Chapter Three

Tate Gillis stretched, cracking his neck and groaning as he felt his back pop from the way he’d been hunched over the computer terminal.

One of his supervisors and best friend, Jenny Taylor, laughed. “Getting pretty hunchbacked, huh?”

“You ain’t kidding.”

“You and Doug want to go out with us tonight?”

“I’d love to, but Doug’s still down in Tampa.”

“Aww. How’s his mom doing?”

“I haven’t talked to him yet today. She was supposed to go home yesterday, but they held her another day because of her blood work results. They want to give her another round of antibiotics before they release her.” He didn’t mention the other problem and that it looked like he would be leaving. No reason to talk about it until he knew for sure.

“Oh, that sucks.”

Tate nodded and glanced at the clock. A smile filled his face. “Hey, it’s four thirty. I can blow this pop stand.”

She laughed. “You sound like medical billing isn’t your dream job.”

He rolled his eyes. “Um, yeah. Sorry, but the best about it is it keeps the lights and internet on, and has health bennies. I do appreciate you getting me the job, don’t get me wrong.”

“You mean you can’t perv porn in the dark?”

He snorted in amusement. “Yeah, but I need to recharge the darn laptop eventually.” She could joke with him like that because they’d known each other since high school. Unfortunately, at the time they were hiring, they only had one open position, and Doug had insisted he go for it since Jenny was his friend. “What time and where tonight?”

“Gator Bait, at six.”

“I’ll be there.” He tried to call Doug on his way to the car. It went to voice mail.

“Hey, babe, it’s me. I’m sure you’re probably still at the job fair. Good luck with the hunt, and I hope Mom is okay. Call me when you can. Jenny and the gang invited me to go to Gator Bait with them tonight, so if you call and I don’t hear my phone, leave a message. Love you.”

He hung up and got into his car, practically wilting as waves of heat washed over him. He sat there with the door open, engine running and A/C on full blast, waiting for it to cool off. The ten-year-old car still had some life in it, but he wished they could afford for him to get a newer one. Now, plans for that would have to be put on hold. They’d have to pour every bit of money they could into Doug’s parents.

Not that he minded. He loved them as much as he loved his own family even though he hadn’t spent a lot of time with them. They’d welcomed him into their fold with open arms the first time they’d met him.

When his car finally cooled enough, he drove back to the apartment. It wasn’t much, but it was home.

Lonely though, without Doug here.

He jumped into the shower, his thoughts lingering on Doug’s tight ass and handsome smile. When his cock started to inflate, Tate stroked it with his hand, encouraging it to full length.

He imagined it was Doug’s hand on his shaft as he closed his eyes and let the warm water sluice over him.

He missed Doug so much. They’d made love the night before he drove to Tampa. Doug buried his dick deep inside Tate’s ass as Doug reached around him and stroked his cock. He loved it when Doug took charge and did the driving in bed.

Tate slicked pre-cum over the head of his cock as he leaned against the shower wall, memories of Doug playing through his mind—the feel of Doug’s cock stretching his rim as he slowly fucked him, the feel of Doug’s balls slapping against the back of his thighs at the bottom of every stroke…

Tate’s hand moved faster up and down his cock, his other hand tweaking his nipples. His breath grew faster as his mind raced. When he thought about the way Doug’s cock would grow harder and swell inside him just before he came, his own cock exploded, jets of cum landing on the shower wall in front of him.

He took a deep breath as he recovered. Physically, that took the edge off.

Mentally, he still missed Doug more than ever.

Pushing that away, he straightened up and finished his shower.
