“Some cats is blind. And stone-deaf some. But ain’t no cat wuz ever dumb.”

––Anthony Ewer

CHAPTER FIVE: Something Wrong

The day began as it usually did; our routine the same as the day before, except that when Alyx was ready to leave, all three of us followed her to the truck.

“Okay, I get it. You all want to go today, right?”

The cottage-style bungalow where we live is located in the historic district of Beachside, about two blocks from the store. The neighborhood, still in the process of redevelopment, is a mix of architectural styles as the people living there are a mix of ages, young couples with children, middle-aged and retired folks who have lived there many years, and a handful of Florida natives.

Pooky took the ride better than I expected––she was only slightly hyperventilating when we arrived at the store a few minutes later. Bernice, a thirty-something, flamboyant dresser, and middle-aged Nelda, her opposite and equally competent employee, were already there. Bernice helped with the carriers; no small feat since I alone weigh sixteen pounds more or less, and I think it’s probably more rather than less.

Nelda made the mistake of reaching for Pooky and got her hand smacked as a gentle warning not to touch.

“Don’t mind her, Nelda, she’s like that with everybody; she’s not as sociable as the other two cats,” said Alyx. “You’d think she’d want to stay home––she was the first one out.”

“Thanks for the warning. I’ll make sure the customers leave her alone too.”

It had been a while since Pooky was in the store last, and she took off sniffing and touching, investigating her surroundings.

“You know that you and Bernice will be here by yourselves for most of the day, right? I promised Althea I’d help her redecorate her living room, and I expect to be there all morning and maybe through lunch.”

“That won’t be a problem. Bernice and I can handle the customers, and we’ll watch the cats.”

“I’m taking Murfy with me, so he can play with her cat Simon while I work. Althea thinks her cat needs a playmate.”

Nelda laughed. “The notion that a cat needs anybody, even another cat, is hilarious.”

More than a half-hour later, Alyx was still trying to reach Althea on the phone to confirm our visit.

Bernice caught up with her when her customer walked away and asked if she was still going to Althea’s place.

“I’ve been calling for the past thirty minutes and she’s not answering her phone. I’m a little worried about her.”

“Maybe she ran out to get something,” offered Bernice by way of explanation.

“She’s expecting me; I don’t think she’d leave without calling. I hope you’re right.”

Alyx kept trying to reach Althea without success, giving Misty and Pooky the opportunity to corner me and let me know that they didn’t appreciate the fact that I’d dragged them to the store claiming it was important, and then I take off on a play date.

They were right to be angry. I should have explained. I apologized for my error, and I knew from their silence that my apology wasn’t accepted. No matter, we still had a job to do, and I told them what to look for and what to do if the thief came back.
