“STEP BACK, EVERYBODY. Give him room. Here comes Albert Daniel Einstein,” some wise guy said as I came out of history class.
One of the school tough guys was talking to his buddies in the hall. I was trying to walk around him when he grabbed my shirt and shoved me hard against a locker.
“Guys, feast your eyes on Daniel Hopper, the mindless new kid. Stand back! I speak brain-dead.”
“Me Jake,” another kid said, patting his Abercrombie amp; Fitch polo shirt. He poked me hard in the chest with his finger. “You halfwit.”
My instinct was to deal with bullies the way all pathetic, attention-seeking, disturbed individuals need to be dealt with-by ignoring them. But I was on edge that morning, and he was picking at a nerve.
I stared at his index finger, debating whether I should snap it at the first knuckle or the second.
A janitor’s mop bucket across the hall solved my dilemma. At a speed approximating that of sound, I shot my left leg behind Jake’s and shoved the six-foot, two-hundred-something-pounder with my right palm. He actually went airborne before he landed, butt down, in the slop bucket.
“Watch those wet floors, and have a super day,” I said before I disappeared around the corner.
Only to barely avoid a head-on collision with Phoebe Cook coming out the door of the bio lab. She looked incredible again today.
“I was hoping to bump into you, Daniel,” Phoebe said. “Well, not literally, I guess, but do you have a free period now? I was wondering if we could talk. Please?”
I actually had geometry class, but why bring up pesky details? “Of course,” I said. “I finally figured out where the library is.”
Which made her laugh.
Which made me kind of goofily happy.