The most grateful thanks are due to the late Professor Robert G. Jahn, founder of PEAR, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (the inspiration for my fictional RECAP), and to Brenda J. Dunne, MS, twenty-eight years PEAR laboratory manager.
They welcomed me to Princeton, invited me to spend time in their unique lab — even taking part in some of their experiments — and shared with me their belief in, and passion for, the extraordinary project that has been a life’s work for them both.
Thanks also to New Jersey State Police for permitting me to explore their unusual police station at Princeton (including the cell block!); to my good friend Lucius Barre for his assistance throughout my New York and Princeton research trip; and to the late Ian Robertson, former star of the Kirov Ballet, for his most particular guidance on crossing international borders.
Special thanks to my editor Kate Lyall Grant for allowing me to publish a book which is both dear to my heart and something of a departure from usual.
And finally, a huge thank you to my long-time agent and treasured friend Tony Peake, for his continual support and encouragement through the good times and the not so good. As ever, Mr Peake.