Linda turned the dogs loose from the cellar and King headed for home with his tail between his legs as if he had just been beaten. Linda giggled to see him run so fast and she licked her lips. It amazed her that such a little thing like a girl's tongue could have such power over a big, thick cock.

Rex marched along beside her as she headed for the house. Linda noticed that her mom's car was no longer in the driveway and she was curious about that as she stepped into the kitchen.

She stopped short when she saw a man sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. He looked awfully big, and handsome. He was wearing a T-shirt and very tight denims that accented the huge bulge of his manly crotch.

"Uh… hello," Linda stammered, closing the door after Rex lumbered inside.

"Hi," the man smiled. "You must be Linda. My name's Chet, Chet Maddox."

Linda immediately liked his grin and the way his eyes flashed, and his hands. He had nice hands. She wondered what they would feel like on her tits. She blushed at the thought.

"Where's my mom?" she asked, going to the sink for a drink of water.

"She went to the store," he told her. "Ran out of milk."

Linda smiled into her glass as she thought of his enormous pricking running out of milk.

"I'm glad you came home while I was still here," Chet said. "I want to talk to you."

"You do?"

"Yes," he replied. "Would you sit down for a minute?"

Frowning curiously, Linda perched her cute ass on the edge of a chair and peered steadily into the handsome man's face.

He then lit a cigarette. When the smoke streamed from his nostrils, Linda thought that was terribly sexy.

"Your mother and I just met today," he said, his grin made him look younger and friendly. "I know this is short notice, Linda, but you see, I kind of like your mom. To tell you the truth, she's the kind of woman I've been looking for."

"You mean she's a good piece," Linda giggled.

The guy's mouth fell open for a moment, then he laughed.

"I see you and I are going to get along just fine," he chuckled. "I guess we can be honest with each other."

"I'd like that," Linda said seriously.

She was already thinking of this man as the answer to her prayers. Wouldn't a horny guy like this help her get fucked by Rex? Or maybe by his own dog, King?

"Your mom thought this might be difficult," Chet said, heaving a sigh of relief. "I mean… well… with your dad missing and all. Myra thought you… well… that you'd resent having another man around the house."

"You mean, you're gonna live here?" Linda's mouth fell open.

"Not exactly," Chet chuckled. "But I live just over there, beyond your backyard, and… well… we thought we might get together often… if you know what I mean."

"You two want to fuck regularly?" Linda asked.

"Damn, kid," Chet's Adam's apple bobbed nervously. "You're not only honest, you're downright pointed about things! And here I was worrying about my language. Do you always call a spade a spade?"

"No," Linda said. "Only when my mom's not around. She thinks I'm a good little girl. And don't call me kid. I'm not a kid."

The man's eyes narrowed and he studied her pretty face for a moment.

"I don't know whether you're conning me or not. You don't look like… well… like you've had any sexual experience."

"If you mean, have I been laid," Linda smiled brightly. "No. But there's more to sex than just fucking."

"Christ!" Chet groaned. "Yeah, you're right there."

"I know I am," Linda cooed. "I saw you with my mom before."

"You did? When?"

"Don't panic, Chet," she reassured him. "You said we could be honest with each other. Let's be friends. I know I'm young but that doesn't mean I'm completely stupid. I saw what you and Mom were doing in her bedroom. I watched."

"Jesus!" the man groaned.

"I watch a lot," Linda laughed, her blue eyes ran over the man's handsome features and she added. "You know, of all the guys Mom fucks, I think you're the nicest."

"All the guys?" Chet rasped. "Does she have a lot of boyfriends?"

"Dozens," Linda giggled. "Why not? After all, she's such a sexy lady. Guys lust after her like bulls after a horny cow."

Chet dragged on his cigarette and stamped it out in the ashtray. He shook his head dolefully, muttering.

"Damn! I don't know if I can compete with that many studs."

"Oh, I think you can," Linda cooed. "I'll help you."

"You?" His eyes fastened on hers. "How?"

"I can tell you all the things my mom likes."

"I think I know what your mother likes," he murmured.

"I don't mean that," Linda said. "Any guy can fuck her. I mean, she's not a whore or anything like that. She's a wonderful mother, but she's been terribly lonely since my dad ran off. I know how she feels. Sometimes I feel terribly lonely, too. That's why I have Rex. We're very close."

Because Chet was so occupied with his own problem, he completely missed the girl's hint about the dog.

"If you told me those little secrets," he said, peering into her eyes. "I could ace out those other studs."

"That's what I mean," Linda said. "Most of those men drink too much. That's the first thing. My mom goes out and drinks a lot so she can pick up a well hung guy, but she doesn't like to drink."

"Oh shit!" Chet groaned. "And I just gave her some money for booze!"

"That's okay," Linda told him. "You didn't know any better. I'm just letting you in on mom's little secret. From now on, bring ice cream or flowers or…" she blushed and whispered, "… a big, stiff cock."

"God damn!" Chet gasped, surprised by her forthright behavior with him.

She didn't seem to be at all afraid of his presence. It made him curious.

"Aren't you afraid to talk like that around a guy?" he wanted to know.

"No," Linda replied. "Not around you. You're not like the losers mom usually brings home. She met you right here, in our own backyard."

"How did you know that?"

"I was peeking," Linda laughed. "I don't miss much that goes on around here. Mom doesn't know, though."

"I'll never tell her," Chet grinned.

"Good. I'll tell her I like you, then she won't feel funny having you around here a lot," he said. "And I'll tell you things all those other guys don't know about her and you'll be able to take over."

"Why are you being so nice?" Chet frowned deeply. "What's in it for you? I hope you're not looking for a father substitute."

Linda burst into gay laughter that made her ripe, jutting tits jiggle in her tight little dress.

"Heck, no!" she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling. "I need your help with something, too. I'll help you if you'll help me."

"What are you getting at?" Past experience with dizzy females made the man suspicious. "Just what do you want me to do?"

"Nothing you won't like doing," Linda giggled. "I want you to help me get Rex to fuck me," she whispered, petting Rex's head.

Chet's eyes widened and his mouth flapped soundlessly for a moment.

"Jesus H. Christ!" he finally gasped, his suspicions turning into total paranoia. "What is this?" he said. "Are you playing some kind of teen game with me? You must know you're giving me a whopping hard-on. What are you trying to do? Do you expect me to believe that a sexy young girl doesn't fuck wants to get laid by her dog?"

"But it's true!" Linda cried. "I'm not lying. Please don't get mad. When men get mad, I get scared. I mean it. I just want Rex to fuck me."

Chet calmed down in response to her plea for understanding and kindness.

"Look, kid. I mean Linda," he said. "I'm sorry I reacted that way, but you took me by surprise. You don't know what it does to a guy to think of a luscious female like you fucking a dog!"

"Then you'll help me?" Linda pleaded.

"Goddamn! You are serious," he rasped. "I. I… well, shit. Yes, I'll help you… if you really want to do that."

"Oh, I do!" Linda rasped. "You don't know how much."

"Have you ever fucked a dog before?" Chet wanted to know.

"No," Linda replied. "That's why I want to know. I'm ready for it. I get as lonely as my mom and just as horny."

"Christ!" Chet groaned, his erect cock throbbing painfully in his tight denims.

Linda's talk had gotten it bigger and harder than all of Myra's sexiness.

"I guess that excites you," Linda murmured. "Sorry about that. But it's kind of your own fault, you know. I was watching you do all those sexy things to Mom and I got so hot that I went down into the cellar with Rex and your dog, and I."

"King? You had King in your cellar?" Chet gasped. "Doing what?"

"Well, I was so hot that I let them lick me all over, then."

"You were naked?"

"Yes," she smiled. "After they licked me all over I was really horny, so I sucked them both off. I mean, while I sucked King, Rex licked my pussy, and."

"Wait!" Chet gasped. "Hold it! Stop! No more. Please, Linda, I. I can't take another second of this!"

"Goodness, is it that bad?" she cooed.

She bent over and peered under the table at Chet's crotch and saw the size and strength of his hard-on. Her blonde hair fell forward and when she sat up again, she tossed it back.

"Wow! You are hard!" she gasped. "I didn't know just talking to you could do that! But, don't worry, Mom will be back in a few minutes and she'll love it!"

Chet noticed the way she kept shifting him back to her mother, even thought she was the one who had gotten him stiff. But he let her think that that was indeed the solutions to his problem, although he knew it wasn't. He was already devising a way to get at the pretty, sexy teenager who wanted to be fucked by her dog.

Maybe he couldn't fuck her, but by God, he sure in hell could have a lot of fun with her.

"You know, Linda," he said. "If you've never been fucked by an animal, it might be risky to just plunge into it. I think you should see how it's done first."

"See how it's done?" She was confused. "How can I?"

"I have some films at my house," he told her. "I've been thinking, maybe you should come over some evening and watch a few. Just so you can see how animals fuck women."

"Tonight!" Linda squealed with excitement, her eyes lighting up.

Chet swallowed hard and fought back his urge to grab the cute little bitch and suck her tits right there. He pretended calmness, friendliness and the willingness to help.

"Okay, tonight," he said. "I'll have to tell a white lie to your mom."

"So will I!" Linda laughed. "But here's another secret for you. Eat my mom's cunt, then do a sixty-nine so she can get horny with your prick. And then fuck her pussy with your finger moving in and out of her ass. After that she won't mind if you take the night off! The only reason she fucks around with so many guys is that none of those drunks know how to make love to a woman. I've heard her say so. So she brings one guy home and maybe gets him to eat her box, then she fucks him. The next guy she sucks off, then fucks him. You see what I mean? She'd love to get all that with just one guy. It would have to be a helluva special guy. I think you're it."

"You're a remarkable girl," Chet said, sighing.

"Sexy, too, huh?" she giggled. "I know what you're thinking, but I know you're not the kind of man who takes advantage of a little girl. I feel safe with you. I don't even mind the way you look at me. There's something nice about you."

Chet could contain himself no longer.

"Let me see your tits," he said, lust deepening his voice.

Linda smiled at him. His urgent request made her feel grown-up and proud of her tits. She straightened her shoulders and made her tits thrust out.

"Really?" she cooed. "You want to look at them?"

"Yes," he gulped. "I won't touch them… unless you want me to."

"I've never shown them to anybody," she purred. "Not even the boys in school. Only Rex and King have seen them naked."

"I'd love to see them."

"Won't that just make you hornier?" Linda asked. "You have an awfully big cock already!"

"All the better for your mom," Chet grinned handsomely. "You'll be helping her by getting me real hot."

"I never thought of that," Linda cooed, giggling. "To tell you the truth, I like to cocktease. It's fun and exciting. Do you really want me to cocktease you?"

"Sure," Chet said, leaning back in his chair as if it didn't matter. "Go ahead."

Linda giggled and lifted her hands to the low neckline of her dress. She peered intently at the man as her fingers curled inside and gently lowered the dress down. More and more of her perfectly round tits came into his view and his cock pounded viciously in his denims.

Linda felt warm doing this and the warm feeling made her want to go through with it. She smiled sexily at Chet and peeled her dress down the way she had for the dogs. Her luscious tits lifted up and out, tipped by her mouth-watering pink nipples.

"Christ, they're gorgeous!" Chet rasped hotly, his horny eyes burning into them.

Linda could almost feel his lust from across the table and her nipples spiked beneath his hungry gaze. By habit, any time she bared her tits it was to have them licked by her pet dog.

She rose to her feet and her tits thrust up tightly before Chet's hot eyes. A shudder ran through Linda as she stepped closer to the man.

"You… you can suck them if you promise not to touch me," she stammered hotly.

Chet grinned in victory. It was perfectly clear that this young chick loved to have her tits licked and sucked. He glanced down at her dog, Rex, and immediately thought of the fact that a dog can't suck. It can only lick.

"Come here," he said hornily.

"Promise you won't touch me," Linda panted for breath, holding back.

"Promise," Chet said hornily.

Linda watched him put his hands behind his head and wait for her to move toward him. That gave her a sense of security that she needed.

She leaned down and fed her ripe, jutting tits to his mouth. First one, then the other. One at a time, he sucked her nipples. He pulled first one tit into his mouth and lashed it hornily with his big tongue as he sucked on it hard.

Linda quivered and moaned and her pussy got all wet.

"Ohhh! Here, do the other one!" she gasped.

She yanked her aching tit out of his mouth. Before he could say a word, she stuffed his mouth with her other tit. Chet chuckled to himself and sucked the hell out of her tit, chewing a little on her nipple.

"Oh!" Linda gasped, shivering. "What are you doing? Ohhh! Is this how boys suck tits? Oh, golly! Do more! Eww! Oh! Ohhh! I'm. I'm cummiiinnnggg!"

Chet sure didn't expect that. Shocked out of his wits, he tugged at her tit and nibbled her pink nipple wildly. He clutched the back of his head tensely to keep from tearing her dress off and with his mouth, lips, tongue and teeth, turned her luscious, aching tits on.

Linda quivered excitedly as great washes of creamy cum cascaded through her pussy-channel. Her whole cunt squirmed as she gyrated her cute ass.

"It's making me cum!" she squealed. "I didn't know it would feel like this! Ohhh! If only Rex could suck my tits like this!"

In that moment, Chet knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this horny teen was thoroughly hooked on her dog.

'But, so what?' he wondered. 'Why not? The kid had to have some sex pleasure, didn't she? Why not with her favorite pet. The animal she loved and trusted.'

He could understand that. Someday, when she was ready and ripe, she'd probably be fucking like crazy, just like her raunchy mom.

He wasn't aware of it but his horny tit-sucking was quickly getting Linda ripe and ready for some hot cunt-sucking. Her feverish young mind was already busy with urges to climb up on his chair, lift her dress way up, and mash her hot pussy down on his wonderful mouth.

But just then the front door opened.

"Oh!" Linda gasped.

She quickly jerked away from the hot man and quickly covered her thrusting tits. She plopped into her chair and fought to catch her breath. She squeezed her thighs tightly together against her creaming cunt and got good feelings in her cunt as her mom came into the kitchen.

"Oh, hello, sweetheart," her mother greeted, setting a pack of groceries on the table.

"Here, let me help you," Chet said quickly.

Her helped her unpack and put the groceries away, thus hiding his huge, throbbing cock. By the time the chore was done, he had managed to reduce the size of his hard-on.

"So, you two have met," Myra remarked.

"Uhh, yes, we have," Chet said, moving closer to her so she couldn't spot the wetness of his denims. "And we've been getting along just fine."

That statement made Myra look at her little girl. Linda smiled sweetly at her mother, then lowered her eyes. Myra's tits and cunt tingled.

'Linda liked him!' she thought. 'Marvelous!' "How about a drink?" Myra said, turning to the counter next to the sink.

Linda's eyes met Chet's. He smiled and winked at her.

"No, thanks," he said.

He moved up behind Myra and slipped his arms around her slender waist.

"I think I'd like some ice cream or something," he whispered against her ear.

Myra whirled in his arms and snaked hers around his neck.

"Really?" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "You want some ice cream? Oh, that's wonderful, Chet. I love ice cream! Now go sit down, you masher. I'll fix you something terrific. I make a wicked banana split."

"One for me, too!" Linda yelled.

"For the three of us," Myra said breathlessly.

As she fixed the goodies, Chet sat and lusted after Linda's goodies. Since her mom's back was turned, she decided to give the nice man a treat. She boldly and wickedly bared one of her firm, round tits and showed it to him. It was a promise of things to come.
