BIG THANKS TO MY family and friends for their love and support, especially my amazing husband and my kids Harrison, Audrey, and Owen for putting up with all of Mommy's computer time.
Much appreciation to my wonderful agent Natasha Kern for her input and belief in me and my writing. To my editor Deb Werksman and the whole team at Sourcebooks, thank you for inviting me into your fold and loving da Vinci as much as I do.
Warm regards to Doug Manning, a pre-eminent authority on grief, for his knowledge and passion for helping people during their grief journey.
Special thanks to Sharon Sala, author extraordinaire, and to the members of my OK RWA chapter and Chicklit Writers of the World online chapter, especially Jenny Gardiner. Writing doesn't feel so solitary with friends like you.
To all the da Vinci scholars both in print and online, I couldn't have done it without you.
Lastly I must thank the Renaissance man himself, Leonardo da Vinci. It was his genius and approach to life that inspired me to write this novel. Five hundred years may separate us, but you'll always be my mentor and kindred spirit.