My heartfelt thanks to

• The Feiwel and Friends pantheon: Rich Deas, Liz Dresner, Nicole Moulaison, and Mary Van Akin for their patience and breathtaking talents; Liz Szabla for her TLC, remarkable insights, and gracious good humor; Angus Killick for his leadership and enthusiasm; and Jean Feiwel for just about everything;

• Elena Giovinazzo, agent extraordinaire, at Pippin Properties, Inc., for her guidance and friendship;

• Artist Erwin Madrid for bringing Crenshaw to life;

• The amazing students and staff of the Monarch School in San Diego, California, a unique campus for students affected by homelessness, for sharing their stories;

• My friends and family for pretending not to notice my long chats with an imaginary cat;

• Jake and Julia for tolerating the “don’t bug me while I’m writing unless you’re bleeding” mandate;

• and Michael, for asking to borrow that can opener so many years ago.
