I thank my agent, Darley Anderson, for his belief, enthusiasm and kindness. And for all their hard work, I thank everyone at The Darley Anderson Literary Agency.

Thanks to my publisher, Lynne Drew, for her insight and guidance.

Thanks to Amanda Ridout for her vision and thanks to everyone on the brilliant team at HarperCollins.

For outstanding achievement in editing and entertaining, thanks to my gifted editor, Wayne Brookes.

For their constant and gracious support, thanks to Moira Reilly and Fiona McIntosh.

For their expertise and their generosity in sharing it with a rookie, thanks to Ron Campbell, Dr Stuart Carr MRCSEd (A&E), Professor Marie Cassidy, Gerry Charlton Barrister-at-Law, Joan Deitch, Dick Driscoll, Jim Fuxa, Colin Hennessy, Martyn Linnie, Brett McHale, Tony O’Shea. They do the facts, I do the fiction; any mistakes are mine.

For their faith, love and laughter, I owe so much to my beloved family.

For their encouragement and the perfect environment for work and play, thanks to Sue Booth-Forbes, Maureen and Donal O’Sullivan and family, Anna Phillips, Una Brankin, Mary Maddison, Maggie Deas and Matthew Higgins.

Thanks to all my wonderful friends.

Special thanks to Brian and Dee for grabbing on, taking the leap and never ever letting go.
