23 Winter 1987

Hedda hardly mentioned the dead sheep, the conversation with Ulf Jensen or the fires for the rest of the day. Instead, she chatted away as if everything was perfectly normal. She admired Laura’s makeup, said how pleased she was that Laura and Milla were getting along. Laura understood perfectly; Hedda wanted them to have a lovely Christmas together, without any unpleasantness like fires or dead animals. Laura actually liked the fact that Hedda was making such an effort.

And in any case, she’d already uncovered enough secrets. About Peter and Tomas. And about Milla, her new . . . new what?


* * *

After dinner they washed up together, with George rubbing against their legs as Hedda scraped the leftovers into one of the cat’s dishes.

‘The sauna’s heating up,’ she said. ‘I thought it was high time we took a winter dip – what do you think?’

‘Great idea!’

They waited until it was fully dark and the stars appeared in the sky. Changed outside the sauna, then ran out onto the pontoon with their towels over their shoulders. Someone, probably Jack, had cleared the snow from the pontoon, but Laura tiptoed along to avoid the cold wood. Hedda went down two rungs of the ladder and threw herself into the icy water. Laura stayed put. She knew she’d made a rookie error. The heat of the sauna was already leaving her body, and in seconds she would be shivering. But it was so lovely standing here gazing at the stars, the moon, the ice and the black water. She’d seen this sight so many times before, and for a little while it was actually possible to convince herself that nothing had changed. She dropped the towel and clambered onto the ladder. The metal was freezing cold to her hands and feet.

‘Exactly zero degrees,’ Hedda said, holding up the thermometer that was tied to the ladder. ‘Don’t hesitate, just jump in, Princess!’

Laura filled her lungs with air. Closed her eyes. Jumped.

* * *

Afterwards they walked back to the house together with that wonderful mixture of warmth and cold prickling their skin.

‘What shall we do tomorrow?’

Laura glanced up at the top floor of the boathouse. The lights were on, and Jack’s car was back.

‘Don’t know.’

Hedda had obviously noticed the glance. She stopped at the bottom of the steps.

‘Shall we see if Jack would like to join us for a cup of hot chocolate?’


Laura tried not to sound too keen. Part of her didn’t want to see Jack, another part wanted nothing more.

They climbed the steps and Hedda tapped gently on Jack’s front door. They heard noises from inside, but no one came. She knocked again, harder this time. The curtain at the window moved, then the door opened. Jack was in his underpants and T-shirt, and looked as if he’d just woken up.

‘Were you asleep?’


He stood in the doorway, deliberately filling the narrow space. Laura stood on tiptoe to try and see over his shoulder, but the light had been switched off.

‘We wondered if you’d like a hot chocolate?’

‘Thanks, but not tonight. I’m really tired.’

He smiled uncomfortably. The atmosphere changed. Hedda could feel it too.

‘No problem – goodnight then.’


Jack closed the door and Laura heard the key turn in the lock.

There was something in his apartment that he didn’t want them to see. Something or someone. The realisation made her jealousy flare up, and the pain in her stomach came back. She wondered whether to say anything to Hedda, but couldn’t make up her mind.

They lingered at the top of the steps for a few moments. The view from up here was so beautiful – the white blanket of snow embracing the lake, the black water reflecting the lights.

In the distance they heard the sound of sirens, rising and falling tones coming closer and closer until they stopped abruptly.

‘Can you smell smoke?’ Hedda said.

Laura stopped brooding about Jack and sniffed the night air.

‘I think so.’

Beyond the trees, over towards the village, they saw a flickering glow in the sky. The smell of smoke grew stronger.

Another siren, then another.

‘Let’s get you inside,’ Hedda said, putting her arm around Laura.
