Sam Carter might have been an old fool, but he made a pretty good stab at being clever. It didn’t take us long to find the red Jeep, since it was parked squarely in Sam’s driveway on Ridgeway. I could think of a couple of reasons why Sam would borrow his son’s distinctive vehicle, only one of them innocent.
I pulled in close beside the little Jeep and got out. Unless it was inside the garage, Sam’s Explorer was gone. Bob Torrez drove on up the street to the dead end and turned around, idling his patrol car to a stop by the curb just as I reached the front door of Carter’s house.
I could hear a television inside, and when I rang the doorbell a dog started yapping. I heard Kenny Carter’s voice over the ding, and the dog shut up just as the front door was pulled open.
The youngster took a step backward when he saw me, and then he ducked his head sideways, looking past me to catch a glimpse of the two patrol cars out in the street.
“How you doin’, Kenny,” I said. “I need to speak with your dad.”
“He’s not here.”
“Your mom?”
“She’s got Thursday night bowling. She’ll be home about nine or ten.”
And what a homecoming that will be, I thought. “I see. Well, say, do you happen to know where your dad went? You think he might be down at the store?” Tom Mears had headed directly for the Family SuperMarket, and when he called in momentarily it wouldn’t matter much what Kenny said.
Kenny glanced at his wristwatch. “That’s where he said he was headed. His car’s on the fritz and he was hunting around for some part. He borrowed my Jeep to run a couple of errands.”
“And then he came back and got his own car?”
Kenny nodded and shrugged. “I guess he found what he needed.”
“I guess he did,” I said. “We’ll check there,” I added, and started to turn away.
“Store’s closed now, though. At six,” Kenny offered. “That’s why he was going to do some work. After-hours. He kinda likes to do that, especially when Mom’s out.”
“I see,” I said, and regarded Kenny for a moment. If he was lying, if he actually knew what his father was up to, he deserved an Academy Award. “Thanks.”
The undersheriff and I met in the middle of the street.
“Kenny said his father was heading for the store.”
“The store’s locked up,” Torrez said. “Mears is keeping an eye on it, but Sam’s car isn’t there. No sign of anyone inside.”
“What did Howard find out at the Posadas Inn?”
“He hasn’t called in,” Torrez said. He opened his cell phone, clicked it on, and waited while the circuits did their thing.
“Any luck?” Bob said, and then frowned while he waited. I could imagine Howard Bishop’s slow, measured tones, never too excited about anything. “You’re sure,” Bob said and nodded as if the sergeant could hear the head motion, then added, “Probably you ought to stay down at that end.” He snapped the phone shut. “Nothing.”
“He could have used another name,” I said. “He’s well known, all right, but if the right kid was working the registration desk, he wouldn’t know Sam from Adam.”
“Howard said he’s going to go through the register one name at a time and check the vehicle registrations. Maybe he’ll turn up something.”
“So,” I said, hands on hips and standing squarely in the middle of Ridgeway, “where the hell did he go? If he wants to be home by the time his wife is finished with her bowling, then he’s got until about nine o’clock.” I glanced at my watch. “Two hours and fifteen minutes. If he was taking the girl out of town, that’s not enough time.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Maybe he’s got a friend somewhere,” I said. “If Sam wanted to be discreet and rent a room, then the Posadas Inn is just about it…the only game in town. If it’s somewhere private, who the hell knows. Put out a bulletin for the vehicle. He doesn’t have much of a head start if he was heading out of town.”
“Been there, done that,” Torrez said. “He’s not going to go anywhere on the interstate or the major state highways.”
“And if he’s smart, he’s kicking dust somewhere on a dirt road,” I said.
“To where?”
I grinned. “Hell of a good question.” Torrez’s cell phone chirped again and he had it out and to his ear before I could tell him the damn thing was ringing.
“Yo,” he said, and listened intently. I saw a grin starting to spread across his face. “Outstanding,” he said, turning toward his vehicle. “We’ll be there in about two minutes. Wait for us. And make sure Gayle is there.”
Torrez was yanking open the door of his car even as he said over his shoulder to me, “He didn’t reserve a room today, sir.” He grinned. “It was yesterday evening. The night auditor remembers the call.”
Two minutes was an exaggeration. We hit the parking lot of the Posadas Inn so fast we practically went airborne. Sgt. Howard Bishop was standing on the concrete skirt that wrapped around the building. As I got out of the car, he held up a key.
“Room two-oh-seven. The night auditor said that Sam Carter reserved the room for two days for his brother and sister-in-law.”
I heard another engine and turned in time to see Tom Pasquale pull in beside 310, with Gayle Torrez riding shotgun. “Let’s go visit this brother and sister-in-law,” I said. As Tom fell in step beside me, I said, “I thought you were supposed to be moving.”
“We are, sir. But I checked in with Dispatch and there was so much going on that I figured I’d better get in on it.” He grinned.
We found the outside stairway, tucked in beside the soda and ice machines, and Torrez and Pasquale were up the stairs and padding down the hallway before I’d taken five steps. Room 215 sat on the corner by the stairs, with 207 just about halfway down the hall.
A DO NOT DISTURB sign was hooked over the doorknob.
Bishop had the key in hand, but I held up a hand. “Why don’t we just knock?” I said.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tom Pasquale drift off to one side, and his hand was on the butt of his service automatic. If he drew the damn thing, I didn’t want him standing behind me.
I rapped on the door just loud enough that the occupant, if there was one, would hear it even if in the bathroom. There was no response, and I knocked again. This time, a small voice said, “Who is it?” The three words were enough. I could picture the kid standing on the other side of the heavy door, scared and alone. It sure as hell wasn’t Carter’s sister-in-law.
I glanced at Gayle and she nodded. “Jennifer? It’s Sheriff Gastner.” That brought no response, and I added, “We met down at your grandpa’s place. Remember? Yesterday, or whenever it was?” I tried to imagine what the girl was doing while the crowd of law enforcement types stood outside her door. Unless she wanted to climb out the window, this was her only exit.
“Jennifer? Are you all right? You need to open the door.”
She didn’t answer, and Howard reached out with the key. I didn’t know why, but at the moment it seemed important to me that Jennifer open the door herself, if she could. I waved Bishop off and said, “Jennifer, it’s over. Nobody else is coming. It’s just us. Your mother’s waiting for you.”
I tipped my head, listening hard. I thought I could hear the padding of feet coming across the carpet. Sure enough, the dead bolt snicked back and the door opened an couple of inches against the security chain. Jennifer Sisson’s round face peered out, and I felt such a surge of relief that an audible groan escaped from me.
“You OK?” I said. How any scared kid stuck by herself in a motel room could be OK looking out into a hallful of sober-faced strangers was beyond me. She managed a small nod. “Gayle and I want to come in, all right?”
Jennifer pushed the door shut, slipped the chain, and then pulled it open. I stepped into the room, and Gayle slipped in and wrapped an arm protectively around the girl. “Did Sam say that he was coming back in a little bit?” I asked.
“Sam who?” She was a rotten liar. “I don’t know any Sam.” She retreated back to one of the black vinyl chairs tucked under the window table.
“Sam Carter picked you up at the burger place across the street from your house. He reserved this room yesterday, sweetheart. So yes. You know Sam Carter. When’s he coming back? Tonight sometime?”
“Yes.” I saw the blush spread up her neck, turning her plump cheeks crimson. “He said he’d be right back.”
“Did he tell you who he was going to get?”
Jennifer shook her head.
“And then what? Where were you going after that?”
“Nowhere,” Jennifer said, almost inaudibly. “Just home. I told Mom I’d be out for a while. I figured she wouldn’t care all that much.”
“Well, she does. She cares about you and she cares about the baby. I wonder…” Jennifer didn’t have a chance to learn what I wondered. The small handheld radio on my belt barked loudly, “Three ten, three oh seven on channel three.”
I pulled the radio off the clip and keyed the mike. “Go ahead, three oh seven.”
“Three ten, be advised that a black Ford Explorer, license three-seven-three Victor Charlie Kilo, is parked on Rincon Avenue, just behind the Register.”
“That’s a just a block north of the supermarket,” I said to no one in particular. “Three oh seven, are there any occupants?”
“Negative, three ten. The back door of the store is unlatched, though.”
“Stay put. We’ll be there in about a minute and a half. If the owner of the vehicle shows up, take him into custody.”
I pulled the door open and beckoned to Tom Pasquale. “Thomas, you and Gayle take Miss Sisson home. Gayle, you stay at the Sissons’ until you hear from me. I don’t care what Mrs. Sisson does or doesn’t say. And, Thomas, as soon as you’ve dropped them off and you’ve made sure that Deputy Taber is with them, post yourself over at the Carters’ place on Ridgeway. I don’t want Kenny going anywhere until this mess is sorted out. If he argues, take him into custody.”
“Yes, sir.”
I turned to Bishop. “Howard, you need to stay here in case someone shows up. Who the hell knows. Whoever it is, take ’em into custody, too, and charge ’em with conspiracy for starters. Hell, we might as well just round up the whole goddamn town.” I took Torrez by the elbow. “Let’s see what Carter’s up to.”