About the Author

Jus Accardo is the author of YA paranormal romance and urban fantasy fiction. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald. When not writing, she can be found volunteering at the local animal shelter or indulging her passion for food. After being accepted to the Culinary Institute of America, she passed on the spot to pursue a career in writing and has never looked back. As far as she’s concerned, she has the coolest job on earth—making stuff up for a living. She is the author of the Denazen series: Touch, Toxic, and Tremble, as well as the Darker Agency series and the upcoming new adult Ruined. Visit her online at www.jusaccardo.com.

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BENT by Christine O’Neil

My name is Maggie Raynard, and apparently, I’m a succubus. Who knew, right? After sixteen years being just plain old Maggie, I found out I can kill people with my face hole. Sounds cool in theory, but when a boy kisses you and promptly Rip Van Winkles, things go to shit pretty fast. That was months ago, and he’s still not awake. To top it off, the new guy at school, Mac Finnegan, has made it his prime objective to ruin my life. I’m stuck trying to deal with these new powers without any sort of guidance while also dealing with regular high school problems like dances and annoying guys who can’t seem to mind their own business. But Mac isn’t just any boy. He’s got secrets too. I’m going to find out what they are, even if it kills me…
