Abominable men came out of the snowstorm, summoned by the dread melodies of silver whistles. They wore neither blue shirts nor red flop hats. And, as noted, their whistles weren’t made of tin.
So I never made it to The Palms, where my best pal could’ve told me all about his hopes and plans and schemes.
Nobody said a word. We all knew our roles. Somebody at the Al-Khar wanted to see me. Somebody at the Al-Khar knew how to find me in the middle of a snowstorm. So I was going to put my life on hold till I’d enjoyed a chat with that somebody.
One particular somebody was more likely than any other. He didn’t have his runners declare themselves with their headgear.
The runaround at the Al-Khar was abbreviated. That minikin Linton Suggs got me to Director Relway in jig time.
The Director was waiting. He wasn’t alone.
Colonel Block was there to assist. I didn’t know the third man. The deference he received suggested that he was Prince Rupert.The law and order fanatic in the royal household. He had a definite Relway-like gleam in his hard gray eyes.
Prince Rupert was just two failed hearts away from Karenta’s throne. And he might get there. Which might be good for the kingdom. He had strength. Karenta needs a strong ruler.
In this pecking order the low man was Deal Relway. Barring lower-than-gravel Garrett, of course, and the gawkers wandering past.
Relway started by asking questions obviously not his own.
He was no more happy than I, at the moment.
He is the most absolute realist I’ve ever met. He knows reality more intimately than he knows his own suite of perversions. He knows he can get anything he wants, and more, if he’s just patient and pliable when the right people are around. He knows that most people who matter agree with the Director of the Unpublished Committee for the Security of the Crown, whatever they offer for public consumption.
Deal Relway is what he needs to be. Patient. Clever. Deadly. Unacquainted with pity, conscience, or remorse. He may be TunFaire’s future. Nine of ten of the king’s subjects will be thrilled with the future Deal Relway wants to create.
And there I was. Before much got said, bemoaning—in all privacy, of course—the tyranny sure to come. The tyranny certain to make life more safe, secure, and comfortable for the nine of ten.
Inarguably, in a TunFaire run by Deal Relway, the only frightened people should be crooks. But the crook class would include anybody who didn’t like the way Deal Relway operated.
Relway stopped after a half hour of random questions, all of which I answered honestly. And which, frankly, left me puzzled because they didn’t have that much to do with what was going on. Then he and the prince became observers. Along with the ever-changing gallery. Colonel Block said, ‘‘You put us in a tight place this time, Garrett.’’
‘‘I’m gonna confess right up front, Colonel. I haven’t got any idea what you’re talking about.’’
‘‘Some Hill people got hurt bad at your place yesterday. Two dead, on scene. Another died right after. Two more could still go.’’
‘‘That’s bullshit. Link Dierber died. Shadowslinger and Schnook Avery had some broken bones. The other three maybe got a couple bruises apiece. You want me to be honest with you, you maybe oughta not bullshit me.’’
‘‘Hold on. You guys want to run the world a whole new way. You want to make everybody responsible for their own behavior. Well, get your heads around that this time. Furious Tide of Light brought those people to the World. They were all family of the kids who created the bugs. I had nothing to do with them showing up. Neither did the ownership. If I’d known they were coming I would’ve tried to keep them away. They were sure to interfere with work. And they did. With all the tact their kind usually show. There was bad blood between one of them and one of my consultants. They were half brothers. They had an old feud none of those people would explain. I don’t think it matters, really. The feud caught fire. If I was you slugs I’d worry about Schnook Avery instead of harassing that harmless old fuzz ball, Garrett. Who had nothing to do with any of it.’’
Block responded, ‘‘Fact is, we can harass you as much as we want. Nobody will care. Hill folk, on the other hand . . .’’
‘‘I’ll care. A lot. One or two others might, too.’’
Prince Rupert made a calming gesture. Saying nothing. He was kind of a goofy-looking guy, tall and lean.
Block nodded. ‘‘No point in getting in a pissing contest because the man rubs me the wrong way.’’ That for the benefit of his audience. ‘‘Particularly since he’s connected with TunFaire’s top financiers, magnates, industrial doyens, and criminal masterminds.’’
Block made the point gently and obliquely but in a way that wouldn’t be misunderstood. Ma Garrett’s boy is tight with some major players. Who might take mortal offense for no reason a true blue blood would understand.
Senior folk at the social poles, like Relway and the prince, have to nurture the happiness of the stinking-rich merchant classes. They don’t like it. But they have to honor the power of the money.
Another face of the future.
I gained respect for Prince Rupert during the prolonged consultation. He said little. He listened. And he heard. When he did speak he avoided stupid with disarming ease, though he never had much to say. I found myself hoping he would have the misfortune to ascend the ladder of succession. Karentine monarchs are ephemeral, crowned and often murdered before we get used to seeing their profiles on the coinage. I didn’t know anyone I’d rather see cursed with the Crown.
Eventually, I asked, ‘‘Can you tell me the point to all this?’’ I gestured at the red top parade. ‘‘Why do those guys need to come gawk at me?’’
Prince Rupert was interested in my coat. The fifth time he asked about it, I said, ‘‘I’d give it to you if I had anything else to wear.’’ I sang the sad song of the demise of my own coat, thanks to the good Director. I added several verses about Mr. Jan taking forever to finish the replacement, thanks to the good Director.
The good Director ground his teeth.
Colonel Block took me to the exit personally. ‘‘You did good in there, Garrett. You didn’t let us rattle you. You even almost convinced me that you were telling the truth.’’
I had a creepy feeling that I’d survived some kind of test.
‘‘I was. There’s no reason to hide anything. Especially since the Hill people got involved.’’ There had been mention of those folks, off and on, but I’d gotten the impression that the prince didn’t care. He was more interested in the kids. And me. ‘‘Mr. Weider and I are better off having you know the truth. We might find ourselves needing the friendship of the Crown’s men. Besides, isn’t it every subject’s duty—’’
‘‘Don’t lay it on with a trowel, Garrett. Your cooperation has its boundaries.’’
Well, yeah. I’d withheld a few trivialities. But he didn’t need to know about John Stretch’s talents. And it wouldn’t do to mention an improbable dragon, of potentially sun-darkening magnitude, snoozing on a treasure way down deep beneath the World.
‘‘I look out for my clients. Sometimes having you in the know is what’s best.’’ He had to get that into his head. That was a truth as solid as stone.
‘‘Right.’’ He winked. ‘‘Stay warm out there, Garrett.’’