Chapter 59

“I’ll give you twenty-four hours,” I said, taking a sip of the warm coffee. Felt good to be out of the cold. There was a fireplace near my back and I could feel the heat through my flannel shirt.

“For what?” Stewart asked. The boy had left our discussion group.

“It goes like this. I won’t bullshit you or waste your time or play any fucking games. I want Jude Russell out of this election. I have three things. I have a witness, a very credible one,” I said, lying, “that puts Jude Russell at the scene of a double homicide in December of ‘sixty eight.”

He laughed by making absurd breathing noises out of his nose.

“Second, I have another witness that places Russell as a business associate of a known member of the Dixie Mafia. A man named Levi Ransom who I believe has contributed to Jude’s campaign fund.”

Stewart folded his arms across his chest, perpetually shook his head and swallowed a lot. His blue eyes never left mine. Not for one second would he miss a word I said. He was making mental notes the whole way through.

“You want him to drop from this race? Just because you say you have people who’ve made up the most outrageous lie I’ve ever heard?”

“Oh, you mean I would need some hard facts? Shit,” I said, scratching my head. “Didn’t think about that.” I pushed forward a copy of the homicide file U had pulled with a couple pages I’d creatively added. “I guess a police file will have to do. Just mentions his role in the shooting and leaves a lot of unanswered questions about why the investigation wasn’t followed. The victims were black. I bet that’ll get him tons of votes in south Memphis. You didn’t even have to fix up that run-down supermarket down there as a P.R. stunt.”

Stewart fiddled with his hands and nodded a few times to himself.

“You’re crazy,” he said. “Out of your mind nuts.”

“No doubt.”

The waiter laid down the club sandwich on the table. Toasted white bread. Lots of mayo on the cold cuts. I expected something a little better here, but suddenly knew I shouldn’t have.

“I believe you have some phone calls to make,” I said, leaving the sandwich and sliding back into my coat. Outside, two men in yellow sweaters watched each other pivoting their hips in a practiced swing.

He said: “It won’t work.”

“You don’t think I’ll do it?” I pushed away from the table with my hands and watched his face, his teeth grinding, the blood dripping into his neck. “You don’t think I’m clever enough to go to Kinko’s and print off about twenty copies of the file, transcribed interviews with contact names and numbers of my sources, and then have a buddy mail them out to every major media outlet in Tennessee and Mississippi? Yeah, I couldn’t do that. That would be too much trouble.”

His face had been completely drained of color.

I stood. “You have twenty-four hours to find a replacement,” I said. “Russell’s wife is sick. He has personal issues. His cat died. I don’t give a fuck. I’m only giving you this option because the only thing worse than having a killer running this state is having that gun-toting moron and his fools from Jackson win. I don’t think we want that. Do we?”

I didn’t listen for an answer. I left the copied file and pushed my way through a bar of men with faces flushed with alcohol and sun. They didn’t seem to notice me or the conversation. They were too busy talking about themselves. Pushing ahead without ever looking back.

J on Burrows was tired of circlin’ that bail bonds business over on Poplar. He knew the layout real good – hell, you could see most of it through them dang big windows – now he just had to wait till night and sneak into that back door that was unlocked. Make sure all three of ’em were there.

Jon decided to cut on over to Union Avenue while he waited and have a float at Taylor’s Cafe beside the old Memphis Recording Service. He liked the smell of the old Sun Record Studios and the little diner next door where E’s founder, Mr. Phillips, used to take coffee in his special booth. Back then, E would sit at the counter, dreaming about the time when Mr. Phillips would let Him make that big record. ‘Course Mr. Phillips always said he didn’t discover Elvis, he said that Elvis discovered him.

Jon found a nice spot at the counter, same tin ceiling and checkered floor from E’s time, and watched some crazy ole Japanese tourists yammering away about their new T-shirt, or was it one of them Crown Electric grease monkey shirts? Jon couldn’t tell, so he turned back to his float. Coca-Cola and vanilla ice cream. Nice ole bubbly sweet mixture.

He thought about Perfect for a while. Thought about that Coca-Cola-bottle shaped body and the sweet taste of her. Then he remembered her lyin’ in that filth, or maybe that was just a dream, and then there was no more of her. Kind of like she’d never shared his air.

Jon asked for another float.

The kid workin’ the cafe reminded him of when he first come up to Memphis. Hair greased into a ducktail. Tough long sideburns, longer than even E’s, almost down to his chin, and a tattoo on his neck. But he was small in his ways, the way Jon had once been when he’d been Jesse Garon. He never realized how large you could be. Didn’t realize all the ways you could grow and be one with E.

But you could tell the kid just liked sharin’ the space that the Man once knew. And that made him feel a bond with the fella. Jon pulled out a roll of hunnerds from his pocket and lay down a couple.

“Good luck on your way with E,” he said.

“You in a show?” the kid asked.

“I ain’t a performer,” Jon said.

The kid watched him, making his eyes small. But he scooped up the money like a hungry dog and got to wipin’ down the bar.

The bar didn’t have a crumb on it, but the kid kept on rubbing it anyway. Kept it smooth and neat. Somethin’ about the rag over the wood made Jon think about Ransom.

He thought about Ransom sendin’ him up to Memphis for a triple hit with no backup. Just alone.

The kid kept searching for crumbs.

Jon knew he could hit the bond shop and take them all out in two shakes of a lamb’s tail. But the dang office was a squirt of piss away from the jail. Them cops would be all over him before he’d hit the door runnin’.

He needed somethin’ quieter. He needed somethin’ to hush up his gun.

Just as he was thinkin’ who in Memphis could handle such a device, the cell phone in the front pocket of Jon’s black leather jacket began to ring. He answered it.

It was Ransom.

Ransom said there had been some kind of big change in the plans.
