Keith R.A. DeCandido is the author of over two dozen novels, plus whole bunches of novellas, short stories, eBooks, comic books, and nonfiction, in a wide variety of media universes. In addition to Warcraft, he's played in the worlds of Star Trek (in all its incarnations, plus some new ones), StarCraft, Spider—Man, the X—Men, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Serenity, Farscape, Andromeda, Resident Evil, Xena, and a whole lot more. He is also the author of the high—fantasy police procedural Dragon Precinct, and the editor of many anthologies, most recently the award—nominated Imaginings and the Star Trek anthologies Tales of the Dominion War and Tales from the Captain's Table. His work has journeyed to several bestseller lists, and has received critical acclaim from Entertainment Weekly, Publishers Weekly, TV Zone, Starburst, Dreamwatch, Library Journal, and Cinescape, among others. He lives in New York City with his girlfriend and two lunatic cats. Find out too much about Keith at his official website at, keep up with his ramblings on LiveJournal under the rather goofy user name of "kradical," or just send him silly e-mails at