Choky - prison
CIGS - chief of the Imperial General Staff (head of the armed services)
croaker - badly wounded or dying
CQS - Company Quartermaster Sergeant
dekko - look around, observe
DLM - Division Legere Mechanique, i.e. a Light Armoured Division
GSO3 - General Staff Officer 3 - a British staff officer
HMG - His Majesty's Government
housewife - small standard-issue linen wallet containing needles, thread, spare buttons, darning wool and thimble
iggery - get on with it, move it
Irvin - thick sheepskin flying jacket made by the Irvin company for the RAF
IO - intelligence officer
Maggie - RAF slang for a Miles Magister aircraft
MO - medical officer
M/T - motor transport
O4 - German divisional general staff officer
OC - Officer Commanding
OCTU - Officer Cadet Training Unit
On the peg -under arrest
OP - observation post
ORs - other ranks (i.e. not commissioned officers)
poilus - old First World War name for French infantry
puggled - drunk
QA - Queen Alexandra Imperial Military Nursing Service
RASC - Royal Army Service Corps
RTR - Royal Tank Regiment
R/T - radio transmitter
RV - rendezvous
sitrep - situation report
Spandau - German light machine-gun; in May 1940, most were MG34s, but British troops tended to call all such weapons 'Spandaus' after the location stamp marked on the German Maxim guns of the First World War
Snowdrops - RAF Military Police
Stonk – a sustained artillery barrage
vic – V-shaped formation of three aircraft, with the lead plane at the point of the ‘V’