I stood in a place
where all shadows converged
the end of the Path of Hands
Soletaken and D'ivers
through the gates of truth
where from the darkness
all mysteries emerged.
The Path
Trout Sen'al'Bhok'arala
They came upon the four bodies at the edge of an upthrust of roots that seemed to mark the entrance to a vast maze. The figures were contorted, limbs shattered, their dark robes twisted and stiff with dried blood.
Recognition arrived dull and heavy in Mappo's mind, an answering of suspicions that came with little surprise. Nameless Ones. . Priests of the Azath, if such entities can have priests. How many cold hands have guided us here? Myself. . Icarium. . these two twisted roots. . journeying to Tremorlor-
With a grunt, Icarium stepped forward, his eyes on a broken staff lying beside one of the corpses. 'I have seen those before,' he said.
The Trell frowned at his friend. 'How? Where?'
'In a dream.'
The Jhag gave him a half-smile. 'Oh yes, Mappo, I have dreams.' He faced the bodies again. 'It began as all such dreams begin. I am stumbling. In pain. Yet I bear no wounds, and my weapons are clean. No, the pain is within me, as of a knowledge once gained, then lost yet again.'
Mappo stared at his friend's back, struggling to comprehend his words.
'I arrive,' the Jhag continued in dry tones, 'at the outskirts of a town. A Trellish town on the plain. It has been destroyed. Scars of sorcery stain the ground … the air. Bodies rot in the streets, and Great Ravens have come to feed — their laughter is the voice of the stench.'
'And then a woman appears, dressed as are these here before us. A priestess. She holds a staff, from which fell power still bleeds.
'"What have you done?" I ask her.
'"Only what is necessary," is her soft reply. I see in her face a great fear as she looks upon me, and I am saddened by it. "Jhag, you must not wander alone."
'Her words seem to call up terrible memories. And images, faces — companions, countless in number. As if I have rarely been alone. Men and women have walked at my side, sometimes singly, sometimes in legion. These memories fill me with grief, as if in some way I have betrayed every one of those companions.' He paused, and Mappo saw his head slowly nod. 'Indeed, I understand this now. They were all guardians, like you, Mappo. And they all failed. Were, perhaps, killed by my own hand.'
He shook himself. 'The priestess sees what lies writ upon my face, for hers becomes its mirror. Then she nods. Her staff blossoms with sorcery … and I wander a lifeless plain, alone. The pain is gone — where it had lodged within me, there is now nothing. And, as I feel my memories drift apart… away … I sense I have but dreamed. And so awaken.' He turned then, offered Mappo a dreadful smile.
Impossible. A twisting of the truth. I saw the slaughter with my own eyes. I spoke with the priestess. You have been visited in your dreams, Icarium, with fickle malice.
Fiddler cleared his throat. 'Looks like they were guarding this entrance. Whatever found them proved too much.'
'They are known on the Jhag Odhan,' Mappo said, 'as the Nameless Ones.'
Icarium's eyes hardened on the Trell.
'That cult,' Apsalar muttered, 'is supposed to be extinct.'
The others looked at her. She shrugged. 'Dancer's knowledge.'
Iskaral sputtered. 'Hood take their rotting souls! Presumptuous bastards one and all — how dare they make such claims?'
'What claims?' Fiddler growled.
The High Priest hugged himself. 'Nothing. Speak nothing of it, yes. Servants of the Azath — pah! Are we naught but pieces on a gameboard? My master scoured them from the Empire, yes. A task for the Talons, as Dancer will tell you. A necessary cleansing, a plucking of a thorn from the Emperor's side. Slaughter and desecration. Merciless. Too many vulnerable secrets — corridors of power — oh, how they resented my master's entry into Deadhouse-'
'Iskaral!' Apsalar snapped.
The priest ducked as if cuffed.
Icarium faced the young woman. 'Who voiced that warning? Through your mouth — who spoke?'
She fixed cool eyes on him. 'Possessing these memories enforces a responsibility, Icarium, just as possessing none exculpates.'
The Jhag flinched.
Crokus had edged forward. 'Apsalar?'
She smiled. 'Or Cotillion? No, it is just me, Crokus. I am afraid I have grown weary of all these suspicions. As if I have no self unstained by the god who once possessed me. I was but a girl when I was taken. A fisherman's daughter. But I am no mere girl any more.'
Her father's sigh was loud. 'Daughter,' he rumbled, 'we ain't none of us what we once were, and there ain't nothing simple in what we've gone through to get here.' He scowled, as if struggling for words. 'But you ordered the High Priest to shut up, to protect secrets that Dancer — Cotillion — would want kept that way. So Icarium's suspicions were natural enough.'
'Yes,' she countered, 'I am not a slave to what I was. I decide what to do with the knowledge I possess. I choose my own causes, Father.'
Icarium spoke. 'I stand chastised, Apsalar.' He faced Mappo again. 'What more do you know of these Nameless Ones, friend?'
Mappo hesitated, then said, 'Our tribe welcomed them as guests, but their visits were rare. I believe, however, that indeed they view themselves as servants of the Azath. If Trell legends hold any truth, then the cult may well date from the time of the First Empire-'
'They have been eradicated!' Iskaral shrieked.
'Within the borders of the Malazan Empire, perhaps,' Mappo conceded.
'My friend,' Icarium said, 'you are withholding truths. I would hear them.'
The Trell sighed. 'They have taken it upon themselves to recruit your guardians, Icarium, and have done so since the beginning.'
'That I do not know. Now that you ask it-' He frowned. 'An interesting question. Dedication to noble vows? Protection of the Azath?' Mappo shrugged.
'Hood's stubby ankles!' Rellock growled. 'Might be guilt, for all we know.'
All eyes swung to him.
After a long, silent moment, Fiddler shook himself. 'Come on, then. Into the maze.'
Arms and limbs. What clawed at the binding roots, what stretched and twisted in a hopeless effort to pull free, what reached out in supplication, in silent appeal and in deadly offer from all sides, was an array of imprisoned life, and few among those horridly animate projections were human in origin.
Fiddler's imagination failed his compulsive desire to fashion likely bodies, heads and faces to such limbs, even as he knew that the reality of what lay hidden within the woven walls would pale his worst nightmares.
Tremorlor's gnarled gaol of roots held demons, ancient Ascendants and such a host of alien creatures that the sapper was left trembling in the realization of his insignificance and that of all his kind. Humans were but one tiny, frail leaf on a tree too massive even to comprehend. The shock of that unmanned him, mocking his audacity with an endless echo of ages and realms trapped within this mad, riotous prison.
They could hear battles raging on all sides, thus far mercifully in other branches of the tortured maze. The Azath was being assailed from all fronts. The sound of snapping, shattering wood cracked through the air. Bestial screams rent the iron-smeared air above them, voices lost from the throats that released them, voices the only thing that could escape this terrifying war.
The crossbow's stock was slick with sweat in Fiddler's hands as he edged forward, keeping to the centre of the path, beyond the reach of those grasping, unhuman hands. A sharp bend lay just ahead. The sapper crouched down, then glanced back at the others.
Only three Hounds remained. Shan and Gear had set off, taking divergent paths. Where they were now and what was happening to them Fiddler had no idea, but Baran, Blind and Rood did not seem perturbed at their absence. The sightless female padded at Icarium's side as if she was nothing more than a well-trained companion to the Jhag. Baran held back as rearguard, while Rood — pale, mottled, a solid mass of muscle — waited not five paces from Fiddler's position, motionless. Its eyes, a dark liquid brown, seemed fixed on the sapper.
He shivered, his gaze flicking once again to Blind. At Icarium's side. . so dose … He understood that proximity all too clearly, as did Mappo. If bargains could be struck with a House of the Azath, then Shadowthrone had managed it. The Hounds would not be taken — as much as Tremorlor would have yearned for such prizes, for the abrupt and absolute removal of these ancient killers — no, the deal involved a much greater prize …
Mappo stood on the Jhag's other side, the burnished long-bone club raised before him. A surge of compassion flooded Fiddler. The Trell was being torn apart from within. He had more than just shapeshifters to guard against — there was, after all, the companion he loved as a brother.
Crokus and Apsalar, the former with his fighting knives out and held in admirably relaxed grips, flanked Servant. Pust slunk along a step behind them.
And this is what we are. This, and no more than this.
He had paused before the bend in response to an instinctive hesitation that seemed to wrap an implacable grip around his spine. Go no farther. Wait. The sapper sighed. Wait for what?
His eyes, still wandering over the group behind him, caught on something, focused.
Rood's hackles had begun a slow rise.
Movement exploded all around him, a massive shape barrelling into view directly ahead with a roar that turned Fiddler's marrow into spikes of ice. And above, a thudding flapping of leathery wings, huge talons darting down.
The charging Soletaken was a brown bear, as big as a noble-born's carriage, both flanks brushing the root walls of the maze, where arms were pulled, stretched, hands closed on thick fur. The sapper saw one unhuman limb torn from the trio of joints that formed its shoulder, spurting old, black blood. Ignoring these desperate efforts as if they were no more than burrs and thorns, the bear lunged forward.
Fiddler dropped to the root-bound floor — the bark hot and greasy with some kind of sweat — sparing no breath to shout even a warning. Not that it was needed.
The bear's underside swept over him in a blur, the fur pale and smeared in blood, then it was past, even as the sapper rolled to follow its attack.
The bear's attention was fixed exclusively on the blood-red enkar'al hovering before it — another Soletaken, shrieking with rage. The bear's paws lashed out, closing on empty air as the winged reptile darted backward — and into the reach of Mappo's club.
Fiddler could not fathom the strength behind the Trell's two-handed, full-shouldered swing. The weapon's tusked head struck the enkar'al's ridged chest and plunged inward with a snapping of bones. The enkar'al, itself the size of an ox, seemed literally to crumple and fold around that blow. Wing bones broke, neck and head were thrown forward, eyes and nostrils spraying blood.
The reptilian Soletaken was dead before it struck the root wall. Talons and hands received and held it.
'No!' Mappo roared.
Fiddler's gaze darted to Icarium — but the Jhag was not the cause of the Trell's cry, for the Hound Rood had attacked the massive bear, striking it from the side.
With a scream the Soletaken lurched sideways, up against the root wall. Few were the reaching limbs that could hold fast such a beast, yet one awaited it, one wrapped its green-skinned length around the bear's thick neck, and that one possessed a strength beyond even the Soletaken's.
Rood clamped a flailing paw in its jaws, crushing bones, then tore the appendage away with savage shakes of its head.
'Messremb!' the Trell bellowed, struggling in Icarium's restraining grip. 'An ally!'
'A Soletaken!' Iskaral Pust shrieked, dancing around.
Mappo sagged suddenly. 'A friend,' he whispered.
And Fiddler understood. The first friend lost this day. The first. .
Tremorlor laid claim to both shapeshifters as roots snaked out, wrapping around the newcomers. The two beasts now faced each other on their respective walls — their eternal resting places. The Soletaken bear, blood gushing from the stump at the end of one limb, struggled on, but even its prodigious strength was useless against the otherworldly might of the Azath and the arm that held it, now tightening. Messremb's constricted throat struggled to find air. The red rims around its dark-brown eyes took on a bluish cast, the eyes bulging from their damp, streaked nests of fur.
Rood had pulled away and was placidly devouring the severed paw, bones and flesh and fur.
'Mappo,' Icarium said, 'see that stranger's arm crushing the life from him — do you understand? Not an eternal prison for Messremb. Hood will take him — death will take him, as it did the enkar'al…'
The entwining roots from the opposing walls reached out to each other, almost touching.
'The maze finds a new wall,' Crokus said.
'Quickly then,' Fiddler snapped, only now regaining his feet. 'Everyone to this side.'
They moved on, silent once again. Fiddler found his hands trembling incessantly now where they gripped his pitiful weapon. The strengths and savagery he had witnessed minutes earlier clashed with such alarm that it left his mind numb.
We cannot survive this. A hundred Hounds of Shadow would not be enough. Such shapeshifting creatures have arrived in their thousands, all here, all in Tremorlor's grounds — how many will reach the House? Only the strongest. The strongest. . And what is it we dare? To step within the House, to find the gate that will take us to Malaz City, to the Deadhouse itself. Gods, we are but minor players. . with one exception, a man we cannot afford to unleash, a man even the Azath fears.
Sounds of fierce battle assailed them from all sides. The other corridors of this infernal maze played host to a mayhem that Fiddler knew they themselves would soon be unable to avoid. Indeed, those terrible sounds had grown louder, closer. We're getting nearer the House. We're all converging …
He stopped, turning towards the others. He left his warning unspoken, for every face, every set of eyes that met his, bespoke the same knowledge.
Claws clattered ahead and the sapper whirled to see Shan arrive, slowing quickly from a frantic run. Her flanks were heaving, tracked in countless wounds.
Oh, Hood. .
Another sound reached them, approaching from up the trail, from where the Hound had just come.
'He was warned!' Icarium cried. 'Gryllen! You were warned!'
Mappo had wrapped his arms around the Jhag. Icarium's sudden surge of anger stilled the air on all sides — as if an entire warren had drawn breath. The Jhag was motionless in that embrace, yet the sapper saw the Trell's arms strain, stretch to an unseen force. The sound that broke from Mappo was a thing of such pain, such distress and fear that Fiddler sagged, tears starting from his eyes.
The Hound Blind stepped away from Icarium's side, and the shock of seeing her tail dip jolted through the sapper.
Rood and Baran joined Shan, forming a nervous barrier — leaving Fiddler on the wrong side. He scrambled back, his limbs moving jerkily, as if weakened by a gallon of wine in his veins. His gaze held on Icarium, as the edge they now all tottered on finally revealed itself, promising horror.
All three Hounds flinched and jolted back a step. Fiddler spun about. The path ahead was closed into a new wall, a seething, swarming wall. Oh, my, we meet again.
The girl was no more than eleven or twelve, wearing a leather vest on which was stitched overlapping bronze scales — flattened coins, in fact — and the spear she held in her hands was heavy enough to waver as she resolutely maintained her guard stance.
Felisin glanced down at the basketful of braided flowers at the girl's bare, dusty feet. 'You've some skill with those,' she said.
The young sentry glanced again at Leoman, then the Toblakai.
'You may lower your weapon,' the desert warrior said.
The spear's trembling point dropped down to the sand.
The Toblakai's voice was hard, 'Kneel before Sha'ik Reborn!'
She was prostrate in an instant.
Felisin reached down and touched the girl's head. 'You may rise. What is your name?'
As she climbed hesitantly upright, she answered with a shake of her head.
'Likely one of the orphans,' Leoman said. 'None to speak for her in the naming rite. Thus, she has no name, yet she would give her life for you, Sha'ik Reborn.'
'If she would give her life for me, then she has earned a name. So with the other orphans.'
'As you wish — who then will speak for them?'
'I shall, Leoman.'
The edge of the oasis was marked by low, crumbling mudbrick walls and a thin scatter of palms under which sand crabs scuttled through dry fronds. A dozen white goats stood in nearby shade, light-grey eyes turned towards the newcomers.
Felisin reached down and collected one of the bracelets of braided flowers. She slipped it over her right wrist.
They continued on into the heart of the oasis. The air grew cooler; the pools of shadow they passed through were a shock after so long under unrelieved sunlight. The endless ruins revealed that a city had once stood here, a city of spacious gardens and courtyards, pools and fountains, all reduced to stumps and low ridges.
Corrals ringed the camp, the horses within them looking healthy and fit.
'How large is this oasis?' Heboric asked.
'Can you not enquire of the ghosts?' Felisin asked.
'I'd rather not. This city's destruction was anything but peaceful. Ancient invaders, crushing the last of the First Empire's island enclaves. The thin sky-blue potsherds under our feet are First Empire, the thick red ones are from the conquerors. From something delicate to something brutal, a pattern repeated through all of history. These truths weary me, down to my very soul.'
'The oasis is vast,' Leoman told the ex-priest. 'There are areas that hold true soil, and these we have planted with forage and crops. A few ancient cedar stands remain, amidst stumps that have turned to stone. There are pools and lakes, the water fresh and unending. Should we choose, we need never leave this place.'
'How many people?'
'Eleven tribes. Forty thousand of the best-trained cavalry this world has ever seen.'
Heboric grunted. 'And what can cavalry do against legions of infantry, Leoman?'
The desert warrior grinned. 'Only change the face of war, old man.'
'It's been tried before,' Heboric said. 'What has made the Malazan military so successful is its ability to adapt, to alter tactics — even on the field of battle. You think the Empire has not met horse cultures before, Leoman? Met, and subdued. A fine example would be the Wickans, or the Seti.'
'And how did the Empire succeed?'
'I am not the historian for such details — they never interested me. Had you a library with Imperial texts — works by Duiker and Tallobant — you could read for yourself. Assuming you can read Malazan, that is.'
'You define the limits of their region, the map of their seasonal rounds. You take and hold water sources, building forts and trading posts — for trade weakens your enemy's isolation, the very source of their power. And, depending on how patient you are, you either fire the grasslands and slaughter every animal on four legs, or you wait, and to every band of youths that rides into your settlements, you offer the glory of war and booty in foreign lands, with the promise to keep the group intact as a fighting unit. Such a lure plucks the flower from those tribes, until none but old men and old women mutter about the freedom that once existed,' Leoman replied.
'Ah, someone's done their reading, then.'
'Aye, we possess a library, Heboric. A vast one, at Sha'ik Elder's insistence. "Know your enemy better than they know themselves." So said Emperor Kellanved.'
'No doubt, though I dare say he wasn't the first.'
The mudbrick residences of the tribes appeared on all sides as the group emerged from an avenue between horse pens. Children ran in the sandy streets, trader carts pulled by mules and oxen were slowly winding their way out from the centre, the market done for the day. Packs of dogs came forward to assuage their curiosity, then fled at the rank challenge of the stiff roll of white bear fur resting across the Toblakai's broad shoulders.
A crowd began to gather, following them as they made their way towards the settlement's heart. Felisin felt a thousand eyes on her, heard the uncertain murmuring. Sha'ik, yet not Sha'ik. Yet Sha'ik, for look at her two favoured bodyguards, the Toblakai and Leoman of the Wastes, the great warriors thinned by their journey into the desert. The prophecy spoke of rebirth, a renewal. Sha'ik has returned. At long last, and she is reborn. Sha'ik Reborn-
'Sha'ik Reborn!' The two words found a hissing cadence, a rhythm like waves, growing louder. The crowds burgeoned, word spreading with swift breath.
'I hope there's a clearing or amphitheatre at the centre,' Heboric muttered. He gave Felisin an ironic grin. 'When did we last travel a crowded street, lass?'
'Better from shame to triumph than the other way around, Heboric'
'Aye, I'll not argue that.'
'There is a parade ground before the palace tent,' Leoman said.
'Palace tent? Ah, a message of impermanence, a symbol saluting tradition — the power of the old ways of life and all that.'
Leoman turned to Felisin. 'Your companion's lack of respect could prove problematic, Sha'ik Reborn. When we meet the High Mages-'
'He'll wisely keep his mouth shut.'
'He had better.'
'Cut out his tongue,' the Toblakai growled. 'Then we need not worry.'
'No?' Heboric laughed. 'You underestimate me still, oaf. I am blind, yet I see. Cut out my tongue and oh, how I shall speak! Relax, Felisin, I'm no fool.'
'You are if you continue using her old name,' Leoman warned.
Felisin left them to bicker, sensing that, at last, despite the sharp edges to the words they threw at one another, a bond was developing between the three men. Not something as simple as friendship — the Toblakai and Heboric had chains of hatred linking them, after all — but one of experiences shared. My rebirth is what they share, even as they stand as points of a triangle, with Leoman the apex. Leoman, the man with no beliefs. They were nearing the settlement's centre. She saw a platform to one side, a disc-shaped dais surrounding a fountain. 'There, to start.'
Leoman turned in surprise. 'What?'
'I would speak to these followers.'
'Now? Before we meet with the High Mages?'
'You would make the three most powerful men in this camp wait?'
'Would that concern Sha'ik, Leoman? Does my rebirth require their blessing? Unfortunately they weren't there, were they?'
'Time for you to shut your mouth, Leoman,' Heboric said, not unkindly.
'Clear a path for me, Toblakai,' Felisin said.
The giant swung abruptly, cutting directly for the platform. He said nothing, for nothing was needed. His presence alone split the mob, peeled it back on both sides in hushed silence.
They reached the dais. 'I shall need your lungs to start, Toblakai. Name me once I've ascended.'
'I shall, Chosen One.'
Heboric snorted softly. 'Now that's an apt title.'
A cascade of thoughts swept through Felisin as she climbed onto the stone platform. Sha'ik Reborn, that dark cloak of Dryjhna descending. Felisin, noble-born brat of Unta, whore of the mining pit. Open the Holy Book and thus complete the rite. That young woman has seen the face of the Abyss — that terrible journey behind her — and now comes the demand that she face the one before her. The young woman must relinquish her life. Opening the Holy Book — yet who would have thought the goddess so amenable to a deal? She knows my heart, and that grants her the confidence, it seems, of deferring her claim on it. The deal has been struck. Power granted — so many visions — yet Felisin remains, her rock-hard, scarred soul floats free in the vast Abyss.
And Leoman knows. .
'Kneel before Sha'ik Reborn!' The Toblakai's bellow was like thunder in the hot, motionless air. As one, thousands dropped down, heads bowed.
Felisin stepped past the giant. Dryjhna's power trickled into her — ah, dear goddess, precious patroness, do you now hesitate in your gifts? Like this crowd, like Leoman, do you await the proof of my words? Myintent?
Yet the power was sufficient to make her quiet words a clear whisper in the ears of everyone present — including those of the three High Mages who now stood beneath the parade-ground archway — who stood, who did not kneel. 'Rise, my faithful ones.'
She felt the three distant men flinch at that, as they were meant to. Oh yes, I know where you stand, you three. . 'The Holy Desert Raraku lies protected within the Whirlwind circle, ensuring the sanctity of my return. While beyond, the rebellion's claim to dominion — to rightful independence from the Malazan tyrants — continues its spreading tide of blood. My servants lead vast armies. All but one of the Seven Holy Cities have been liberated.' She was silent a moment, feeling the power building within her, yet when she spoke again it was in a low whisper. 'Our time of preparation is at an end. The time has come to march, to set forth from this oasis. The Empress, upon her distant throne, would punish us. A fleet approaches Seven Cities, an army commanded by her chosen Adjunct, a commander whose mind I hold as a map within my own — she possesses no secrets I do not know …'
The three High Mages had not moved. Felisin was gifted with knowing them, a sudden rush of knowledge that could only be Sha'ik Elder's. She could see their faces as if she stood but a pace from each of them, and she knew that they now shared that sense of sudden, precise proximity — and a part of her found admiration in their refusal to tremble. The eldest of the three was ancient, withered Bidithal, the one who had first found her, no more than a child, in answer to his own visions. His filmy eyes were fixed on her own. Bidithal, remember that child? The one you used so brutally that first and only night, to scourge from her all pleasures of the flesh. You broke her within her own body, left scars that felt nothing, that were senseless. The child would not be distracted, no children of her own, no man at her side who could wrest loyalty away from the goddess. Bidithal, I have reserved a place for you in the fiery Abyss, as you well know. But for now, you serve me. Kneel.
She saw with two visions, one close, the other from the distant vantage point of the platform, as the old man sank down, robes folding around him. She turned her attention to the next man. Febryl, the most craven and conniving of my High Mages. Thrice you sought to poison me, and thrice Dryjhna's power burned the poison from my veins — yet not once did I condemn you. Did you believe me ignorant of your efforts? And your most ancient secret — your flight from Dassem Ultor before the final battle, your betrayal of the cause — did you think I knew nothing of this? Nonetheless, I have need of you, for you are the lodestone of dissent, of those who would betray me. On your knees, bastard! She added a surge of power to the command, which drove the man down to the ground as if with an invisible giant hand. He squirmed on the soft sand, whimpering.
Finally, we come to you, L'oric, my only true mystery. Your sorcerous arts are formidable, particularly in weaving an impervious barrier about you. The cast of your mind is unknown to me, even the breadth and depth of your loyalty. And though you seem faith' less, I have found you the most reliable. For you are a pragmatist, L'oric. Like Leoman. Yet I am ever on your scales, my every decision, my every word. So, judge me now, High Mage, and decide.
He dropped to one knee, bowed his head.
Felisin smiled. Half-measured. Very pragmatic, L'oric. I have missed you.
She saw his wry answering smile there in the shadows cast by his hood.
Finished with the three men, Felisin's attention returned to the crowd awaiting her next pronouncement. Silence gripped the air. What is left? 'We must march, my children. Yet that alone is not enough. We must announce what we are about to do, for all to see.'
The goddess was ready.
Felisin — Sha'ik Reborn — raised her arms.
The golden dust twisted above her, corkscrewed into a column. It grew. The spout of raging wind and dust burgeoned, climbed skyward, drawing in the desert's gilded cloak, the breath clearing the vast dome on all sides, revealing a blue expanse that had not been seen for months.
And still the column grew, surging higher, ever higher.
The Whirlwind was naught but preparation for this. This, the raising of Dryjhna's standard, the spear that is the Apocalypse. A standard to tower over an entire continent, seen by all. Now, at last, the war begins. My war.
Her head tilted back, she let her sorcerous vision feast on what was rising to the very edge of heaven's canopy. Dear sister, see what you've made.
The crossbow jolted in Fiddler's hands. A gout of fire bloomed in the heaving mass of rats, blackening and roasting scores of the creatures.
From point, the sapper had become rearguard, as the group retreated from Gryllen's nightmare pursuit. 'The D'ivers has stolen powerful lives,' said Apsalar, and Mappo, struggling to pull Icarium back, had nodded. 'Gryllen has never before shown such … capacity …'
Capacity. Fiddler grunted, chewing at the word. The last time he'd seen this D'ivers, the rats had been present in their hundreds. Now they were in their thousands, perhaps tens of thousands — he could only guess at their numbers.
The Hound Gear had rejoined them and now led their retreat down side tracks and narrow tunnels. They were seeking to circle around Gryllen — they could do naught else.
Until Icarium loses control, and gods, he's close. Far too close.
The sapper reached into his munitions, his fingers touching his last cusser, then brushing past, finding instead another flamer. No time to affix it to a quarrel, and he was running out of those anyway. The swarm's lead creatures, scampering towards him, were no more than half a dozen paces away. Fiddler's heart stuttered in his chest — Have I let them get too close this time? Hood's breath! He flung the grenado.
Roast rat.
Heaving bodies swallowed the liquid fire, rolled and tumbled towards him.
The sapper wheeled and ran.
He nearly plunged into Shan's blood-smeared jaws. Wailing, Fiddler dodged, spun, went sprawling among boots and moccasins. The group had come to a halt. He scrambled upright. 'We got to run!'
'Where?' The question came from Crokus, in a dry, heavy tone.
They were at a bend in the path, and at both ends swarmed a solid wall of rats.
Four Hounds attacked the far mob, only Shan remaining with the group — taking the place of Blind, perilously close to Icarium.
With a shriek of rage the Jhag threw Mappo from his shoulders with a seemingly effortless shrug. The Trell staggered, lost his balance and struck the root floor with a rattling thud.
'Everybody down!' Fiddler screamed, his hand blindly reaching into the munitions bag, closing on that large, smooth object within.
Keening, Icarium drew his sword. Wood snapped and recoiled in answer. The iron sky blushed crimson, began twisting into a vortex directly above them. Sap sprayed from the walls like sleet, spattering everyone.
Shan attacked Icarium but was batted aside, sent flying, the Jhag barely noticing.
Fiddler stared at Icarium a moment longer; then, pulling his cusser free, the sapper wheeled around and threw it at the D'ivers.
But it was not a cusser.
Eyes wide, Fiddler stared as the conch shell struck the root floor and shattered like glass.
He heard a savage crack behind him, but had no time to give it thought, and all further sounds vanished as a whispering voice rose from the ruined shell — a Tano Spiritwalker's gift — a whispering that soon filled the air, a song of bones, finding muscle as it swept outward.
The heaving mass of rats on both sides sought to retreat, but there was nowhere to flee — the sound enveloped all. The creatures began crumpling, the flesh withering, leaving only fur and bones. The song took that flesh, and so grew.
Gryllen's thousand-voiced scream was an anguished explosion of pain and terror. And it, too, was swallowed, devoured.
Fiddler clapped his hands to his ears as the song resonated within, insistent, a voice anything but human, anything but mortal. He twisted away, fell to his knees. His wide eyes stared, barely registering what he saw before him.
His companions were down, curling around themselves. The Hounds cowered, the massive beasts trembling, ears flat. Mappo crouched over the prone, motionless form of Icarium. In the Trell's hands was his bone club, the flat side of the head spattered with fresh blood and snagged strands of long reddish hair. Mappo finally dropped the weapon and slapped his hands over his ears.
Gods, this will kill us all — stop! Stop, dammit!
He realized he was going mad, his vision betraying him, for he now saw a wall, a wall of water, sleet grey and webbed with foam, rushing upon them down the path, building higher, escaping the root-walls and tumbling outward. And he found he could see into the wall now, as if it had turned to liquid glass. Wreckage, foundation stones softened by algae, the rotting remains of sunken ships, encrusted, shapeless hunks of oxidized metal, bones, skulls, casks and bronze-bound chests, splintered masts and fittings — the submerged memory of countless civilizations, an avalanche of tragic events, dissolution and decay.
The wave buried them, drove them all down with its immense weight, its relentless force.
Then was gone, leaving them dry as dust.
Silence filled the air, slowly broken by harsh gasps, bestial whimpers, the muted rustling of clothing and weapons.
Fiddler lifted his head, pushing himself to his hands and knees. Ghostly remnants of that flood seemed to stain him through and through, permeating him with ineffable sorrow.
Protective sorcery?
The Spiritwalker had smiled. Of a sort.
And I'd planned on selling the damned thing in G'danisban. My last cusser was a damned conch shell — I never checked, not once. Hood's breath!
He was slow to sense a new tension rising in the air. The sapper looked up. Mappo had retrieved his club and now stood over Icarium's unconscious form. Around him ranged the Hounds. Raised hackles on all sides.
Fiddler scrabbled for his crossbow. 'Iskaral Pust! Call off those Hounds, damn you!'
'The bargain! The Azath will take him!' the High Priest gasped, still staggering about in the stunned aftermath of the Tano's sorcery. 'Now's the time!'
'No,' growled the Trell.
Fiddler hesitated. The deal, Mappo. Icarium made his wishes plain. . 'Call them off, Pust,' he said, moving towards the nervous stand-off. He plunged one hand into his munition bag and swung the leather sack around until he clutched it against his stomach. 'Got one last cusser, and those Hounds could be made of solid marble, it won't save 'em when I fall down on what I'm holding here.'
'Damned sappers! Who invented them? Madness!'
Fiddler grinned. 'Who invented them? Why, Kellanved, who else — who Ascended to become your god, Pust. I'd have thought you'd appreciate the irony, High Priest.'
'The bargain-'
'Will wait a while longer. Mappo, how hard did you hit him? How long will he be out?'
'As long as I wish, friend.'
Friend, and in that word: 'thank you.'
'All right then. Call the mutts off, Pust. Let's get to the House.'
The High Priest ceased his circling stagger; he paused, slowly weaving back and forth. Glancing over at Apsalar, he offered her a wide grin.
'As the soldier says,' she said.
The grin vanished. 'The youth of today knows no loyalty. A shame, not at all how things used to be. Wouldn't you agree, Servant?'
Apsalar's father grimaced. 'You heard her.'
'Far too permissive, letting her get her way so. You've spoiled her, man! Betrayed by my own generation, alas! What next?'
'What's next is, we get going,' Fiddler said.
'And it won't be much farther,' Crokus said. He pointed down the path. 'There. I see the House. I see Tremorlor.'
The sapper watched Mappo sling his weapon over a shoulder, then gently lift Icarium. The Jhag hung limply within those massive arms. The scene was touched with such gentle caring that Fiddler had to look away.