BALLY — A show given on the stand in front of a tent to attract the crowd. Short for “ballyhoo.”

BARKER — Man who speaks during a ballyhoo, or who attracts customers by his talk.

BLOOMER — A week or “stand” in which losses are heavy.

FIXER — Man employed by a carnival to square matters beforehand, to make arrangements with authorities so the games will not be stopped.

FLASHER — A carnival game in which blinking, changing lights attract players.

GAFF — A device attached to a game to prevent the player from winning.

GAFFED “Fixed” so a player cannot win.

GEEK — Pretended wild man who works in the snake pit. “Glommer” is another name for a geek.

GIMMICK — Contrivance that is used to make a game work for the operator. Also any important bit of mechanism.

GRIFTER — Man who runs a carnival game, particularly one who runs a “gaffed” game.

GRIND — Running a game on “nickel-a-play” basis.

GRIND STORE — “Joint” where a nickel is charged for each play.

HEY, RUBE — The circus battle cry. It brings out every one for a fight.

JOINT — A carnival concession, or game booth.

KIESTER — A suitcase.

LAYDOWN — Marked oilcloth along the game counter on which players make their bets.

MIDWAY — The main avenue of a carnival grounds.

NICKEL GOUGER — Operator who runs a grind store.

NUT — The cost of running a show. Salaries, moving, etc.

P.C. WHEEL — A “percentage” wheel, in which the player has a mathematical chance of winning.

QUEER — Counterfeiting term for counterfeit bills.

RED ONE — A week or “stand” in which a show makes money.

ROUGHNECKS — Circus followers, heavy workers, roustabouts.

SCOFF — Carnival term meaning to eat.

SHILLS — Pretended ticket buyers who start the crowd moving. Confederates who “win” at carnival games, to lure “suckers.” Fake players working with the operator. Short for “shillaber.” Old term: “Capper.”

SLOUGH — To close a joint when ordered by the law.

SLUM — Cheap, worthless prizes; also cheap articles sold on the carnival grounds. (Note: In some games, the operators promise a prize to each player, so the game will not be gambling. Most of the prizes given out are “slum.”)

SQUAWKER — Keg with rope attached. Drawing on the rope causes a growl or “squawk.”

TAKE — The amount of cash taken in by a show.

TALKER — Spieler.

TWO-WAY JOINT — One that can be worked fairly or set against the player.

VOICE — Spokesman for a band of crooks. (Particularly among kidnappers, the one who makes negotiations.)
