Jackie saw the entire spectacle.

Her heart was pounding inside its fleshy cage. Her entire body stiffened in sudden contractions.

“Dear!” Margie panted, “dear… it feels so wonderful… oh!”

Armand was still caressing her skillfully. And, with the same skill, the young woman was masturbating the gloriously erect rod.

Suddenly, Margie pushed her partner towards a couch, on which she made him lie down.

And with one movement, she removed her dress, blouse, and panties. Then, naked from the waist to her flesh-colored stockings, she knelt above Armand, or rather, above a prick as big as a policeman's stick.

Nothing was withheld from Jackie's immoral curiosity.

Her buttocks in the air, legs separated, Margie's opening between the two thick and curvaceous eminences could easily be seen.

As for Margie's partner, with his knees raised, Jackie could easily see his big, stiff member.

The young girl soon saw the stick enter Margie's box, become lost inside, and reappear again.

Armand was panting. His companion was moaning.

They fucked with abandon.

Finally, Jackie saw the instrument completely come out, the tip totally uncovered, red as carmine and spewing a white liquid which spread out over Margie's buttocks.

“Dear!” she cried, “dear… you're coming… oh!.. it's warm… it's delicious…”

She waited until his tool had finished ejaculating. Then she leaped off the bed and went into the bathroom.

Fearing that she would be caught, Jackie ran away immediately. So hastily, in fact, that she had the misfortune of overturning a Chinese pot that was balanced on a small round table. Frightened, she ran to her room.

As soon as she got there, Armand appeared.

He looked at the young girl a long time and she, livid and trembling, couldn't hide her confusion.

Suddenly, with a gleam in his eyes, he murmured:

“I have the feeling that my little niece has been very indiscreet.”

“But…” Jackie tried vainly to escape. “But… I don't understand…”

“Impossible… imagine that we are alone, all three of us in the apartment. There are no cats or dogs… and since I don't believe in ghosts, someone must have overturned that pot. Margie and I were in the office. Thus you alone were capable of having committed this act.”

Jackie no longer knew what to say. Stupidly, she assured him that she hadn't left her room.

“And I,” declared Armand, “I am certain that, tired of being alone, you felt a desire to come join us. Seeing that we were very busy, you didn't want to bother us. As you ran away, when you saw Margie about to go out, you revealed your presence.”

He approached the young girl, who seemed plunged in a veritable torpor, and grabbed her by the shoulders.

And, with a slightly vulgar smile, said:

“So, my pet, did you like the spectacle?”

Her throat was dry and Jackie didn't feel she had the strength to utter the slightest word.

“Yes, I'm certain that you must have had an excellent time. Anyway, it will be easy for me to find out.”

Without his niece having time to react, he plunged his hand under her skirt and immediately reached the point between her legs.

“You little devil,” he murmured. “Your pants are all wet. Your pussy must be in quite a state.”

In order to be certain, he pulled her panties down and slid his finger between her lips. They were trembling with emotion.

Then he began to tickle her clitoris.

This caress completed the devastation of the young girl's senses. With his free hand, Armand had unbuttoned his pants and taken out his imposing tool.

Jackie couldn't stop herself from grabbing the stiff rod. She held the cock she had seen going in between Margie's thighs!

How long it was!

How thick it was!

How hard it was!

How good it was to touch it. How she loved to feel its male power. What a desire she had to fondle it.

Yet a sort of fear held her back. The fear of being too clumsy and disappointing her partner.

Armand must have guessed the reason for her hesitation because he whispered:

“You want to touch me, don't you? Well, go on… you'll see… it's very easy. Anyway, I'm going to show you what to do.”

He closed her fingers over his joy-stick.

“What is important,” he said, while beginning to rub himself, “is to adopt the right rhythm. At first you caress the tip very slowly… the most difficult thing is not to let yourself be carried away by an often brutal ardor. You have to force yourself to always act smoothly. Come on, try it…”

A little excited, Jackie followed her uncle's advice.

The fine skin that she alternately raised and lowered uncovered the enormous glans.

“Very good,” said Armand, his eyes half-closed, “that's perfect… you understood what you have to do… Now I'm going to teach you to suck.”

He told her to kneel at his feet. All will anesthetized, Jackie did as he told her.

Breathing an odor of sweating balls, the young girl instinctively opened her mouth.

And, with her trembling tongue, she began to lick the solid root as if it were a candybar.

“For a beginner, that's not bad, my child… but sucking that sugar stick isn't enough. You have to rub me with your mouth.”

He introduced his rod down her throat. Then, his hands placed on his companion's cheeks, he imprinted a coming-and-going movement on her face.

It was easy for Jackie to learn that motion. Obviously she was putting her whole heart into the work, although she still lacked technique. Her lips weren't enclosing the congested glans tightly enough.

In a hurry to come, Armand had to use his finger in order to reach the expected conclusion. It didn't take long.

Not yet knowing that come is one of the most precious of elixirs, the young girl tried to throw her head back. Her uncle prevented her.

Jackie felt a great spurt of semen trickle down her throat.

And it seemed to her that the sperm had a taste of wet grass…
