WARREN ELLIS is an author, graphic novelist, columnist, and speaker. His latest novel, Gun Machine, was released in January 2013, and is being developed for television by Chernin Entertainment and FOX.
Crooked Little Vein, his first novel, was described by Joss Whedon as “Funny, inventive, and blithely appalling… Dante on paint fumes.”
His graphic novel RED was made into a successful film starring Bruce Willis and Helen Mirren, and its sequel film will be released in August 2013. His other graphic novels, including Transmetropolitan, Planetary, Ministry of Space, Global Frequency, Gravel, and Freakangels, have won multiple awards, including a Lifetime Achievement Prize from the Eagle Awards and the NUIG Lit & Deb’s President’s Medal in recognition of support for free speech.
Previously a commentator for Reuters and Wired (UK), he is currently writing a weekly column for Vice.
His first nonfiction book, Spirit Tracks, is due in 2014 from FSG Originals. He lives mostly in Britain.