On Thursday morning, Hannah stopped at the hospital at eight o’clock on her way to work. It had become part of her daily routine to start her day sitting by Kate’s bedside and talking to her, hoping and praying that maybe she was getting through to her.

She again thought about the book that she had read that had been written by the neurosurgeon who had supposedly been in a deep coma but had heard everything that was going on around him.

Maybe it’s like that for Kate, she thought, as, holding Kate’s hand in hers, she told her about Justin Kramer bringing dinner in from Shun Lee West last night, and how he wanted her to know that her bromeliad plant was thriving. “He’s kind of special, Kate,” she said. “I really like him. Before I met him, he told me how he brought the plant to you as a housewarming gift.”

Then, as she spoke, for the first time she felt Kate squeeze her hand for a brief moment.

When Dr. Patel came in to see Kate, and Hannah told him what had happened, he answered, “I’m not surprised. Since that fever broke, Kate is making a remarkable recovery. The brain swelling is completely gone. There is no sign of further bleeding. We will be gradually taking her off heavy sedation starting today. If all goes well, by tomorrow or Saturday at the latest, she’ll be in a private room. I have every hope that she will regain consciousness. Even if she does not remember the immediate past, and by that I mean the explosion. I believe she will make a full recovery.”

As he spoke, Kate again squeezed her hand. “Doctor, Kate is trying to let me know that she is aware that I’m here,” Hannah exclaimed. “I’m sure she is. I’ve got to leave her now and get to work but you couldn’t have given me better news. Thank you. Thank you so much!”

Kate tried to move her lips. Hannah, stay with me please, she wanted to say. I keep having the nightmare. I don’t want to have it anymore. I don’t want to be alone.
