

Title Page

The Cauldron-Born

B. Beithne: Birch

L. Luis: Rowan

N. Nion: Ash

S. Saille: Willow

F. Fearn: Alder

The Crane-skin Bag

U. Uath: Hawthorn

D. Duir: Oak

T. Tinne: Holly

C. Coll: Hazel

Q. Quert: Apple

M. Muin: Vine

G. Gort: Ivy

The Region of the Summer Stars

NG. Ngetal: Broom

STR. Straif: Blackthorn

R. Ruis: Elder

A. Alim: Fir

O. Onn: Gorse

U. Ur: Heather

The Battle of the Trees

E. Eadha: Poplar

I. Idho: Yew

OI. Oindle: Spindle

UI. Uilleand: Honeysuckle

I. Iphin: Pine

AE. Phagos: Beech

Excerpt from Corbenic

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