to move. Every movement of his hips sent a shiver of pain through his body, but it mixed with the building heat, the building pleasure. She surrounded him with hot friction, her slick folds tight, her muscles strong, gripping him as he surged deeper and deeper, and all the while she stared up at him with dark chocolate eyes, dazed with heat and passion.

He shifted her slightly to get the angle that would press him hot and hard over her most sensitive bud, and he picked a faster, rougher rhythm that had her crying out his name. Jack. Not aloud. Whispered in his mind. Aching. Stunned pleasure consuming her mind. He wanted to pound into her with a frenzied need, but the innocence in her eyes, the emotion on her face, forced him to keep some semblance of control. He wanted her to remember this moment forever, because it would be forever etched in his mind. He watched her face, saw the intensity increase, felt her body grip his. She gave a soft cry, the sound mingling with his harsh yell, and he emptied himself into her, pouring everything he was into her, body and soul.

“Again,” he growled.

Jack sat on the edge of the bed staring down at her face. She looked so young-not a line on her face. Her eyes, when she looked at him, held so much innocence. She saw him as the man he could have been-not the man he was. He killed without remorse. Demons sat on his shoulder every minute of the day and drove him hard. He wanted her-but if he kept her, there was every possibility of becoming the man his father had been. His father had looked at his sons with cold, empty eyes, eyes filled with hatred for being near their mother. It was time stolen from him and he wouldn’t put up with it-not from them-not from anyone. No one could touch her, speak to her-she was his possession.

Jack and Ken had made a pact together, a sacred oath, that neither would ever risk destroying a woman the way their father had their mother. His father had loathed them, twin boys who took up their mother’s time, received her smiles-and her love. There were beatings that became more and more vicious as his obsession grew.

God help him, Jack felt that way about Briony-that terrible need to keep her to himself, to hold on too tight. He couldn’t fool himself into thinking he wasn’t already a little obsessed. He was capable of killing-had done so before he was in his teens-and now, faced with looking at the monster he’d become-he had to give her up. She deserved a normal man-one capable of loving without possession and jealousy and fear. It was the only gift he could give her. He knew, when he walked away, that no other woman would ever do, but he couldn’t take her and watch her innocence and light slowly fade, to be replaced by fear the way it had been in his mother.

Briony stirred, murmured his name in her sleep, and reached for him. His heart clenched hard. He leaned close to her. “Once I’m gone, Briony, don’t come near me again,” he whispered. “Not ever, because I’ll never be able to give you up twice.”

Her eyes opened and she smiled at him. “I was dreaming about you.”

His stomach churned and he bent to kiss her. He shouldn’t. He knew better, but it was damned hard to let go. “I’ve got to get out of here. My ride’s waiting.”

She sat up, pushing at the silky hair, a small frown on her face. “Is it safe? Are you certain it’s safe, Jack?”

“It’s safe enough.” He stood up and slung the rifle around his neck. “Thanks for everything.”

Briony swallowed hard, resisting the need to cling to him. Of course he had to go, but he hadn’t said one word about seeing her again. Not one. She caught his hand. “Jack.” She said his name softly. “How are we going to find one another?”

He pulled his hand away, rubbed his palm down his thigh as if the gesture simply wiped her away. “We aren’t. You didn’t think this was going to go anywhere, did you? I’m not the kind of man who settles down with a woman and kids in a house with a white picket fence. You knew that going into it. You’d be a liability to me.”

Briony never took her eyes from his face. His features were set and hard-carved of stone-eyes as cold as ice. Jack betrayed absolutely no emotion. She could have been looking at a total stranger. Her heart crumbled into tiny pieces. She heard her own wail, a long, drawn-out cry of anguish, but it was only in her own mind-and she had enough pride to keep her shields up stronger than ever so he couldn’t hear the weeping in her head. He couldn’t know just how much she’d invested in him-how much of a fool she’d really been.

“I see.” It was all she could get out. She should have looked ahead, should have known he would be capable of walking away without a backward glance. She kept her eyes on his face, hoping for one small sign that she’d meant the same things to him that he had to her. “Good luck then, Jack.”

He turned away from her, an abrupt motion, and walked out the door. Not once did he look back. Briony knew because she watched him through the window, all the way, until he was out of sight. She sat on the bed until dawn, unmoving, without a single tear, feeling numb-frozen-feeling as if he’d torn out her heart and taken it with him. She felt a fool for even thinking they had something special. Jack took her gift of love and trust and flung it back in her face. She stayed very still-very small-wishing she could just disappear. She stayed there on the edge of the bed until Jebediah pounded on her door to tell her it was time to face the day and another performance.
