As usual in writing my fact-based novels, I've had to rely on friends and acquaintances to answer my innumerable pesky questions. It was especially important for Crisis, since the story line bridges medicine and law. Although I thank everyone who was graciously willing to help, those whom I would particularly like to cite are (in alphabetical order):
John W. Bresnahan, investigator, Division of Professional Licensure, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Jean R. Cook, psychologist
Joe Cox, J.D., LL.M., tax and estate-planning attorney
Rose Doherty, academician
Mark Flomenbaum, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Medical Examiner, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Peter C. Knight, J.D., malpractice attorney
Angelo MacDonald, J.D., criminal law attorney, former prosecutor
Gerald D. McLellan, ID., family law attorney, former judge
Charles Wetli, M.D., Chief Medical Examiner, Suffolk County, New York